The IGAPE call for aid for the implementation of environmental, social and governance criteria in Galician SMEs is open

The call, for non-competitive competition, is open until September 16, 2024. It promotes aid of up to €200,000 depending on the type of project and company. […]

The Camino de Santiago renews its status as the First European Cultural Itinerary

The Camino continues to be a showcase of Galicia open to the world, uniting history, culture and sustainability. The European Federation of the Camino de Santiago, […]

Sustainable tourism growth on Cortegada Island: 66% more since 2021

It is estimated that the archipelago receives an average of 2,000 visitors in the high season. Sustainable tourism has found a prosperous refuge on Cortegada Island. […]

The tourist brand ‘Galicia Sustainable Destination’ launches a new website

The new site is more intuitive and incorporates filters to more quickly choose the sustainable experiences offered by members of the GDS Product Club. ‘Galicia Sustainable […]

Galician hotels increase their profitability by 7% in the first five months of the year

In May, 552,000 travelers stayed in these establishments, an increase of 16% compared to the previous year. Hotel establishments in Galicia, both hotels and guesthouses, have […]

Cultural, urban and gastronomic tourism merge in the ‘Tapas for Galicia’ contest

Seven chefs from seven Galician cities will compete for the title of Best Tapas Chef 2024. On July 9, Santiago de Compostela will be the scene […]

Tourism companies can now join the new tourist voucher campaign #DiscoverGaliciaenOutono

Companies in the Galician tourism sector registered in the REAT at the time of publication of the call may participate. The registration period for establishments ends […]

The forecasts of the Galician tourism sector point to an occupancy of 80% for this summer

In some areas and on specific dates the figures could approach 90%. Professionals in the sector highlight the increase in international travelers in most of the […]

These are the 7 Magic Towns of Galicia, perfect to visit this you will see

The network of “Magical Towns of Spain” brings together municipalities that stand out for their special charm, ancient traditions, quality local products and vibrant popular festivals. […]

The CSHG makes four scholarships available to Cluster members to train in the Higher Chef Course in Cooking and Pastry

The grants cover 100% of accommodation in the CSHG residence during training. The requirements to be able to enroll are to have 6 months’ experience in […]

Spain experiences an increase of 13.6% in international tourism during the first five months of the year

38,7 million passengers arrived in the country, according to data from Turespaña. Spain has experienced a notable increase in international tourism during the first five months […]

Turismo de Galicia and FEGATUR collaborate in the promotion of rural tourism and the digital marketing of rural accommodation in Galicia

The entities signed a collaboration agreement to promote this type of tourism. The director of Tourism of Galicia, Xosé Merelles, and the president of the Galician […]

Visit Rio Minho Plus, the new cross-border tourism collaboration project, starts

Galicia and Northern Portugal collaborate in a new European tourism project, which has a budget of 1.6 million euros. Last week, the European project Visit Rio […]

International hotel reservations increase for summer 2024

International tourism drives reservations in Spanish hotels, with an increase of 8%, according to SiteMinder. International tourism drives reservations in Spanish hotels, with a notable increase […]

Segittur calls for aid for the implementation of technological platforms in Smart Tourist Destinations

The objective is to develop an Intelligent Destination Platform (PID) that facilitates interoperability between public and private services intended for tourists. On June 12, 2024, Segittur […]

The call is open to request energy efficiency aid for Galician tourism companies

Accommodation and restaurant establishments can submit their applications until November 14, 2024. Last Saturday, June 15, the Official Gazette of Galicia published the call for applications […]

The ‘Galicia Sustainable Destination’ Product Club has more than 100 member companies

Bodegas Corisca, Turismo Rural O Vilar, Hotel Alfonso I, Lugar das Marías, Alojamiento Albatros, Hotel Vila do Val, Hotel Camino do Eume, Finca Goleta, Casa Lourán, […]

The Sálvora Island Lighthouse will become a tourist-scientific observation center

The member of the executive council of the Cluster, Mar Rodríguez, visited the restoration works last Friday. The works on the Sálvora Island Lighthouse Revaluation Plan […]

Turespaña organizes three training days to reinforce the tourism offer in the Indian, Belgian and Chinese markets

The conferences will take place on June 19 (India), June 26 (Belgium) and July 9 (China). In the coming weeks, Turespaña is organizing three training days […]

The call for aid is open to achieve and/or renew the Q for Quality and the S for Tourism Sustainability

Granted on a competitive basis, the item is endowed with €210,000, of which €160,000 correspond to private entities. The call is open until July 8 at […]

The Xunta de Galicia reinforces the presence of the Galicia destination in the high-impact and excellence market

Turismo de Galicia participated last week in the conference organized in Milan. Turismo de Galicia reaffirms its commitment to quality and seasonally adjusted tourism, seeking to […]

Galicia consolidates itself as a cultural destination linked to the celebration of musical festivals

Festivals are formed as a strategic axis in their areas of influence, from the social, economic and tourist point of view. Galicia has established itself in […]

A new edition of the call 10+10 Business Examples #PorElClima is open

The initiative recognizes the ambition of 10 large companies and SMEs that strive to develop innovative actions that lead them to be an example in the […]

Galicia’s Green Week attracts around 81,000 visitors in its biggest edition in 17 years

The event took place over four days, combining business and leisure both in the exhibition area and in the program of activities. The international fair Abanca […]

The Spring of Open Doors 2024 on the Galician Wine Routes advances towards its last weekend with the help of the DO Monterrei

The initiative has covered the rest of the wine routes during this month of Mallo The participants have been able to enjoy different activities framed in […]

The Cluster brings Galicia closer to the European market at the Reverse Conferences in Toledo

The event hosted more than 70 tour operators from all over Europe The Spain Tourism Summit 2024, held between May 20 and 23 in Toledo and […]

The Cluster represents the luxury and MICE sector of Galicia in the latest edition of the Jardins, Jardin show, held from June 29 to 2 in Paris

The event, a reference in gardening, design and green spaces, celebrates its 20th anniversary in the Villa Windsor park Galicia will participate in the “Jardín España” […]

The Galician hotel sector registers its best profitability, growing by 2% in the first four months of 2024

The National Institute of Statistics of Spain has recently published data, that reveal a positive evolution in Galician tourism Total estimated revenue is more than 74 […]

The Galician Tourist Vouchers are back, promoted by the Xunta

16,000 new bonds will be put into circulation with an amount of €150 each The period to redeem them will be from September 10 to December […]

The Cluster takes the Galician MICE offer to the IMEX Frankfurt

The event took place from 14 to 16 May in Frankfurt, Germany. This edition was focused on the impact of tourism activity. The Galician Tourism Cluster […]

The Tourism Cluster of Galicia is holding workshops in Seville and Lisbon today and tomorrow

23 Galician companies, the initiative of the Cluster and Xunta ‘Galicia Sustainable Destination’ and Tourism of Galicia are taking part. The aim is to promote Galicia […]

The ‘Galicia Sustainable Destine’ product club had a turnover of more than one million dollars in 2023, thanks to a campaign focused on the US market

The initiative, the result of collaboration between the Tourism Cluster, the Xunta and Expedia, was one of the measures in the Club’s Action Plan to enhance […]

Spain, first international destination for the Portuguese

Last year, 2.8 million Portuguese visited our country. Galicia, the favorite destination with 26% of the total. Spain continues to be the main tourist destination for […]

The Cluster will participate in the Gastrotur del Ulla with its own stand

The event is held from May 17 to 19 in A Estrada. A Estrada hosts the GastroTur del Ulla fair from May 17 to 19, an […]

The Camellia Route of Galicia incorporates six new spaces

The incorporation of these spaces strengthens the tourism product, deepening the diversification of the offer outside of the high season. The Camellia Route, a tourism project […]

Galician beaches accumulate 114 blue flags

Galicia is the third most awarded community, behind Valencia (138) and Andalusia (130). The Environmental and Consumer Education Association also stands out with 11 ports and […]

The Cluster organizes the event “Walking towards sustainability: Meeting of the Galicia Sustainable Destination product club”

The event will take place on Wednesday, May 15, at the Mega Estrella Galicia Museum. The event will feature a presentation on the mapping of a […]

The Provincial Council of Pontevedra begins the participatory process of the Rías Baixas Tourism Strategy

The president of the Galician Tourism Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal; and the treasurer of the CTG and president of the Consortium of Tourism Entrepreneurs of Sanxenxo, Alfonso […]

The Michelin Guide awards five Michelin Keys to three Galician hotels

Pepe Vieira Relais & Châteaux, Casa Beatnik Hotel and A Quinta da Auga Hotel & Spa are the three recognized Galician establishments. At the end of […]

The central government allocates €35 million to recover the assets of the Paradores of Galicia

Investment in Galician inns will enable them to improve their offer, adapting it to the demands of current tourism. The Secretary of State for Tourism, Rosana […]

The Cluster and the Xunta address the development of the 2030 Tourism Strategy with the help of more than 100 professionals and experts

They will analyze possible solutions to the challenges identified by the sector in the diagnosis process carried out at the end of last year. Through eight […]

More than 100 establishments join the Open Door Spring celebration on the Wine Routes

The initiative, organized by the Xunta-Agencia Turismo de Galicia, and developed in collaboration with the five entities promoting the wine routes, will begin this May 3 […]

Hotel profitability grows 15% in the month of March

Holy Week contributed to the consolidation of the Galician hotel sector. The recent Easter season has consolidated the upward trend in hotel profitability, with a 15% […]

Galicia’s coordination of the tourism brand of the northern peninsula, ‘Green Spain’, begins

Strengthen the internationalization of member destinations and create synergies with ecotourism, the main commitments. The director of the Galician Tourism Agency, Xosé Merelles, participated last week […]

The Tourism Cluster presents the ‘Galicia Sustainable Destination’ initiative to the companies that make up the Rías Baixas Wine Route

The Product Club facilitates the attraction of tourists, increases the visibility of associates and improves their positioning, making them more competitive. The platform, promoted by the […]

Galicia, the least crowded tourist destination in Spain

A recent YouGov survey highlights Galicia as the least crowded destination in the entire national territory, with 21% of the votes. According to a recent survey […]

AGETAN organizes the II Observation Tourism Congress of Galicia.

The meeting will take place from May 10 to 12 on the island of San Simón. Registrations are open until Sunday, May 5. The II Observation […]

The Festa da Filloa de Lestedo, declared of National Tourist Interest

With this new addition, Galicia adds 10 festivities with this recognition. The Festa da Filloa de Lestedo has just been declared a Festival of National Tourist […]

The Xunta de Galicia launches a new call for aid for the creation of new tourist accommodation and restaurant establishments as tractor projects

The objective is to improve and expand services to visitors while promoting tourism employment, seeking a positive impact on the local economy. Last Tuesday, April 16, […]

The Cluster extends its collaboration with Expedia and Turespaña to promote the Galicia Sustainable Destination brand in the US market

Following the results of the campaign carried out last 2023, the Cluster is once again committed to international marketing actions to reach the markets of interest. […]

Five Galician companies participate in the conferences to support tourism in California, organized by Turespaña

The sessions, focused on the United States and Canadian markets, take place from April 15 to 18 in Monterrey, California. Galicia is present at the Spain […]

Open days to learn about the training offer of the Higher Hospitality Center of Galicia

In total, 10 open days will be held to make the center’s offering known to future students. The Higher Hospitality Center of Galicia (CSHG) will hold […]

Open the deadline to participate in the workshops scheduled by the Cluster in Seville and Lisbon

A maximum of 26 companies will be able to take part in the activities that will take place on May 22 and 23. Both days will […]

The Tourism Cluster of Galicia and Northern Portugal collaborate to promote the Euroregion as a MICE destination among Canadian operators

A dozen Galician companies participated this Monday in a workshop to present the multiple possibilities that the Community offers for congress and incentive tourism. This meeting […]

Ribeira Sacra, candidata a Patrimonio Mundial de la Unesco

El consejo celebrado en la isla de La Palma el pasado viernes aprobó por unanimidad a candidatura gallega. El Consejo de Patrimonio Histórico seleccionó el Paisaje […]

Arranca una nueva edición de la Primavera de Puertas Abiertas en las Rutas de los Vinos de Galicia

Esta iniciativa conforma un programa completo de actividades de enoturismo, desarrollado de forma continua y simultánea, en los cinco grandes territorios vitivinícolas gallegos. A través de […]

La Xunta impulsa la calidad y sostenibilidad en el turismo gallego con una inversión de más de 570.000 €

El Consello de la Xunta informó de las diversas actuaciones que se llevarán a cabo para reforzar la calidad y sostenibilidad del destino Galicia. El Consello […]

Spaniards allocate 3% of their annual income to traveling, according to Braintrust

The data from the study carried out by the consulting firm reflects a significant change in the spending priorities of Spanish citizens. The consultancy and company […]

The Galician tourism sector closes Holy Week with an occupancy of between 60% and 85%

Bad weather conditions reduced the number of last-minute reservations. The majority profile of the tourist who came to Galicia was of national origin and proximity. Galicia […]

Galicia, seventh community that Spaniards choose to travel

Last year there was an increase of more than 5% in overnight stays and trips to the community by tourists residing in Spain, resulting in spending […]

Foreign tourists will spend up to 32,000 million during the first four months of 2024, according to Turespaña

This forecast represents an increase of 25% compared to the same period of the previous year. Spain is about to enter a new quarter marked by […]

The ‘Galicia Sustainable Destination’ Product Club adds 2 new companies

Galiwonders and Gran Hotel Los Abetos are the new companies that are already part of the ‘Galicia Sustainable Destination’ club. This initiative currently has more than […]

The Galicia Gastronomic Forum lights its stove next weekend

The meeting, in which more than 200 exhibitors will participate, will bring together 25 Michelin Stars in A Coruña. The next edition of the Galicia Fórum […]

The 9 Holy Week festivities in Galicia of Tourist Interest

Seven of these festivities were recognized as being of Tourist Interest and two more achieved the distinction of Festival of International Tourist Interest. In Galicia, Holy […]

The central government allocates €2.5 million for training in digital skills for nearly 900 tourism professionals in Galicia

The program will enable the development of a training plan in digital skills aimed at Galician tourism SMEs and the professionals who work in them. In […]

14 training scholarships announced at tourist information offices

Tourism of Galicia allocates 90,000 euros to carry out the internships. Scholarships of up to 6 months in the offices located in A Coruña, Lugo, Ourense, […]

The Galician tourism sector expects an occupancy of between 70% and 80% for this Holy Week

Between Thursday, March 28 and Sunday, March 31, these percentages rise to 90% and 100% in some areas. Rural tourism and the Camino de Santiago concentrate […]

National Geographic selects three Galician sandy beaches among “the best beaches in Spain to dream of summer”

Castro de Baroña, Playa de las Catedrales and Playa de Rodas were selected by this prestigious international media. Of the 7,905 kilometers of coastline bathed by […]

Record number of visits to the Atlantic Islands National Park

More than half a million visits were received in 2023. This data represents an increase of 5% compared to 2022. The Xunta has made official the […]

The Cluster promotes the Galician tourism sector in the marketing sessions in the Asian market, organized by Turespaña

The marketing days for the Spanish tourism sector were held from March 11 to 14 in Seoul and Tokyo. The Cluster held a total of 30 […]

The Slow Tourism North of Galicia establishments may be directly part of the ‘Galicia Sustainable Destination’ Product Club

The president of the Galicia Tourism Cluster participated in the presentation of the agreement between the Associations of Municipal Councils of La Mariña and Ferrolterra for […]

More than 3,000 young people will enjoy the Camino de Santiago through the Xacobeo Xove program

The Xunta Council reported on the progress of this initiative, launched in 2023, which is about to exhaust all discount vouchers. Participants spent an average of […]

These are the 40 Galician restaurants recognized with the Repsol Suns

The Galician community added six new establishments with this distinction after the celebration of a new edition of this award. Last Monday, March 4, the new […]

The Galician tourism sector is promoted at the ITB Berlin

The companies MEGA, Tee Travel, OCA Hotels, Galiwonders, Always Spain, Interrias, Hotel Restaurante As Eiras Lires and Gestores Turísticos de Finisterrae were part of the Cluster’s […]

Turismo de Galicia launches an online training program on the future of AI in the tourism sector

The training, free of charge, will take place from March 13 to April 29. Aimed at managers, entrepreneurs and owners of tourism companies. Registration can be […]

Baiona hosts the III edition of Blue Atlantic Forum (BAF)

The meeting place around the blue economy in the Atlantic Ocean is held at the Parador de Baiona from March 13 to 15. On March 13, […]

More than 1 M€ for improvements in energy efficiency in the public network of shelters on the Camino de Santiago

The Xunta promotes these actions that include installation work on photovoltaic panels in 34 hostels. Improvements to exterior insulation, repair and replacement of elements related to […]

Profitable participation of the Galician tourism sector in the BTL fair in Lisbon

The tourist fair in the Portuguese capital was held from February 28 to March 3, with the first three days reserved exclusively for professionals. BTL Lisboa […]

The Cluster promotes the ‘Galicia Sustainable Destination’ Product Club at BioCultura A Coruña 2024

The fair was held from March 1 to 3 at the EXPOCoruña venue. The ‘Galicia Sustainable Destination’ brand had its own stand through which the region’s […]

Costa da Morte chosen as the venue for the VII Starlight Meeting 2024

It will be held from October 1 to 5. Galicia has been selected to host the event thanks to the proposal led by the Costa da […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster participates in the General Assembly of the Spanish Tourism Board

The Board foresees a historic first quarter, with high occupancy during Holy Week, coinciding with March. The Cluster is part of this entity, which brings together […]

Ecotourism will star in the V edition of BioCultura

The fair will be held from March 1 to 3 at the EXPOCoruña venue. The Galicia Sustainable Destino brand will have its own stand, promoting the […]

’27 charming places of 2027′, the tourism product that diversifies and promotes the Camino de Santiago on the horizon of Xacobeo 2027

Through this guide, launched by the Xunta de Galicia, small unknown treasures are shown on the different itineraries: from churches, castles, bridges, medieval paths, dolmens, islands […]

The Camellia Route train begins the Galician Tourist Train season in March

The tourist train will allow you to visit three Galician gardens that have the International Excellence certification. It will have departures on March 9 and 23, […]

Advice, personalization and guarantees, the most valued aspects of travel agencies according to ObservaTUR

The marketing of insurance and the contracting of activities in destinations, the complementary services most requested by clients. The Observatory of Outbound Tourism of Spain, an […]

The Tourism Cluster makes 50 invitations for the Lisbon BTL available to the Galician tourism sector

The tourism fair in the Portuguese capital will be held from February 28 to March 3, with the first three days reserved exclusively for professionals. Starting […]

The 36th OPC Spain Congress will bring together more than 250 professionals in A Coruña

The event will take place from February 22 to 24 in Palexco. The president of the Cluster will participate as moderator in a discussion table on […]

This was the information day for the tourism sector on aid to promote the Galician gastronomic offer

The event was held last Thursday, February 15, with the aim of resolving the doubts of professionals potentially benefiting from this call. The subsidies, amounting to […]

The Secretary of State for Tourism presents the Manual of Smart Tourist Destinations

The document was published by Springer publishing house under the title “The Spanish Model for Smart Tourism Destination Management: The Methodological Approach”. The publication shows how […]

Pídeche Galicia: the new tourism promotion campaign of the Xunta de Galicia

This year the campaign reinforces the potential of the Community as a sustainable place in which to disconnect. The campaign will have an international presence in […]

The Ministry of Tourism calls for aid for ‘Last Mile’ digitalization projects in companies in the tourism sector

The submission period is open until March 13, 2024. The Ministry of Tourism allocates €104 million to this call.   Companies in the tourism sector can […]

Turislab selects the first 12 projects of its third edition

Proposals that promote tourism as a rural driver, initiatives that propose artificial intelligence solutions to tourism companies, or companies that promote sustainable and responsible tourism, among […]

Employed workers in the Galician tourism sector increase by 16.1% in the fourth quarter of 2023

According to Turespaña data, employed workers in the Galician sector reached 128,371.   Employed workers in the tourism sector in Galicia increased during the fourth quarter […]

The Cluster maintains its commitment to the internationalization of the destination by meeting with the management staff of the OETs of the priority markets

During the celebration of the international tourism fair, Fitur 2024, the Cluster met with the people responsible for various Spanish Tourism Offices.   The presentations are […]

A Coruña hosts the 36th National Congress of OPC Spain from February 22 to 24

The sustainability of the events, the adaptation of the MICE sector and the need to integrate new technologies will focus this edition. Registration is open until […]

Galicia prepares to experience its first BIC Entroido

Last month the file that began the 24-month procedure to grant this distinction was published in the DOG.   The Official Gazette of Galicia (DOG) published […]

The INE confirms the 2023 record for Spanish tourism: 85.1 million tourists and 108,662 million in spending

Galicia added more than 7 million visitors during 2023. The average expenditure per tourist increased by 5%, up to €1,278. The largest increase in visitors comes […]

Exceltur predicts a record 2024 for tourism

According to the Tourism Perspectives Report presented by Exceltur at the beginning of the year, tourism will approach 13.4% of GDP in 2024.   Exceltur presented […]

UNE and Segittur present a new standard for Smart Tourism Companies

In total, there are already 11 UNE Standards to promote the digitalization of destinations.   During the celebration of the international tourism fair, Fitur 2024, the […]

Galicia assumes the coordination of the tourism brand ‘Green Spain’

The Galician Community took over from the Basque Country during the celebration of the international tourism fair, Fitur 2024. Galicia will lead the organization and coordination […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster closes Fitur 24 with 400 meetings in its business space, in which 1,500 professionals from the sector participated

Travel agencies, hotels and institutions have concentrated the largest number of meetings Mexico, Portugal and the United States are the countries that have been most interested […]

The Galician tourism sector aims to focus on sustainability, increased profitability and less seasonal tourism as its objectives for 2030.

The president of the Tourism Cluster presented this morning at FITUR the results of the diagnosis to the sector, which will serve to design the Galicia […]

New commercial mission of the Tourism Cluster to the ITB Berlin

The next edition of the German capital’s tourism fair will be held from March 5 to 7. The deadline to join the committee organized by the […]

The Xunta calls for a new call for aid to promote food and wine tourism

The application period remains open until June 19, 2024 through the Xunta’s electronic headquarters.   The Official Gazette of Galicia published last Friday, January 19, the […]

The Xunta announces the annual line of aid for the improvement of infrastructure of tourist establishments

Aimed at accommodation and restaurant establishments. The deadline for submitting aid, with a budget of €3.5 M, is available until February 19 through the Xunta’s electronic […]

Xunta and Clúster will promote the Galicia destination at Fitur 2024 with the presentation “Galicia is water, Galicia is the future”

The inaugural presentation will take place next Wednesday, January 24, starting at 11:45 a.m. in Pavilion 9. There will be three days of intense activity at […]

The 15 Festivals of International Tourist Interest in Galicia

These celebrations receive the distinction of the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, a recognition that is granted for their antiquity, roots, citizen participation, originality and diversity. […]

The Cluster maintains its consulting service active to obtain or maintain the Q for Quality and the S for Tourism Sustainability

Interested tourism organizations can receive more information by emailing or calling 881 24 74 36.   Within the framework of the collaboration agreements formalized by […]

Galicia will consolidate itself as a quality destination at FITUR

The space of the Galician Tourism Agency will revolve around the quality of the Galician destination and the resources linked to water in all its aspects. […]

Six new companies join the ‘Galicia Sustainable Destination’ Product Club

Babadiva, AN sustainable Project, Hotel Casa Savi, Restaurante El Oviedo, Hotel Rías Altas and Camping Islas Cíes are the six new companies that are already part […]

The Galicia Tourism Cluster appeals for responsability in the demostrations about the consequences of pellets on sea products and in the sands

Shows its concern about the impact that statements without scientific basis may have on the reputation of Galician gastronomy or tourism. From the sector they remember […]

Turespaña calls for tourism support days in Japan, Korea and Taiwan

This call is aimed at Spanish tourism companies and promotion entities that offer tourism services and tourism products in Spain.   The sessions will take place […]

Valdeorras, sustainable tourist destination

The objective of the collaboration agreement between the Xunta de Galicia and the GDR Valdeorras association is to attract sustainable tourism to the nine municipalities of […]

€1.8M to revalue the tourist potential of the marinas of Galicia

This is a collaboration agreement between Turismo de Galicia and the Association of Nautical Clubs of Galicia (ASNAUGA). Action that is part of the Territorial Plan […]

The Xunta de Galicia will manage almost €8.5M of Next Generation funds to promote digital skills and energy efficiency in the tourism sector

The execution period will be until 2026.   Xosé Meirelles, the director of Tourism of Galicia, has participated in the Tourism Sector Conference, where the distribution […]

‘Stellae 5.0’, one more step towards the heritage digitalization of the Camino

Galicia, Cantabria, Asturias and Castilla y León establish a common framework to promote the project and encourage digital transformation and promote economic reactivation by taking advantage […]

Turespaña launches the conservation project of the Hostal Reis Católicos for a value of 10.5 million

Various works will be carried out with the aim of addressing and improving the humidity problems present on the facades of San Francisco and Obradoiro streets. […]

Galician tourism strengthens its deseasonalization in November with a 6% increase in travelers staying in hotel establishments

The data collected by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) once again confirms the positive evolution of this year, especially outside of the high season. This […]

Galicia will have a new call for aid to promote food and wine tourism

The Xunta de Galicia will announce a new call for aid with 5.5 million euros to promote food and wine tourism.   This initiative, approved during […]

The Cluster will manage the business space of the Galicia space at FITUR 2024

Once again, the CTG will make several tables available to members where they can hold meetings with tour operators during the International Tourism Fair.   With […]

Galicia will lead the Green Spain project in 2024

Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria and Euskadi are the four communities that make up the territory of Green Spain. Among the projects that this tourism brand will address […]

Pontevedra, the most sought-after city in Spain to travel to in 2024, according to Booking

The Pontevedra city will become the most sought after Spanish destination by travelers from all over the world next year. Lugo, sixth most sought-after destination to […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster collaborates with the Xunta de Galicia in the implementation of the +65 card

This card, for citizens over 65 years of age, offers discounts and advantages in multiple entities and establishments in Galicia. Entities interested in collaborating in the […]

The tourism sector is satisfied with the Q certification for Tourism Quality

The Galician Tourism Cluster, within the framework of the collaboration agreements formalized by the Galician Tourism Agency-Xunta de Galicia, carried out an evaluation process on the […]

The third edition of Turislab, the business accelerator for the tourism sector led by the Xunta de Galicia, begins

The registration process is open until December 26 through   Turislab, the business accelerator for the tourism sector led by the Xunta de Galicia, starts […]

60% of travel agencies improve their turnover compared to 2019

7% of the agencies improved this figure compared to 2022.   2023 is a positive year for travel agencies. According to the annual balance presented by […]

The Xunta and the Cluster close the consultation process to develop the Galicia Tourism Strategy 2024-2030 with 1,000 participants

A total of 400 private and public agents in the sector participated in the 20 working groups held since October and another 600 did so through […]

The global incentive travel market will grow by 400% in the next decade

The report “Incentive trips: keys, dimension and reality of a basic context in the tourism economy”, by the Association of Incentive Travel Agencies (IDEMICE) with the […]

Terra de Trives: Spanish Mountain Capital 2024

esMontañas decided to grant this shared recognition to A Pobra de Trives, Manzaneda, San Xoán de Río and Chandrexa de Queixa.   The Terras de Trives […]

30th anniversary of the French Way as a World Heritage Site

The commemorative activities for this anniversary will be held between December 10 and 17 in Santiago de Compostela.   The Xunta de Galicia has scheduled a […]

The Tourism Cluster participates in the ‘Direct Conferences to support the marketing of Spanish tourism in Mexico and Central America’

The Spanish Tourism Institute (Turespaña) organizes professional meetings in the Riviera Maya with agencies and tour operators from seven countries: Mexico, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, […]

The largest ecotourism corridor in Europe in the north of the peninsula will pass through Galicia

Galicia is part of this initiative financed with Next Generation funds and carried out with Asturias, Cantabria and the Basque Country.   The Director of Tourism […]

Los Ancares Lucenses receive the Starlight destination certification

The Starlight destination certification aims to protect the environmental health of night landscapes and use them as a tourist attraction.   The Os Ancares Lucenses, and […]

Galicia receives a new Michelin star, now totaling 19

The Brais Pichel restaurant, Terra, receives a Michelin star for the first time. In total, there are 17 distinguished restaurants in the community, accumulating 19 stars. […]

The Galician Tourism Agency, candidate for best public administration in the implementation of tourism quality in its territory

The Secretary of State for Tourism and the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces selected six supra-municipal institutions for this award.   The Xunta de Galicia, […]

Cesáreo Pardal “Artificial Intelligence opens a wide range of possibilities to increase the competitiveness and sustainability of the tourism sector”

The president of the Galician Tourism Cluster spoke at the opening of the “rIAs Baixas: The path of algorithms” conference, organized in collaboration with the Provincial […]

The Xacobeo Xove bonus, extended until 2024

The Xunta de Galicia announced the expansion of this tourist voucher, from which young people between 12 and 30 years old who have a Xove Card […]

Tourism Cluster and Tourism of Galicia face the final phase of the participatory process of diagnosis of the sector

The participatory process with which the diagnosis of the Galician tourism sector is being prepared enters its final phase this week   Tourism Cluster and the […]

Galicia registers an increase in hosted travelers of 7% in October, reinforcing its tourist attraction outside of the high season

It was the best month of October since data was recorded, in which hotel profitability also grew by 10%.   Galicia continues to advance in tourism […]

The Tourism Cluster and the Provincial Council of Pontevedra celebrate this week the “rIAs baixas: The path of algorithms” conference

Registration, free until capacity is reached, remains open through the link: The debate forum will take place this Thursday, November 23, starting at 9:30 a.m. […]

The Xunta de Galicia extends the Xacobeo Xove program to 2023¡4 and incorporates school-age youth from all over Spain

Young people between 12 and 30 years old from all over the country who have a Xove Card will be able to benefit. Those who are […]

The Xunta de Galicia announces a new subsidy for tourism projects around the Camino de Santiago

The deadline for submitting applications will be four months, with the last day of the deadline being March 18, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.   With the […]

The IBTM World, one of the most important fairs specialized in MICE tourism, is held from November 28 to 30 in Barcelona

The Galician tourism sector will be represented through the Turespaña space, which will host the Galician Tourism and Galicia MICE proposals.   Barcelona will become the […]

The Tourism Cluster of Galicia and the Deputation of Pontevedra organize the conference “rIAs baixas: The path of algorithms”

The debate forum will take place on Thursday, November 23, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Plenary Hall of the Pazo Provincial of the […]

Profitable commercial mission of the Cluster to the WTM in London

The Galician companies traveling to England held more tan a hundred meetings in order to promote their products and the Galicia destination. The international fair had […]

The Xunta de Galicia announces a new line of aid of €4 million to create tourist establishments on the Camino de Santiago

In addition to this, it also announced a new call for the SME Energy Bonus for the year 2024.   During the Xunta Council last Thursday, […]

The Cluster encourages the participation of Galician companies in the Intur International Tourism Fair

A dozen companies associated with the CTG will participate in the Intur Negocios recruitment pool on November 16. The fair is held in Valladolid from November […]

The Galician tourism sector, present at the WTM in London

The international tourism fair is held in the English capital from November 6 to 8. A dozen companies are part of the Cluster’s commercial mission.   […]

Galicia Destino Sostenible offers training in sustainability communication to companies that are part of the Club

The objective is to support associates in the communication of companies to value their efforts to be increasingly sustainable, reaching aware people who seek responsible tourism. […]

Galicia registers more than 5.6 million travelers staying and 11 million nights

The number of registered travelers so far this year until the month of September represents an increase of 6%. In the case of hotel and non-hotel […]

The Ministry of the Interior extends the adaptation period to the SES.HOSPEDAJES platform

The platform provides natural or legal persons who carry out hosting activities with the documentary record and the information they must provide. The deadline was extended […]

Cluster and Tourism of Galicia organize 20 working groups to learn about the current situation of the tourism sector

The work tables will allow information to be collected to prepare a diagnosis of the sector. Those interested in participating in any of the tables can […]

Fairway is here, the great forum of professionals of the Camino de Santiago

The fifth edition of Fairway will be held from November 1 to 3 at the Galicia Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions, in Santiago de Compostela. The […]

The #DiscoverGaliciaenOutono tourist voucher sells out in 10 minutes

The program puts 10,000 discount vouchers into circulation, worth €100 each. Accommodation establishments and travel agencies can join the initiative until December 1, 2023.   Last […]

The marketing of the Imserso Social Tourism program 2023-2024 began

On October 26, the marketing of the Imserso 2023-2024 Social Tourism program began in Galicia, among other communities.   On October 26, the marketing of the […]

Fairway, the Camino de Santiago forum, will be held from November 1 to 3

The Santiago Congress and Exhibition Palace will host an event in which more than 220 brands will participate.   The fifth edition of Fairway will be […]

Cambados, first Spanish City of Wine

The Spanish Association of Wine Cities (ACEVIN) selected the Pontevedra town as the winner of the first edition of this initiative.   Cambados will be the […]

Tourism of Galicia and the Tourism Cluster will carry out a participatory diagnosis to understand the situation of the sector in Galicia

The process is expected to begin this week with consultation with sector agents through working groups distributed throughout the Galician geography.   Turismo de Galicia and […]

Accommodation establishments and travel agencies can now join the #DiscoverGaliciaenOutono tourist voucher

Accommodations and travel agencies can be registered until December 1, 2023. To join the initiative, tourist establishments must be registered in the Registry of Tourist Companies […]

36 tourism companies and services in the Barbanza-Arousa destination receive the SICTED tourism quality certification

The awards ceremony took place during the I Barbanza Arousa Tourism Gala, in which the president of the CTG, Cesáreo Pardal, participated.   Last Wednesday, the […]

Mondariz-Balneario becomes the epicenter of thermalism with the celebration of the European Thermal Heritage Day

Various thermalism representatives and associations participated last week in an event in which they shared experiences and knowledge.   More than one hundred people participated last […]

Galicia’s tourist trains receive an honorable mention at the Rail Tourism Awards

The initiative of the Galician Tourism Agency, Renfe and Inorde was awarded the special jury prize at the festival held in Vienna.   The European Travel […]

San Sebastián will host the III Turespaña Convention from October 23 to 25 in an edition dedicated to the sustainable transformation of tourism

The III Turespaña Convention will include presentations, round tables, market presentations and meetings between public and private actors.   The Turespaña convention is a space for […]

The tourism sector will represent 12.6% of Spanish GDP, according to Exceltur

Tourism will represent almost 22% of the growth of the national economy.   Tourism will once again make the difference for another year. According to a […]

Galicia registers this summer the highest tourist demand figures in history

INE data put the number of nights registered in establishments between July and August at nearly 5 million, an increase of 1.5%.   The tourist data […]

The member of the board of directors of the Galician Tourism Cluster, Juan A. Rivadulla, appointed new general secretary of the Spanish Confederation of Travel Agencies

Rivadulla is president of the Galician Association of Travel Agencies (AGAVI) since 2016.   Last week, the Board of Directors of the Spanish Confederation of Travel […]

Travel journalists from national and foreign media highly value the “Galicia Sustainable Destination” initiative

About ten professionals participated this week in a press trip, organized by the Cluster to publicize the platform. “Galicia Sustainable Destination” seeks to integrate the Community’s […]

UNWTO commemorates World Tourism Day by recognizing the power of sustainable investments

An official celebration took place in Riyadh, in a day that brought together more than 50 Ministers of Tourism and hundreds of delegates from the public […]

The Camino de Santiago, key in the deseasonalization of Galician tourism

The deseasonalization of the pilgrimage is a reality in the Galician capital, with more pilgrims in September than in July. The Camino de Santiago is one […]

The Galicia Sustainable Destination Product Club adds 9 new companies

Eat & Walkabout, Cuñas Davia, Bodegas Martín Códax, Aboamigalla, Pazo de Esposende, Casa dos Ulloa, Rutas Meigas, Restaurante Javier Montero and Hotel Javier Montero are the […]

More than a hundred professionals gather at the presentation of the Galicia destination and at the Warsaw workshop

115 professionals participated in the event promoted by the Xunta de Galicia, the Galician Tourism Cluster and the OTS of Warsaw. So far this year, Galicia […]

The Xunta launches the #DiscoverGaliciaenOutono tourist voucher with the aim of promoting deseasonalization

The voucher will have digital format and will allow discounts on contracted tourist activities up to a maximum of €100. Tourism companies that wish to join […]

The 21st edition of Termatalia will be held from October 4 to 6 in Uruguay

Within the framework of the International Thermal Tourism, Health and Wellbeing Fair, the IV International Congress on Water and Health is also organized.   Uruguay will […]

The Galician Tourism Agency celebrates World Tourism Day 2023 by promoting the Galician Eurovelo Network

The secretary of the Galician Tourism Cluster, César Sánchez-Ballesteros, will be present at the event, which will take place on September 27 in A Guarda.   […]

The Tourism Cluster brings the ‘Galicia Sustainable Destination’ initiative to national and foreign travel agencies through a familiarization trip

For three days, travel agency representatives enjoyed some of the sustainable tourism experiences offered by the platform. Last Thursday, September 21, a workshop was organized, in […]

The Cluster encourages the participation of the ‘Galicia Sustainable Destino’ brand and 4 Galician companies in the Warsaw workshop

In addition to the ‘Galicia Sustainable Destination’ initiative, the tourism companies Galiwonders, Rutas Meigas, Pilgrim Travel and Viajes Interrías will participate in the event.   The […]

Monte del Gozo will host the II World Meeting of Associations of Friends of the Camino de Santiago

The event, in which entities from all five continents will participate, will take place from October 19 to 22.   Santiago de Compostela, specifically Monte do […]

Atlas Obscura selects 27 extraordinary places to visit in Galicia

Atlas Obscura, an online magazine and travel company based in the United States, catalogs 27 corners of Galicia among the most extraordinary, amazing and surprising places […]

’10+10 business examples #PorElClima’, the initiative that recognizes the climate commitment and ambition of companies

The objective of this call is to make visible business actions regarding climate action. The presentation of candidatures will remain open until next September 29.   […]

The Cluster organizes a new trade mission to the WTM in London

22 galician companies will be able to participate in the trip to the international tourism fair, which will take place in the British capital from November […]

The CMAT constitutes the working group dedicated to the conservation of the night sky, after achieving the distinction of Starlight Destination

The main challenge is to move towards tourism excellence through differentiating products. The main actors involved in the management and promotion of the Costa da Morte […]

Turexpo Galicia 2024 will be held from May 30 to June 2

Between 30 May and 2 June, the Galician Tourism Trade Fair, Turexpo Galicia, together with the Festur Fair of Festivals of Tourist Interest, will once again […]

Two new companies join the Galicia Family Destino project

Gran Hotel los Abetos and Hotel Ria Mar are the two new additions that are part of Galicia Destino Familiar. This project currently has more than […]

Gastronomic autumn

From 15 September to 17 December 2023, Galicia’s rural tourism houses are celebrating the seventeenth edition of the Gastronomic Autumn, an experience sponsored by Turismo de […]

The Cluster extends the registration period for the TTG Incontri Rimini

The next edition of the TTG Incontri Rimini international fair will be held on October 11, 12 and 13. Those interested can register until September 19. […]

The Galician tourism sector closes the summer with occupancy that reached peaks of 80% in July and 90% in August

The survey carried out by the Galician Tourism Cluster highlights the increase in international tourists, especially Americans, French and Italians. The sector points to an increase […]

The campaign to promote the Galicia Sustainable Destination brand in the North American market begins

The Tourism Cluster, with the collaboration of Turespaña and the Expedia group, will bring Galician sustainable experiences closer to the United States.   The Galician Tourism […]

The Cluster prepares its commercial mission for the TTG Incontri Rimini

The next edition of the TTG Incontri Rimini international fair will be held on October 11, 12 and 13. There are 7 places available and those […]

Fuciño do Porco, one of the great tourist resources of the Marina Lucense

The trail racked up 45,200 visitors this summer.   Fuciño do Porco is one of the most impressive trails in northern Galicia. And to visit it […]

Galicia registers a historical maximum of occupancy in hotel establishments and an increase of 8% of tourists in the first seven months of the year

Community establishments are above pre-pandemic levels. The increase in foreign tourism stands out, reaching maximums with 28% of the total demand.   In the first seven […]

Tourism in Galicia will increase up to 3% due to the climate crisis, according to the European Union

A study by the Joint Research Center, advisor to the European Commission, affirms that the increase in temperatures will cause an increase in tourist demand.   […]

Tourist trains in Galicia reach 80% occupancy

This campaign, launched by Turismo de Galicia in collaboration with Renfe and Inorde, offers 11 routes throughout the Galician geography. This type of tourism combines train […]

Boat tourism, a sustainable activity on the rise

Hundreds of people come to the Galician estuaries to learn first-hand about the production process of mussels.   The Galician estuaries are largely recognized for their […]

The Galician tourism sector exceeds 130,000 workers for the first time

Galicia is the second community where employment in the sector grew the most, with a rebound of 18% between April and June   The National Statistics […]

The Island of Tambo will become a tourist, sustainable and cultural reference

After remaining closed to tourism due to its past military character, the insular enclave of the Ría de Pontevedra will promote sustainable tourism in the region […]

The National Park of the Atlantic Islands will have a travel guide with the points of greatest interest and tourist information

The objective of the document is to present in an attractive and accessible way the places of natural interest of the four archipelagos that make up […]

Galician airports exceed 3.3 million passengers in the first seven months of the year

The three airports mobilized up to the month of July 24% more passengers   The Galician terminals significantly improved the numbers of visitors with respect to […]

More than half of Spaniards plan their vacations at the last moment, according to Royal Caribbean

53% of Spaniards barely need between one and two weeks to plan their trip. 38% of Spaniards acknowledge that they are increasingly improvising when traveling.   […]

“Green tourism and investment”, theme of World Tourism Day 2023

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) invites you to join the celebration of September 27 by investing in people, the planet and prosperity.   The countdown begins […]

The call for aid from the program ‘Experiencias Turismo España’ is open

The program seeks to promote projects involving networks of actors that develop sustainable, digital, inclusive and competitive tourist experiences. The application period is open until September […]

Galicia is committed to joint tourism promotion with the Green Spain brand

Last week the monitoring commission for this tourism brand took place, which includes Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, the Basque Country, and Turespaña.   The meeting of the […]

Five new companies join the Galicia Sustainable Destination Product Club

Hostal Bela Muxía, Galping Pedalsurf, Hotel Ría Mar, Nordes Kayak and Attica 21 Coruña are the five new companies that are already part of the Galicia […]

Galicia registers a new international tourism record in the first six months of the year

International tourism reached a record high in the first six months of the year, reaching 30% of visitors. The Community exceeded the number of travelers staying […]

The Xacobeo Xove program adds more than 40 experiences to enjoy the Camino de Santiago

With this initiative, people between the ages of 18 and 30 with an active Xove Card can obtain discounts of €200 on experiences on the Camino […]

The Cluster maintains its free consultancy service active for obtaining or maintaining the Q for Quality and the S for Sustainability of tourist organizations

Companies interested in the service can receive more information by email at or by calling 881 24 74 36.   The Galician Tourism Cluster, within […]

The Xunta summons the aid DeseñaPeme and InnovaPeme 2023

Aimed at financing activities in design plans for innovation and sustainability, and in innovation plans and organization processes for the systematization and internationalization of the company’s […]

Mar de Amicos, an inclusive tourism initiative around the maritime heritage of Barbanza

Thanks to this initiative, seven people with functional diversity will act as tourist guides this summer. The project was born as a result of the collaboration […]

The Xunta offers 350 guided routes to visit the National Park of the Atlantic Islands between July and September

Registration can be done in advance on the website of the reservation center or in person at the Cíes and Ons information stands on the day […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster will promote the Galicia Sustainable Destination brand in the North American market

The Cluster, with the collaboration of Turespaña and Expedia, will bring Galician sustainable experiences closer to the United States.   The Galician Tourism Cluster will participate […]

The creation of the Xacobeo Xove voucher, the reinforcement of promotional and internationalization activities and the consolidation of different tourist products focused the activity of the Cluster in the last year

The annual Assembly of the Galician Tourism Cluster, held in Santiago, took stock of the actions carried out in 2022 and gave an account of those […]

Atlantic Sunset, a project to promote the Galician sunset as an economic and sustainable resource

The project, coordinated by USC professors Ángel Miramontes, Jorge Mira and Rubén Lois, seeks to identify and value local endogenous resources associated with the sun.   […]

New edition of the Xuventude Mentoring na Empresa program

This initiative seeks to offer new people training stays of up to three months in companies or public or private entities linked to the strategic economic […]

The sales of the Galician tourism sector will grow by 17.6% this summer compared to the pre-pandemic

Galicia is the sixth community with the most dynamic sales forecast for this summer period. Companies, leisure facilities and hotels are those that represent one of […]

The digital communication campaign of the Xacobeo Xove program begins

This week the Xacobeo Xove digital promotion campaign begins with the aim of promoting the initiative among youth. People between the ages of 18 and 30 […]

The Xunta summons aid for the promotion of digitization in the tourism sector

Its objective is to promote the technological development and digital transformation of tourism companies to improve their competitiveness, adapting to the new needs and trends of […]

Galician MICE tourism shows the potential of the Galician destination at the Global MICE Forum

Isla de la Toja was the host destination for the third edition of the Global MICE Forum, which had previously visited the cities of Seville and […]

The ‘Camino de Europa’ project receives financial support from the European Union

The initiative received an economic boost of €1,790,000 from European funds to boost local economies in a sustainable manner. The objective of the project is to […]

The Galician tourism sector expects a summer similar to last with an occupancy of between 70% and 90%

A survey conducted by the Galician Tourism Cluster suggests that in some areas the figures for last year could be exceeded. The Camino de Santiago is […]

Ourense y Costa da Morte refuerzan su compromiso con el turismo de calidad

25 companies from Orensa received the distinctive Tourism Quality Commitment. The Costa da Morte Tourist Association (CMAT) adhered to the Destination Tourism Quality System (SICTED). The […]

The Xacobeo Xove program is now available with discounts of 200 euros for youth

People between the ages of 18 and 30 interested in activities and services on one of the ten official Jacobean Routes can now request their 200 […]

The Global MICE Forum lands in Pontevedra this week

The event will take place from July 4 to 6 at the Eurostars Gran Hotel La Toja. From the Galician Tourism Cluster we co-financed the participation […]

23 Galician beaches receive the Q for Quality certificate

Galicia is the fifth Community with the most flags. In total, 309 Spanish beaches and 27 nautical-sports facilities received this seal of quality for tourism. Pontevedra […]

The Tourism Cluster and the Xunta launch the Xacobeo Xove program with discounts of 200 euros to bring the Camino closer to youth

The initiative is intended for active users of the Xove Card between 18 and 30 years of age. They will be able to acquire experiences linked […]

O Areoso will only be able to receive 150 visitors per day

Access will be divided into three visits per day. Active tourism companies must adapt their activity to the new regulations, which will come into force at […]

Galicia has a summer of great music festivals ahead

The Son do Camiño, held from June 15 to 17, brought together more than 130,000 people. Resurrection Fest, Ortigueira Festival, Morriña Fest or Gozo Festival are […]

‘Galicia feels good’, the tourist campaign of the Galician Tourism Agency for this summer

The president of the Galician Tourism Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, participated in the presentation event, which was hosted by the Baiona Parador. Galicia, prepared for the summer […]

SEGITTUR connects the circular economy to the tourism sector with its manuals for destinations and companies and the guide to good practices

The presentation took place last Thursday, June 15, in Sanxenxo. With these publications, SEGITTUR continues to support the tourism sector and the sustainability. The Good Practices […]

16 Galician micro-enterprises will be able to participate in the international Ecotours project to revitalize circular and sustainable tourism

This initiative, co-financed by the European Commission, seeks to empower local communities by turning them into co-development laboratories for circular and sustainable tourism ecosystems. The project […]

The Tourism Cluster makes available to tourist organizations a free consultancy service for obtaining or maintaining the Q for Quality and the S for Sustainability

The consultancy service, financed through collaboration agreements formalized by the Galicia Tourism Agency-Xunta de Galicia, is free. Turismo de Galicia has published a line of aid […]

The Tourism Cluster celebrates its first decade by joining efforts to consolidate Galicia as a quality, competitive and differentiated destination

decisions for Galician tourism. The increase in competitiveness, professionalization and internationalization have been the priority lines of this first decade of work. Today the Cluster is […]

The English Way inaugurates a new hostel for pilgrims in July

The president of the Tourism Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, attended the inauguration of the property last week. It will be the first public hostel in Ferrol.   […]

The Tourism Cluster promotes sustainable and family tourism at Turexpo

The Abanca International Green Week Fair in Galicia and the parallel salons Salimat Abanca, Turexpo Galicia, Festur and Fecap Abanca, received more than 100,000 visitors in […]

The Xacobeo Xove program is born with the aim of promoting the experience of the Camino de Santiago among youth

The initiative aims to encourage the experience of the Camino de Santiago among youth through a discount of 200 euros. It can be purchased through travel […]

More than 7,000 Spanish travel agencies will offer the MEGA experiences as part of the tourist destination of A Coruña

The Estrella Galicia museum complex opened an agreement with the Spanish Confederation of Travel Agencies (CEAV) and the Galician Association of Travel Agencies (Agavi) to promote […]

The Xunta calls for aid to obtain or maintain the “Q” mark for Tourist Quality and the “S” for Tourist Sustainability

The call, for competitive competition, will be open from June 7 at 00:00 until July 6 at 23:59. Private natural or legal persons, owners of tourist […]

The Tourism Cluster makes available to companies a free system for monitoring and analyzing occupancy data for accommodation establishments.

To collaborate in the project it is necessary to have a PMS-Property Management System. Entities interested in forming part of the program can now fill out […]

The Galician Tourist Fair is held from June 8 to 11 in Silleda

The Tourism Cluster will participate in the event with its own space. The fair is part of the Abanca Semana Verde de Galicia fair.   The […]

The Valdeorras slate quarry recovery project will promote industrial tourism in the town

The initiative arises from the collaboration between the Slate Cluster and the Carballeda City Council, with the collaboration of the Ministry of Industry. The recovery plan […]

Cape Ortegal is now a Unesco World Geopark

The Executive Council of Unesco ratified the proposal of the municipalities of Cariño, Cerdeira, Cerdido, Moeche, Ortigueira, San Sadurniño and Valdoviño. It becomes the second Galician […]

34 Galician municipalities stand out in the Atlas of municipal contribution to tourism in Spain published by Exceltur

The document provides information on the relevance generated by tourism in the 500 Spanish municipalities with the highest number of accommodation places in 2022. Sanxenxo, Santiago […]

Galicia adds a new tourist town hall and a Festival of Tourist Interest

The Council of Tourism has recently declared the Municipality of Muíños, in Ourense, as a tourist municipality. The festival of San Antonio Ventureiro da Rigueira, from […]

The Tourism Cluster and the Galician Food Cluster join forces to value the territory

The heads of both entities signed a collaboration protocol to take advantage of the potential of the food sector in promoting tourism in Galicia.   The […]

The Tourism Cluster presents on May 31 a free system for monitoring and analyzing occupancy data for accommodation establishments

On Wednesday, May 31, there will be an information session to present the application at the GaiásTech Center, which can also be followed by streaming. The […]

36 companies and services from the Barbanza-Arousa destination will receive the SICTED quality seal

They will be the first of the destination to receive this distinction. SICTED is a project to improve the quality of tourist destinations promoted by the […]

Caldas de Reis receives Observer certification as a scientific tourism destination

The Botanical Garden, Carballeira and ‘os choróns’ from Caldas de Reis received this distinction that recognizes the value of their natural heritage and their tourist wealth. […]

The solidarity event Stars on the Camino de Santiago will bring together 72 Michelin Stars in Galicia

33 chefs of international prestige will participate in this solidarity meal. The appointment, which will value the Galician product, will be on June 5 in Negreira. […]

The Galicia Tourism Cluster promoted nearly 700 meetings between galician companies and operators from Malaga and Madrid

Around 30 Galician companies participated this week in two workshops in both cities to promote the Galicia destination The meetings, organized by the Cluster in collaboration […]

The Tourism Cluster presents a system for monitoring and analyzing occupancy data for accommodation establishments

The system was born as a result of the collaboration of the Tourism Cluster with GaiásTech and Optimizadata. On May 31st, an information session will take […]

14 companies from A Coruña opt for the SICTED tourism quality seal

Of the 47 entities that applied to the process in this initial period, 14 received positive evaluations. The A Coruña Tourism Quality Board, promoted by the […]

The Guitiriz Spa reopens its doors prepared to reactivate the tourist activity of the town

The emblematic space came into operation last week after years of neglect. The reform was possible thanks to an investment of more than €8 million by […]

The Xunta summons aid for projects in the area of influence of the National Park of the Atlantic Islands

The subsidies, awarded by competitive competition, will be for a maximum of 8,000 euros, and may cover 100% of the eligible investment. The application submission period […]

Galicia receives €23.2 million from the Tourism Sustainability Plan in Destinations 2023

The Tourism Sectoral Conference approved this May 9 the 175 beneficiary interventions. The projects approved for the Galician community include 8 PSTD and 1 ACD. The […]

Galicia increases 22.5 % occupancy in tourist accommodation during the first quarter of this year

717,562 travelers and 1.3 M nights were registered, with an average stay of 1.8 nights in establishments. Hostel occupancy exceeded 140% compared to the previous year. […]

The Xunta organizes a training day for professionals in the tourism sector in the National Maritime-Terrestrial Park of the Atlantic Islands

It will take place on May 23 and 24 on the island of Sálvora. It is aimed at technical personnel, informants, active tourist guides or personnel […]

113 blue flags for the galician beaches

Galicia is the community with the third most awards, only surpassed by Valencia (135) and Andalusia (127). Of the 117 Galician plays that opted for this […]

Investment and innovation in the world of camping were the focus of the day organized by the Sabadell Bank last april 25 in the City of Culture

Sustainable financing, financial solutions or collection and payment solutions applied to the field of camping; protagonists of the appointment   Last Tuesday, April 25, the City […]

The Xunta modifies the bases and extendes the term of the call for help for embellishment actions on the galician coast

The Official Journal of Galicia (DOG) published last week the resolution that modifies the regulatory bases for the concession. The application period will remain open until […]

The Xunta extends until the end of May the deadline for applying for air for energy efficiency actions in tourist accommodations

The submission period, which ended at the beginning of May, will be extended until the 29th. The aid is aimed at small and medium-sized companies that […]

Campo Lameiro is proclaimed Capital of Rural Tourism 2023

The municipality of Pontevedra won the VII Capital of Rural Tourism 2023 contest. Campo Lameiro becomes the first Galician town to receive the award.   The […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster presents Galicia Sustainable Destination initiative at Spain’s Sustainability Day

The event was attended by Cesáreo Pardal, president of the Tourism Cluster; and Diego Otero, member of the Executive Council and member of the Evaluation Committee […]

The spring of open doors begins in the Routes of the Wines of Galicia.

The Open Doors Spring in the Galician Wine Routes is an event organized by Turismo de Galicia in collaboration with the Asociaciones das Rutas dos Viñedos […]

Galicia Sustainable Destination is presented in London at Spain’s Sustainability Day, a forum with specialized media and operators

During the conference, which will be held in London, the Galicia Sustainable Destination initiative will be presented. This event will be attended by Cesáreo Pardal, president […]

After the meeting between the Galician Tourism Cluster and the General Directorate of Natural Heritage, the number of visits to the Guidoiros archipelago is increased from 100 to 150.

Access times will be agreed with the tourism sector in order to ensure a good balance between the protection and enjoyment of this natural area.   […]

The Provincial Association of Hospitality and Tourism Entrepreneurs of Lugo resumed its provincial gala of the Lugo hospitality industry.

Last Monday, April 17, 2023, marked the return of the annual meeting of the hoteliers’ union in the province of Lugo, after several years of suspension […]

The Galicia Sustainable Destination Product Club adds four new additions

Camino en Kayak, Corticata, Hotel & Talaso Louxo La Toja and Eclectic restaurant are the four new companies that, from now on, are part of the […]

The Galician Higher Hospitality Center carries out a training plan with more than 1,200 places for tourism and hotel companies

Galicia’s digital and sustainable competitiveness plan includes a self-diagnosis tool for companies in the tourism sector to allow them to know their current status, identify critical […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster, in collaboration with the Xunta de Galicia, promotes the obtaining of new certifications of the S of Tourism Sustainability.

In Galicia there is an increasing awareness of companies in the tourism sector in the field of sustainability, as manifested in the success of the initiative […]

The president of the Galician Tourism Cluster attended the award ceremony of plaques and diplomas certifying the adherence of nine Galician gardens to the European Network of Historic Gardens

This European Cultural itinerary, which belongs to the Council of Europe, brings together 41 botanical spaces in Europe, relevant for their historical, artistic and botanical value. […]

The deadline is extended, until May 2, for the application of aid for energy efficiency actions in tourist accommodation

The Xunta de Galicia allocates this aid, endowed with 7.8 million, to hostels and tourist departments, rural tourism establishments, pensions and hotels, with the aim of […]

Green Spain advances in the creation of the ecotourism corridor. Turismo de Galicia participates in the first great ecotourism route in Spain.

In the first meeting of Green Spain, held in San Sebastián, the coordination of the actions of the brand promotion plan was assumed. The main objective […]

The galician tourism sector closes holy week with an occupancy between 75% and 85%.

The occupation of the Galician tourism sector during this Holy Week has been between 75% and 85%, figures similar to those registered in 2019. The good […]

Turespaña is looking for a city for its fourth Convention

The deadline for the presentation of candidatures will be open until June 30.   The event will be held at the beginning of the fourth quarter […]

Open the deadline to participate in the presentations scheduled by the Cluster in Malaga and Madrid

A maximum of 26 companies will be able to take part in the activities to be held on May 9 and 10.   Both days will […]

The Galician tourism sector foresees an occupancy rate of between 65% and 80% for this Easter week.

A survey carried out by the Galicia Tourism Cluster points to good forecasts, which the sector expects to increase with last-minute bookings.   The highest occupancy […]

Cesáreo Pardal claimed at the MICE Forum the role of this tourism sector to fight against seasonality

The president of the Cluster participated in Madrid in one of the round tables of the sixth Annual Meeting of the entity promoted by the Professional […]

Galicia adds four more municipalities to the Network of Smart Tourist Destination

The adhesion of Carballeda de Valdeorras, Castrelo de Miño, Oímbra and Vilariño de Conso has just been approved by the executive committee of the entity.   […]

Recognition for our tourism sector for its commitment to recycling

The Xunta, Ecoembes and the Cluster promoted the installation of containers and garbage cans in more than 300 hotels and recycling points in 102 campsites and […]

Our restaurants show off their talent at the Michelin Guide and De Tapas por Galicia awards ceremony

A total of 54 establishments were distinguished by the popular publication during the event held in A Coruña.   The Paprica restaurant and the ArteSana Gastrobar […]

Tourism and audiovisuals go hand in hand at the Galicia Film Commission

The new virtual platform created by the Xunta will promote Galicia internationally as a film and television set under the slogan “Shooting at The End of […]

The Xunta will extend the deadline to apply for energy efficiency aid for tourist accommodation.

The deadline, which ended on March 30, will be extended until early May.   The beneficiaries will be able to cover up to 90% of the […]

FITUR describes Galicia’s stand at the last edition of the fair as a “benchmark for the tourism sector”

The organizers of the international tourism event in Madrid highlight the record number of visitors to the Galician space and the high level of activity in […]

Two million euros for the embellishment and sustainability of the coastal tourism sector

The subsidies, directed to lodgings and restaurants, are framed in the actions to improve the coastal areas and to increase the sustainability.   The establishments of […]

Double date with awards and recognitions for the tourism sector in Pontevedra.

The Cluster participated in the delivery of SICTED distinctions of GDR Condado Paradanta and in the gala of Feprohos, Asehospo and Avipo.   The recognitions for […]

The Cluster and Galicia Destino Sostible travel to London with Turespaña to promote sustainable tourism.

Cesáreo Pardal will be one of the speakers at the first Spain’s Sustainability Day forum, to be held in the British capital on April 26.   […]

Three companies of Galicia Destino Sostible receive awards

The Paisaxe II and Isla de Ons campsites, and the Bosque Mar hotel, first winners of the Pontevedra Province Sustainable Tourism awards.   The president of […]

Profitable participation of Galician tourism at ITB Berlin

The members of the trade mission organized by the Cluster held dozens of meetings during the international tourism fair in the German capital.   The Secretary […]

Good start to the year for Galician tourist accommodations

Galicia reached in January the second highest number of travelers and overnight stays for that month in the historical series.   Hotel figures for the first […]

Some twenty professionals are taking part in the Cluster’s trade mission to ITB Berlin.

The tourism fair in the German capital will be held from Tuesday 7 to Thursday 9.   The trade mission promoted by the Galicia Tourism Cluster […]

The Cluster advocated for sustainable tourism at BioCultura

The Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club focused the dissemination work carried out at the fair in A Coruña from the stand of the Cluster.   The […]

Ourense will host the new Thermal Tourism Area of the Xunta de Galicia.

The department, dependent on Galicia Tourism, will be responsible for the projection of the community abroad as a power in thermalism.   The Xunta de Galicia […]

Galician restaurants shine with the Repsol Suns

Omakase (A Coruña) and Terra (Fisterra) have their first Sun, and O Camiño do Inglés (Ferrol) and O Pazo (Padrón) now have two.   Culler de […]

Lugo will once again reward sustainable tourism

The Provincial Tourism Council of Lugo has approved the continuity of the award presented for the first time last year.   For the second consecutive year, […]

The Xunta will renew the agreement with the Cluster to promote the Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club.

The new agreement, approved by the regional government, will involve an investment of 1 million euros until 2025 for the development, creation, marketing and dissemination of […]

Cesáreo Pardal highlights the importance of talent and technology in the hotel sector

The president of the Cluster spoke at the opening of the third Meeting of directors and managers of Hotel and Tourism of Galicia, held in Santiago. […]

The Cluster provides the Galician tourism sector with 50 invitations to the BTL in Lisbon.

The tourism fair in the Portuguese capital will be held between 1 and 5 March, with the first three days reserved for professionals.   The next […]

Award to the Cluster for its contribution to the success of Xacobeo 21-22

The entity has been awarded by the Xunta together with a score of collectives and diverse people.   Cesáreo Pardal received the award during the ceremony […]

The registration period for the third Xuventude Mentoring is now open

The Cluster collaborates in this initiative promoted by the Xunta, the Cixug and the three Galician universities.   A total of 250 young people between 18 […]

Almost 40,000 Galicians have benefited from the #QuedamosenGalicia vouchers during its three editions.

The initiative started in 2020 at the initiative of the Xunta and the Cluster to reward the work of health workers during the pandemic and was […]

The Cluster joins the Spanish Tourism Board

The membership, agreed by the Board of Directors, was ratified at its members’ meeting held in Madrid in the presence of the Cluster’s president, Cesáreo Pardal. […]

Countdown to the fourth edition of BioCultura

The fair dedicated to organic products and ecotourism will be held from 3 to 5 March at EXPOCoruña.   The registration period for exhibitors will be […]

Galicia’s beaches will compete for a total of 117 blue flags this year

Galicia has two more candidates than last year, when it achieved 112 blue flags.   The race for the blue flags has already begun, and Galicia […]

Galician hotels set their record for travellers and overnight stays in 2022

Galicia and the Basque Country were the only two regions in which the total number of hotel nights last year exceeded the figures for 2019.   […]

The Cluster launched in Dublin its Destination Galicia 2023 internationalisation campaign

Around a dozen Galician incoming companies took part in a workshop with more than thirty Irish outbound companies to present the varied tourism offer of our […]

Dublin will be the Cluster’s first international stop in 2023

The Irish capital will host this Thursday a workshop in which almost a dozen Galician companies will participate.   The Galicia Tourism Cluster is already immersed […]

Galicia gets on the train again to show many of its attractions

The new edition of the Tourist Trains campaign presents two novelties and already adds 14 itineraries.   The Xunta, the Ourense Provincial Council through Inorde and […]

Compostela will host the 2nd Revera Vinum Galician Wine Meeting on 27th and 28th March.

The Compostela Hotel and Catering Association is promoting this event organised with the sponsorship of the Xunta de Galicia and the City Council of Santiago, and […]

Galicia closed 2022 with record occupancy

Last year the community exceeded 6.5 million travelers staying and for the first time surpassed the barrier of 12 million overnight stays.   Occupancy was 8 […]

Five Galician villages to visit in 2023 according to Viajes National Geographic

Allariz, Cambados, Combarro, Mondoñedo and Ribadavia form part of the list of the 100 most beautiful villages in Spain drawn up by the publication.   Viajes […]

Turislab 2023 begins its preparations

The Xunta has opened the pre-registration for the third edition of its Tourism Startups Accelerator.   Turislab, the Accelerator of Tourism Startups launched by the Xunta […]

The Cluster is already preparing its commercial mission to ITB Berlin

The next edition of the international tourism fair in the German capital will be held on 7, 8 and 9 March.   The deadline to join […]

Galician tourism receives a shower of awards at FITUR

Sanxenxo Town Council received one of the Q for Tourism Quality 2023 awards during the gala presided over by the Minister of Tourism.   Three initiatives […]

The Cluster’s business space at FITUR facilitated 400 meetings attended by more than 1,000 professionals from the sector.

Ireland, the United Kingdom, Brazil and the United States were the main countries interested in Galicia as a destination, with Latin American countries showing greater interest […]

The Cluster begins the commemoration of its tenth anniversary at FITUR thanking the sector for its support and the collaboration of the administrations.

The president of the organisation, Cesáreo Pardal, stressed that the work of the last ten years has highlighted the strategic importance of the sector for the […]

The Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club offers more than 150 experiences from 70 Galician companies.

The Galicia Tourism Cluster began its participation in FITUR with the presentation of this initiative, which was launched last July to bring together Galicia’s sustainable tourism […]

Galicia Destino Sostible in the day of the European project Greentour

The president of the Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, will make a presentation of the Product Club during the session scheduled for 26 January.   With “Sustainable Tourism” […]

Accommodation and restaurants will be eligible this year for 3.5 million in aid for improvements to their establishments.

The Galicia Tourism Agency has just opened a call for applications that represents a 75% increase in funds compared to 2022.   The deadline for submitting […]

The Galicia Tourism Cluster will celebrate its 10th anniversary at FITUR, reaffirming its commitment to sustainability.

The anniversary of the organisation and the Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club will be the focus of two presentations at the international tourism fair to be […]

The City Council of A Coruña and the UDC will create a tourist observatory

A team from the University of A Coruña will organise and analyse data of tourist interest with the aim of optimising resources.   The City Council […]

The tourism sector faces 2023 with optimism

The new ObservaTUR Seasonal Report highlights the resilience of the tourism industry and points out that 2022 was the year of recovery.   The evaluation of […]

The Cluster will manage the business space at the Galicia stand at FITUR.

The deadline has now opened for members to reserve the use of the tables set up for meetings with tour operators.   The 43rd edition of […]

Galicia’s rural tourism establishments are the most highly rated in Spain.

With a score of 4.7 out of 5, together with those of the Basque Country, they top the ranking compiled by the portal.   The […]

The Galicia Tourism Cluster facilitated the contact of a hundred companies with a dozen international markets in 2022

It took part in around fifteen events, including fairs, workshops and presentations, which amounted to some 1,000 business meetings.   Santiago de Compostela, 5 January 2023. […]

Almost a thousand companies in the sector participated in the last edition of the #QuedamosEnGalicia22 vouchers.

Hotels, with 323 participating establishments, and travel agencies, with 171, were the businesses most involved in the Xunta’s campaign.   The Galician tourism sector has once […]

The Magic Towns of Spain award Portomarín for its rural tourism

The town of the province of Lugo has been awarded by the association that brings together more than a hundred towns from all over the country. […]

Galicia Destino Sostible closed 2022 with more than a hundred and a half products launched.

The Product Club launched by the Cluster with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia now has 70 companies.   Only half a year of life […]

Galicia reaffirmed its commitment to tourism quality in 2022.

Some thirty establishments were awarded the Q for Quality seal for the first time, bringing the total number of distinctions to 325.   Only Andalusia exceeds […]

One hundred Galician municipalities will benefit from the Tourism Sustainability Plans in Destination 2022

Cesáreo Pardal participated in the presentation of the initiatives organised in Compostela by the Government Delegation in Galicia.   The Galicia Tourism Cluster was one of […]

Presentation of the Galician Enogastronomy Plan in Salvaterra de Miño

The director of the Galician Tourism Agency, Nava Castro, presented the initiative to the beneficiary local entities in an act in which the president of the […]

The Provincial Council of Pontevedra will present its first Sustainable Tourism Awards next year

Carmela Silva announced the creation of the new award at the conference on “Good practices in tourism management” organised by the Cluster.   The provincial president […]

Successful exchange of experiences in the conference on “Good practices in tourism management”

Dozens of professionals participated in Vilagarcía in this forum, which was inaugurated by the councillor Álvaro Carou, the president of the Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, and the […]

Galicia Tourism Cluster gives continuity to the current board of directors under the presidency of Cesáreo Pardal

The General Assembly voted today the only list presented to the elections, which renews four of the twelve members of the Executive Board.   Vilagarcía de […]

The Cluster invites the sector to debate this Tuesday in Vilagarcía on good practices in tourism management.

The conference, in which leading experts will participate, has been organised with the collaboration of the Provincial Council of Pontevedra and the Galician Tourism Agency.   […]

The second edition of Turislab already has winners

The vice-president of the Cluster, Jesús Picallo, participated in the awards ceremony of the Galician Accelerator of Tourism Projects of the Xunta.   The second edition […]

The Spanish Tourism Board calls for a PERTE for the sector

This was demanded by its president, Juan Molas, in the presence of the Minister of Tourism, during the last general assembly of the association.   The […]

The tourism sector joined in the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Galicia Calidade

The Galicia Tourism Cluster and representatives of companies such as Casa de Cacheiro took part in the event presided over by Alfonso Rueda.   It has […]

Tourism, heritage and sustainability go hand-in-hand in the Xacobeo Next Generation Plan

A dozen Galician Assets of Cultural Interest will share almost 23 million euros through this project promoted with European funds.   The president of the Cluster, […]

Disconnection and relaxation, the most valued factor when planning a trip

The discovery of new destinations, the quality of accommodation and price complete the list of priorities according to the latest ObservaTUR survey.   The study shows […]

The members of the Cluster are called to elect the new executive board of the entity on the 20th.

The Extraordinary General Assembly will be held on this occasion in the Municipal Auditorium of Vilagarcía de Arousa.   The deadline to present the candidacies will […]

The Xunta gives its approval to the Galician Enogastronomy Plan

The project, which includes 3 cohesion actions and 11 tourism sustainability plans at the destination, will be taken to the Tourism Sector Conference.   It would […]

The Atlantic Islands reaffirm their commitment to sustainability

The Galician national park has just renewed the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas.   It has also joined the Spanish Ecotourism Association.   […]

Galicia and North Portugal move forward with plans to create a cross-border tourism cluster.

  Cesáreo Pardal participated in the new meeting held in Porto to discuss the possibility of submitting an application to the POCTEP.   The project is […]

Double reinforcement for the tourist sector in A Guarda

The Xacobeo Transfer service adds a new boat to link the town with Caminha.   Alda Hotels officially opens its new establishment in Santa Tegra mountain. […]

Vigo’s hotel and catering industry joins the #PorElClima platform

The Provincial Federation of Hotel and Catering Businesses of Pontevedra promotes the initiative developed by Ecoedes, Coca Cola and Hotel and Catering of Spain.   More […]

Galician tourist accommodation will be eligible for 7.8 million euros in aid for energy efficiency

The call that has just been approved by the Council of the Xunta foresees subsidies of up to 90% of the total investment and a maximum […]

Cesáreo Pardal appeals to the value of tourism cooperation for the development of the Limia river environment on both sides of the border.

The president of the Cluster participated in Ponte da Barca in a conference organised by the Intermunicipal Community of Alto Miño in the framework of the […]

Cesáreo Pardal claimed in Sportur and the Empuxe Forum the importance of sustainability.

The president of the Cluster participated in Ourense in a round table on sustainability in the Pilgrims’ Ways to Santiago and debated in Noia on tourism […]

Travellers and overnight stays in Galician hotels grew by 16 % in October compared to 2021

Galician hotels accounted for a total of 867,400 overnight stays and 465,000 visitors last month.   These figures also represent a significant increase also compared to […]

Galicia MICE will be present at ITBM World in Barcelona

The Galician brand specialising in meetings tourism will attend the international trade fair to be held from 29 November to 1 December.   Galician meetings, incentives, […]

Galicia shines more brightly in the Michelin Guide

The restaurants O Pazo, in Padrón, and Ceibe, in Ourense, achieve their first star and join another dozen Galician establishments.   Pepe Vieira obtains its second […]

The Cluster takes the floor at Sportur and at the Empuxe Forum

The president of the Cluster will participate on Friday 25th in Ourense in a round table on sustainability in the Pilgrims’ Ways to Santiago de Compostela. […]

Sailing and sustainability go hand in hand in a new initiative that has begun its journey in Galicia.

The municipality of Sober hosted the signing of the protocol for the creation of the Coastal and River Cruise Network of Sustainable Nautical Destinations in Spain. […]

The #QuedamosenGalicia Tourist Voucher has already led to 1.1 million euros in spending in the sector.

More than half of the beneficiaries of the almost 7,000 cards have used part of the amount and a quarter of them have already spent it […]

Cesáreo Pardal highlights the quality and sustainability of rural tourism in Galicia

The president of the Cluster participated in a forum on the sector held at the Faculty of Business Sciences and Tourism of Ourense.   Nava Castro, […]

The second edition of Turislab prepares its final stretch

The finalist startups of the Xunta’s Tourism Project Accelerator rehearsed the launch of their projects at the Galicia Turistic facilities.   Companies such as Tee Travel […]

Galicia Destino Sostible wins over a group of specialised journalists

The participants in the Press Trip programmed by the Cluster enjoyed a selection of accommodation, restaurants and complementary offers.                                                        Representatives of national specialised media, as […]

Galicia closes its participation in the World Travel Market London 2022 with nearly 100 meetings with international operators

The Galicia Tourism Cluster presented the Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club to various multinationals in the tourism industry.   The destination Galicia was the common thread […]

The SICTED Destination Quality Board in Ourense Termal is established

Several entities associated with the Cluster are part of the new body responsible for ensuring the development of the Tourism Sustainability Plan promoted by the Ourense […]

Successful participation of the Cluster’s trade mission at the WTM in London

Galician companies travelling to England held numerous meetings to promote their products and Galicia as a destination.   The Cluster provided a space for meetings within […]

Sustainability will be at the heart of Spain and Portugal’s cross-border tourism strategy

The governments of the two countries will promote investment in destinations and experiences on both sides of the border.   The strategy agreed for the period […]

Around twenty companies accompany the Cluster to the WTM London

The Cluster will provide them with a space in the stand of the Galician Tourism Agency.   The international tourism fair in the English capital will […]

Promotional campaign for Galicia Destino Familiar

The Cluster’s seal specialising in tourism proposals for families is raffling 50 experiences through its Facebook and Instagram profiles.   The deadline for participation is 7 […]

Recognition for two Rías Baixas companies in the Wine Tourism Awards of the Wine Routes of Spain

Martín Códax has been designated as the Best Winery Open to Tourism and the Quinta de San Amaro Hotel has received one of the special mentions […]

The Cluster promotes the participation of Galician companies in the International Inland Tourism Trade Fair INTUR

It will pay for the registration in the Intur Business recruitment exchange, scheduled for november 17th.   The 25th edition of the Valladolid event will be […]

The Xunta makes the new map of tourist geodestinations official

The regional government has approved the reorganisation of these territories, which will increase from 14 to 26.   Galicia now has a new map of geodestinations. […]

The benefits of biomass for the tourism sector will be the focus of an information day on 3 November

Galicia Tourism and Galician Biomass clusters are jointly organising this activity, which will take place online.   Participation is free and the registration period is already […]

The Cluster supports from Madrid the gastronomic fair Xantar

The House of Galicia in the Spanish capital hosted a presentation of the programme of the 23rd edition of the event in Ourense, which will be […]

Fifty companies and thirty products already make up the Galicia Destino Sostible Club, which was launched by the Galicia Tourism Cluster in July.

Its aim is to help the sector move towards a new tourism model that is more aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda […]

Recognition for 15 Galician municipalities for their commitment to the environment and landscape

The Xunta awards Green Flags for good environmental practices, protection and conservation.   A total of 15 Galician municipalities can boast of their commitment to the […]

El Clúster se sumó a la promoción de las Rías Baixas en Sevilla y Bilbao

It was present at the workshops organised by the Provincial Council of Pontevedra, where some thirty companies and entities from the province were able to establish […]

Dissemination and Jacobean flavours with the Provincial Association of Hospitality and Tourism Businessmen of Lugo.

The association has organised for the 24th the third “Gastronomic and Cultural Meeting …And to eat, Lugo on the Way”.   A series of tastings in […]

Galicia was once again represented at the Rimini tourism fair

The Cluster and seven companies travelled to Italy with Galicia Tourism to participate in TTG Travel Experience.   Once again, Galicia was represented at the international […]

The Cluster will hold a monographic conference on the Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club on 25 October

Four representatives of four companies that have already joined this initiative will talk about their experience.   The president of the Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, the director […]

The president of the Cluster claimed in the EDIT Forums sustainability and digitisation as pillars for the future of the tourism sector.

Cesáreo Pardal closed the first of the two conferences organised by Amtega and the Galicia Tourism Agency.   He explained that “now it is time to […]

The EDIT Forums analyse Smart Tourist Destinations

Santiago de Compostela hosts today and tomorrow these conferences organised by Amtega and the Galicia Tourism Agency.   The president of the Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, is […]

Galicia, the leading region in the satisfaction survey among foreign tourists

96% of visitors to Spain this summer were satisfied or very satisfied with their trip, and more than half of them will return in the next […]

Cesáreo Pardal defended at the AECIT Congress the key role of the Cluster during the pandemic and to face the new challenges of the sector.

The president of the Galicia Tourism Cluster participated in the opening ceremony of the biennial event that this year was held in Ourense and also took […]

Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club launches its first proposals

Routes, accommodation, astronomy and gastronomy with the common denominator of sustainability make up the inaugural initiatives of this project promoted by the Cluster with the collaboration […]

Galicia is the region with the second highest number of Smart Tourist Destinations

The executive committee of the DTI Network agreed at its last meeting on the incorporation of thirty Galician municipalities.   The institution has also decided to […]

Successful participation of the Cluster in Turespaña’s Direct Conferences in South America

The entity took a catalogue of 20 incoming agencies to the workshops held in Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires, which it shared with more than a […]

The Cluster developed an intense activity in Termatalia

Jesús Picallo held several meetings with tourism authorities from Latin America and César Sánchez Ballesteros participated in a presentation of the technical conferences.   The Cluster […]

Deadline for joining the sponsorship programme of the Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club has been extended.

The initial deadline was 30 September, but has been extended until 21 October.   The beneficiaries will receive 300,000 euros in grants, which will be awarded […]

Tourist excellence and the best gastronomy are awarded in Lugo

In the third edition of its awards, the Provincial Council recognised the work and trajectory of six entities and celebrations in the province.   During the […]

“A provincia que sabe”, a new campaign by the Provincial Council of A Coruña

This promotional initiative for the agri-food products and gastronomy of the province of A Coruña was presented at the Galicia Fórum Gastronómico.   The concepts of […]

The Cluster celebrates World Tourism Day by reaffirming its commitment to quality, sustainability and digital transformation

The entity has issued a statement on the occasion of the event promoted by the World Tourism Organization.   27 September is a day marked in […]

Rural tourism opens its doors to live shows

A total of 25 establishments will host the performances of the first edition of the Recitals at sunset organised by Fegatur.   The programme, which began […]

The Galician tourism sector boasts Q for Quality

With the 31 additions of last year, Galicia has a total of 325 establishments distinguished with this certification.   Cesáreo Pardal participated in the recognition ceremony […]

The Cluster promotes Galicia in Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires

The entity, three companies and other Galician representatives are taking part in the Direct Conferences in South America organised by Turespaña.   The activities will take place […]

Barnacles collectors of Muxía invite to walk along the path of sustainability, development and tourism.

The president of the Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, took part in the presentation and in the first tour of the Percebe da Barca Route.   It is […]

Quality recognition for fifteen establishments of the RDG Terras de Compostela

The president of the Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, participated in the presentation of diplomas of the Integral System of Spanish Tourism Quality in Destination held in Santa […]

The Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club adds four new members and now has more than thirty members.

The first tourism products designed to form part of the club will be launched in the near future.   The companies that join before the end […]

Innovation and technology to boost the tourism sector in the Euroregion Galicia-North Portugal

The City Council and the Provincial Council of Ourense promote, with the collaboration of the University of Vigo, the Hackathon – Laboratory of Ideas and Innovation. […]

Countdown to the second Turespaña Convention

It will be held from 3 to 5 October in Barcelona and will focus on tourism governance.   Speeches, presentations and round tables will coexist in […]

Good course for cruise tourism in Galicia

A Coruña, with 67 stopovers and 91,932 passengers during the first seven months of the year, was the most visited Galician port.   The 43 stopovers […]

One hundred companies will be able to benefit from aid from the Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club.

More than 300,000 euros will be distributed for the creation of new tourism products.   Companies wishing to qualify for the sponsorship programme must join the […]

Quedamos en Galicia campaign is reactivated on 15 September

After the summer break, holders of tourist vouchers will be able to use them again in the more than 900 participating establishments.   The deadline for […]

September, the third most popular month for summer holidays

According to ObservaTUR, 13% of Spaniards will enjoy their summer break this month.   Almost 60% will opt for national destinations and 67% will travel to […]

Rural tourism and flavours for enjoying a new Gastronomic Autumn

A total of 73 establishments from the four Galician provinces will take part in the programme.   The president of the Cluster participated in the presentation […]

Nine more members for the Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club

The initiative promoted by the Cluster with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia now has around thirty members.   The companies that join before September […]

Cluster opens the deadline to join its next trade mission to Italy

It will participate in the international fair TTG Incontri Rimini, which will take place from 12 to 14 October.   There are 6 places available and […]

Galician tourism sector meets expectations and closes August with occupancy levels of 90 % and above.

In July the percentages were between 70 and 80 %, with some areas close to full occupancy during the long weekends of July 25th and August […]

The Cluster prepares a new trade mission to the WTM in London

Some twenty Galician companies will be able to take part in the trip to the international tourism fair to be held in the British capital from […]

Sustainability, a basic pillar for the future of the tourism sector

The Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club, promoted by the Cluster with the support of the Xunta de Galicia, is committed to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals […]

Galician hotels beat their all-time record number of visitors in July

The more than 615,000 travellers who stayed during last month are the best data in the INE’s historical series.   Galicia was the fifth community with […]

A new edition of the Mentoring Traballo Autónomo programme is announced

Two hundred people will be able to benefit from this initiative of the Xunta de Galicia and the Ronsel Foundation.   The participants will attend a […]

“Rethinking Tourism”, theme of the next World Tourism Day

UNWTO invites to join the celebration on 27 September by reflecting on the need for a more sustainable, inclusive and resilient sector.   The countdown to […]

The deadline to apply for aid from the Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club has reached its halfway point.

30 September is the deadline to opt for part of the 300,000 euros in aid for the creation of new products.   Some twenty companies have […]

Tourism once again boosts job creation

Galicia added 7,400 more workers in this sector last July.   The recovery in tourism activity in recent months has once again had a direct impact […]

Foreign tourism almost tripled in Galicia in the first half of the year

From Portugal and by road, the main profile of visitors arriving from other countries to the region.   The arrival of foreign visitors to Galicia has […]

Lugo will be promoted once again in La Vuelta

The Provincial Association of Hotel and Tourism Businesses of Lugo will promote the gastronomic and tourist attractions of the province with a stand that will tour […]

Administration and the tourism sector join forces to recover activity in areas affected by fires

The Xunta will sign an agreement with the Galician Association of Travel Agencies to invest more than 90,000 euros in the creation of 45 tourist packages […]

Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club already has nearly 20 member companies in less than a month.

The initiative, promoted by the Galicia Tourism Cluster, was presented on 11 July with the support and funding of the Xunta de Galicia.   The first […]

Xunta de Galicia and Galician tourist guides extend their collaboration to improve the sector

This year, Galicia Tourism will provide 50,000 euros for the design and marketing of tourism products.   The agreement signed last year between the Professional Association […]

Galicia Tourism will award 21 grants to study at the Hotel Management School of Galicia

The grants, of two types, will cover 80% or 50% of the enrolment fee for the degree in Hospitality Business Management.   The deadline for applications […]

New companies join the Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club

The initiative promoted by the Galicia Tourism Cluster is growing again with more representatives from the field of travel agencies and accommodation, and with the MEGA […]

The deadline for applying for aid for the modernisation of tourist hostels expires.

Galicia Tourism will distribute a total of 500,000 euros for the digitalisation, improvement of facilities and increase of energy efficiency of the beneficiary establishments.   This […]

New image for Galician rural tourism

A window, a bird and a star, key elements of the renewed corporate image of Fegatur, which has also released a new promotional video.   The […]

Tourism also looks to the stars in Galicia

The region is committed to astronomical experiences to conquer new markets.   Astronomical phenomena have been very present in the lives of the inhabitants of Galicia […]

Agreement to promote the first international standard on accessible tourism

The UNWTO, the ONCE Foundation and UNE will promote this standard aimed at tourism operators, administrations and destinations to facilitate the enjoyment of tourism under equal […]

The Roman legacy, a tourist attraction that is gaining momentum in Galicia

Lugo is one of the founding cities of the Hispania Romana network of tourist destinations, which A Coruña has also joined.   The heritage and historical […]

The Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club, promoted by the Clúster Turismo de Galicia, integrates the first 13 companies.

Another 14 have shown their interest in joining the initiative, which was presented on 11 July, and which has the support and funding of the Xunta […]

The Spanish market, at the head of MICE tourism preferences  

Climate, costs, accessibility, landscape and gastronomy are some of the aspects most valued by organisers and participants according to a study in which state tourism offices […]

Tourism and recycling come together again around the Way of St. James

More than 200 hostels and 15 tourist offices are taking part in the new edition of the Recycling Way campaign.   One more summer, recycling and […]

Galicia puts the spotlight on audiovisual industry as an economic engine and boost for the tourism sector

4% of the production budget for each feature film in Spain is earmarked for travel and accommodation.   The audiovisual industry is booming and Galicia does […]

The Tourism Cluster of Galicia conveys its support and solidarity to all those affected by the wave of fires that the community is suffering

 The entity shows its appreciation to all the professionals who are fighting the fires   The Tourism Cluster of Galicia shows its concern for the wave […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster highlights the commitment to internationalisation, the creation of new sustainable products and quality to boost the recovery of the tourist flow

The City of Culture, in Santiago de Compostela, hosted the Cluster’s Annual Assembly this morning.      The internationalisation activities of Galicia as a destination, the […]

Galician tourists opt for face-to-face travel agencies to book their package holidays.

Traditional channels are still the most popular among the population over 45 years of age and in general when planning trips abroad.   Face-to-face travel agencies […]

The Clúster Turismo de Galicia shows in London the strengths of the Way of St. James

Participate in the round of presentations Xacobeo 21-22 organized by the Tourism Agency, which already visited Paris, Zurich, Hamburg and Frankfurt.   The English Way rebounded […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster promotes sustainable tourism with the creation of the Galicia Destino Sostible product club

The initiative has more than 300,000 euros in grants for companies, 247,000 for travel agencies and 65,000 for accommodation and restaurants.   The deadline to apply […]

Tourism gets on the train to enjoy Galicia

The opening of the AVE line to Ourense and initiatives such as the Tourist Trains of Galicia make this means of transport gain weight in the […]

Cruise tourism in Galicia already exceeds pre-pandemic figures

The 77,000 passengers registered in the first four months of this year allow the previous record to be surpassed by 16%.   Cruise tourism has made […]

The summer of the Spanish tourist: more spending and a predilection for domestic travel and hotels and flats  

The Cetelem Observatory survey forecasts that the average outlay per person will grow by 17% compared to 2021 and will reach 1,184 euros.   This summer, […]

On 11 July the Xunta and the Cluster will present “Galicia Destino Sostible”.

This is a product to promote Galicia as a sustainable destination from a social, economic and environmental point of view.   In 2019, 87% stated that […]

Operation Summer brings more than 200 police and civil guards reinforcements to Galicia

Operation Summer brings more than 200 police and civil guards reinforcements to Galicia   The region is part of the state device prepared for the territories […]

Blue flags, a quality incentive to enjoy the summer in Galicia

Blue flags, a quality incentive to enjoy the summer in Galicia   This year, a total of 112 Galician beaches are flying the blue flag, which […]

Wine tourism sees an end to the crisis caused by the pandemic

The report of the Wine Routes of Spain states that the number of visitors last year doubled the figure for 2020.   The economic impact in […]

Approval of the project “A Coruña, sustainable and digital”.

The Tourism Sector Conference gave the go-ahead to this 3 million euro Destination Tourism Sustainability Plan.   The project includes actions such as the implementation of […]

Galicia strengthened the link between the Way of St. James and Germany with business meetings in Hamburg and Frankfurt

The Galicia Tourism Cluster participated together with a business representation specialised in the route in the workshops organised by the Tourism Agency to present Xacobeo 21-22. […]

Record May for Galician hotels

The 442,000 travellers and the 766,000 overnight stays registered are the best data for that month in the INE’s historical series.   Palas de Rei was […]

More cycles and investments for Vocational Training in the tourism and hospitality industry

The President of the Xunta highlights the contribution of these courses to the current success of Galician tourism.   Alfonso Rueda toured the CIFP Carlos Oroza […]

The president of the Clúster has told the Galician PP about the problems caused by the new decree on the registration of travellers

After his meeting with Cesáreo Pardal, the deputy Borja Verea has announced that the popular group will ask the central government to paralyse the royal decree […]

Galicia is promoted this week in Hamburg and Frankfurt

The Cluster and five companies from the sector are taking part in the presentations and workshops that the Xunta is holding on Tuesday and Thursday in […]

Galicia Tourism and the Council of Sanxenxo will promote sustainable tourism in the municipality.

Xunta has just given the go-ahead to an agreement that will allow the investment of 2 million euros from the Next Generation Funds.   The tourism […]

The future of tourism will be debated in October in Ourense

The president of the Cluster participated in the presentation of the international meeting organised by the Spanish Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism.   Specialists from […]

Galician entities increase their presence in the Network of Smart Tourist Destinations

The Provincial Council of Pontevedra is a member of the Executive Committee of a organization that has been joined by four other Galician institutions.   The […]

Sustainable tourism, the focus of a new chair at the University of A Coruña

The institution, the Mariñas Coruñesas and Terras do Mandeo Biosphere Reserve and the Provincial Council of A Coruña are promoting its launch, scheduled for 2023.   […]

World Tourism Organization notes the momentum the sector is experiencing

Southern Europe is leading the recovery of international tourism, although experts predict that pre-pandemic levels will not be reached until 2024.   The recovery of the […]

The Cluster and Ageinco join forces to boost innovation, competitiveness and profitability of the tourism sector

Both entities have signed an protocol to promote collaboration between the tourism and engineering, consultancy and technological development sectors.   Innovation, digitalisation and the use of […]

State aid for “last mile” digitisation in the tourism sector has been announced

The Ministry of Tourism is earmarking 20 million euros for technological development projects that incorporate emerging technologies and a further 5 million for the implementation of […]

Turexpo Galicia comes to an end with great expectations for this tourist year

The Cluster has participated in the Tourism Fair of Galicia with its own space and facilitating the access of Galician companies to the contracting exchange.   […]

Last days to apply for Q for Quality grants

Friday is the deadline to apply for the 2022 call of Galicia Tourism, which will cover up to 70% of the costs of auditing and use […]

The Tourism Cluster has participated in the IMEX Business Tourism fair in Frankfurt

The German fair once again vindicated its leadership in the MICE travel industry.   The Cluster was present through the Galicia MICE initiative.   The latest […]

Galician hotels reached record figures

The number of travelers, occupancy, profitability and total billing in April were higher than the same month in 2019.   The analysis of data from Galician […]

Xunta and Cluster are confident that 2022 will set new records for the tourism sector

This was expressed by both Alfonso Rueda and Cesáreo Pardal at the presentation of the campaign Walk to Galicia 2022.   The presentation ceremony of the […]

Courses on cybersecurity for the tourism sector

Three activities planned for the next few days will enable professionals in the sector to tackle issues such as cyber threats and the processing of personal […]

New call for grants for travel agencies for an amount of 650,000 euros

These subsidies from the Galicia Tourism Agency are aimed at product creation, marketing of Galicia as a destination and digital transformation.   Travel agencies have a […]

Galician nautical tourism hoists the sails with the Xacobea Nautical Crossing 2022

Participants will set sail from Barbate on 28 May to reach Santiago de Compostela on 13 June and complete the last stretch of the Portuguese Way […]

Segittur provides tourism SMEs with a guide to draw up their sustainability reports

The Galicia Tourism Cluster has collaborated in the drafting process of the document.   Companies in the tourism sector that want to advance along the path […]

The Cluster provides its members with 25 invitations to the Turexpo Galicia recruitment exchange

Participants will be able to contact national and international tour operators on 2 and 3 June at the fair to be held in Silleda.   Galicia […]

Italy, a new stop for the Cluster in the internationalisation campaign for Galicia as a destination

From today until 26 May, it is taking part, together with five Galician companies, in a roadshow organised by Turespaña, which will visit Rome, Catania, Bologna […]

European Commission calls on the sector to commit to more resilient and sustainable tourism

Companies, administrations, organisations and individuals can join the “Transition Pathway for Tourism” until the end of the month.   Companies and stakeholders in the tourism sector, […]

Galicia Gastronomic Forum will turn the cookers back on to show off its cuisine

n September, after a two-year hiatus due to the covid crisis, A Coruña will once again host this event, which combines flavours and tourism.   The […]

Xunta opts for tourism sustainability plans at destinations with five projects worth 24 million euros

The president of the Cluster took part in the presentation of the candidatures for the extraordinary programme made by the director of Galicia Tourism.   Five […]

The Cluster continues the internationalisation campaign of Destination Galicia in Porto.

Some thirty Galician companies took part in a workshop with Portuguese outbound to showcase the varied tourism offer of our region.   Galician chef Iván Domínguez […]

Xunta’s museums recover pre-pandemic visitors numbers

Almost half of the tourists who come to Galicia visit museums and monuments.   The latest visitor figures for the museums managed by the Xunta provide […]

Galicia strengthens links with the Canary Islands to increase the flow of tourism between the islands and the region

The Galicia Tourism Cluster is organising two workshops today and tomorrow in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Santa Cruz de Tenerife.   Around 30 Galician […]

Galicia Tourism earmarks 170,000 euros to finance the process of achieving and maintaining the Q for Quality

Municipalities and tourism companies and services are the recipients of the call for this 2022, which may also be used to apply for the seal S […]

Wine tourism shines once again with the Open Days of the Galician Wine Routes

The five designations of origin are taking part in this initiative, which will include guided visits to the wineries and numerous parallel activities, and which will […]

Pontevedra bets on Enogastronomy to boost rural development

The Cluster participates through the Provincial Tourism Board in the project promoted by the Provincial Council.   Enogastronomy is the basis on which the Provincial Plan […]

The distribution of the #QuedamosEnGalicia22 vouchers begins

The first card was handed out in Outes by the Vice-President of the Xunta Alfonso Rueda.   The beneficiaries of the #QuedamosEnGalicia22 tourist vouchers promoted by […]

The public network of hostels in Galicia will grow to 78 premises and 4,200 beds by the end of this year

The new hostel that will open its doors these days in O Saviñao will be added in the near future another in Carballeda de Valdeorras.   […]

The Galicia TurisTIC center opens its doors to become a technological hub to boost the modernization of the sector

The centre inaugurated in Vilagarcía de Arousa are the result of the collaboration between several administrations and entities, among them the Galicia Tourism Cluster.   The […]

Representatives of the best Galician gastronomy will accompany the Cluster in the presentations programmed in the Canary Islands and Porto

Eloy Cancela and Kike Piñeiro, from A Horta d’Obradoiro, will provide the flavour in Las Palmas and Tenerife, and Iván Domínguez, from Nado, will do the […]

Galician hotels in March were close to pre-pandemic figures for visitors and overnight stays

INE data reflect an increase of more than 100% compared to the same month last year.   The Galician tourism sector continues to take important steps […]

Villages that combine tourism and preservation will once again be recognised by the World Tourism Organisation

The UNWTO has just launched the second edition of the Best Tourism Villages initiative.   Under the premise of turning tourism into an engine for rural […]

The Galicia Tourism Cluster shows its total rejection of the decree of registration in accommodation and calls for an immediate moratorium on its entry into force and a thorough review

The Royal Decree, which came into force yesterday, triples the information that natural or legal persons engaged in accommodation and vehicle rental activities must send to […]

Galicia continues in Zurich promoting Xacobeo 21-22

The Galicia Tourism Cluster acts as ambassador of the Way in the Swiss city in the framework of the tour of presentations made by the Galicia […]

MICE tourism expects to recover 50% of pre-pandemic activity by the end of this year

The study on the sector presented by the Spain Convention Bureau highlights that people participating in these events spend 330% more than the average conventional tourist. […]

Cesáreo Pardal to take part in the third Galician Real Estate Congress

The president of the Galicia Tourism Cluster will debate about tourist rental housing as part of the events scheduled for next May in Santiago de Compostela. […]

The Galician tourism sector exceeds Easter Week forecasts with an occupancy rate of between 75% and 90%

The survey carried out by the Galicia Tourism Cluster offers a very positive balance that points to the recovery of the sector, which between Thursday and […]

Depotermal once again combines active ageing with thermal tourism

A dozen establishments participate in the new call of this programme of the Pontevedra Provincial Council, that offers more than 4,400 places.   Thermal tourism and […]

Oporto, new stop for the Cluster in its promotion of Galicia

The Portuguese city will host a new presentation of Galician tourism and a workshop on 19 May.   After the two workshops scheduled for 10 and […]

Garden tourism in Galicia gains weight with its incorporation into the European Route of Historic Gardens

With nine sites, Galicia has become the territory with the largest number of spaces included in the network.   The immense and spectacular floral heritage that […]

Rules for the “7 days, 7 parks” challenge

The Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Vivienda de la Xunta de Galicia, with the collaboration of the Clúster de Turismo de Galicia, has launched the […]

The Cluster promotes tourism to Galicia from the Canary Islands with workshops in Las Palmas and Tenerife

There are still some places available for the activities to be held on 10 and 11 May.   The Galicia Tourism Cluster is once again setting […]

The Galician tourism sector forecasts an occupancy rate of between 60% and 80% this Easter, depending on the area

A survey carried out by the Galicia Tourism Cluster indicates that the forecasts are positive with an increase in bookings in recent weeks, slightly slowed down […]

Fegatur welcomes Spring with a praise to life through “The Symphony of Hugs”

The Galician Federation of Rural Tourism promotes itself with a video full of nature and tenderness.   Images full of tenderness in which nature is the […]

Accommodation and restaurants can now apply for the new SME Energy Voucher of Inega

The call for energy improvements is aimed at self-employed and SMEs and endowed with a budget of 2 million euros.   The Energy Institute of Galicia […]

Private hostels will receive 500,000 euros in aid for improvements and digitalisation

Representatives of the Agalber association met in O Pino with the vice-president of the Xunta de Galicia Alfonso Rueda.   The hostel of O Pedrouzo, in […]

More than a hundred Galician tourist establishments will be able to benefit from aid to improve their energy efficiency.

Galicia will receive 7.8 million euros from the programme approved at the last meeting of the Tourism Sector Conference.   Galician tourist accommodation (hotels, campsites, rural […]

Jesús Picallo encourages the participants in Turislab to put their innovative projects at the service of the future of the sector

The vice-president of the Cluster participated in the opening ceremony of the second edition of the Xunta’s Tourism Startups Accelerator.   The second edition of the […]

Galicia opened up new opportunities in the US tourism market

The Galicia Tourism Cluster and the companies Tee Travel and Interrías participated in the Spain Tourism Summit held in Miami.   Opening up new business opportunities […]

Galician tourism knocks on the doors of the American market from Miami

The Galicia Tourism Cluster and the companies Tee Travel and Interrías are participating this week in the Spain Tourism Summit 2022.   Galicia will be present […]

Cesáreo Pardal stresses that sustainability marks the roadmap of the Galician tourism sector

The president of the Galicia Tourism Cluster participated today in the presentation of the “S” seal of Sustainability, promoted by the Institute for Tourism Quality of […]

The Open Days of the Galician Wine Routes ensure their continuity until 2025

The Xunta has just approved the signing of collaboration agreements with the five routes, which will receive a total of 390,000 euros to finance an activity […]

New call for applications to enable the self-employed and rural businesses to access the Internet with ultrafast broadband

Those professionals or businesses that have a speed of less than 30 megabytes will be able to benefit from grants of up to 20,000 euros to […]

More than a hundred tourism projects opt to participate in the second edition of Turislab

The Xunta’s startup accelerator has registered 40% more applications than last year.   The second edition of the tourism startup accelerator Turislab launched by the Xunta […]

Galicia promotes in Paris experiences linked to the Way of St. James

The Galicia Tourism Cluster, together with a dozen businessmen specialized in this field, participates in the workshop organized by the Tourism Agency to present the Xacobeo […]

Tourism that is committed to its roots: a vision from the local area

Some initiatives are committed to adding value to the territory by creating a sustainable tourism offer and local wealth.     Within the pillars of Spain’s Sustainable […]

Opening of the deadline for users to apply for tourist vouchers #QuedamosenGalicia22

Almost half a thousand tourist establishments and travel agencies have already signed up to the new call for applications.   The new call for applications for […]

More than 180 wineries will gather in Santiago de Compostela to participate in the first Revera Vinum Galician Wine Encounter

The main programme of this event promoted by the Compostela Hotel and Catering Association will be held from 22 to 24 March, but the activities already […]

The Tourism Cluster presents the book “Mar de ardora”, which compiles images of this phenomenon on the Costa da Morte

The publication collects the work of the photojournalist Ana García on the phenomenon of bioluminescence on the beaches of the area.   The Dolmen of Dombate […]

Galicia reorganises its tourist Geodestinations, increasing from 14 to 26

The new map has just been approved by the Galician Tourism Council.   Just over a decade ago, the map of Geodestinations of Galicia was officially […]

A dozen Galician companies will participate in the virtual day of the ITB Berlin

The Cluster promotes the Galician presence at the Digital Business Day scheduled for 17 March.   The initiative of the Galicia Tourism Cluster to encourage the […]

Galician accommodations that care for and protect the sea

Reused lighthouses, educational excursions along the estuary and designs open to the sea are the sustainable suggestions of these coastal hotels.   The sea in Galicia […]

The Cluster collects in a book the spectacular images of the “Sea of ardora”

The book, which will be presented on Friday 18th in Cabana de Bergantiños, compiles the photographs of this amazing marine phenomenon taken by Ana Garcia.   […]

Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria and the Basque Country want to become the largest ecotourism corridor in Europe

The four communities that make up the Green Spain initiative are presenting a joint project to offer sustainable tourism experiences in their protected natural areas.   […]

Xunta opens the period of adhesion of tourism companies to the new voucher “Quedamos en Galicia”

Accommodations and travel agencies interested in participating in this call endowed with 1.5 million euros will be able to submit their applications from 9 March.   […]

Camping options with a commitment to sustainability

Self-sustainability, glamping and environmental education are some of the proposals of these tourist accommodations.   Camping has become a very popular way of enjoying nature and […]

The province of Pontevedra will celebrate its great tourism festival on the 17th

The Rías Baixas Wine Route will be invested as a ambassador 2022 at the gala organised by the Provincial Council.   The Provincial Council of Pontevedra […]

The Way of St. James, an open door not only to Galicia, but also to the improvement of well-being

Research by the Ultreya Project shows the positive health effects of the pilgrimage experience.   That the Way of St. James is an experience that leaves […]

Tourist entities and groups in the province of A Coruña are now eligible for 1.6 million euros in aid

The annual call just opened by the Provincial Council is aimed at improving quality and competitiveness and the creation of new tourism products.   Management bodies, […]

Gourmet disconnection: this is the tourist offer trend that focuses on time and relaxation as key factors

The possibility of disconnecting from daily stress and routine, among the main reasons for choosing a destination after the pandemic in 2022.    The latest report […]

River tourism is back on board again to discover Galicia

Visitors can now make use of the route between Tui and Valença and the renewed booking website of the Ribeira Sacra catamaran of the Provincial Council of […]

The second edition of the Xunta’s Tourism Projects Accelerator has been announced

It will be held between April and December and this year incorporates a seventh category of action: Coastal Tourism.   Only two months after the awards […]

The Cluster encourages the participation of Galician companies in the virtual day of ITB Berlin

The German trade fair will hold a networking event on 19 March to put professionals and suppliers from all over the world in contact with each […]

The tourism offer of the Way of St. James that is committed to sustainability

Accommodation, activities and projects linked to the Galician Tourism Cluster are committed to revitalising the pilgrimage routes to Santiago de Compostela, prioritising the care and development […]

The Galician tourism sector closed 2021 with an increase in employment of 2.2% compared to the last quarter of 2020

Galicia ended the year as the seventh community with the highest number of workers employed in the sector: more than 107,000.   Last year’s tally of […]

Cluster collaborates with BioCultura Coruña to promote sustainable tourism

The organic products fair to be held from 4 to 6 March at EXPOCoruña will pay special attention to ecotourism in this edition.   The promoters […]

Turexpo Galicia is already preparing its eleventh edition with the aim of revitalising companies and destinations

The Galician Tourism Fair will be held at the Silleda exhibition centre from 2 to 5 June.   The International Fairground of Galicia Abanca, in Silleda, […]

Navartur, the next meeting point for the tourism sector

Galician tourism will be present at the Reyno de Navarra International Tourism Fair, to be held in Pamplona from 25 to 27 February.                   Two weeks […]

Accommodation and restaurants can now apply for new aid for the improvement of facilities

The Xunta has earmarked 2 million euros for this call to modernise the tourism sector.   Tourist accommodation of different types (hotels, campsites, rural tourism houses, […]

Thirteen itineraries will invite you to discover Galicia by train next summer

The ninth edition of the Tourist Trains of Galicia foresees 37 departures between June and October.   Next summer, the train will once again be the […]

The Xunta and the Cluster will continue to collaborate to increase the implementation of the Q for Quality seal

They will sign a three-year agreement worth 630,000 euros to consolidate Galicia’s growth as a tourist destination of excellence.   The Xunta de Galicia and the […]

The Galician extra-hotel sector experienced a large increase in the number of travellers during 2021

The Xacobeo placed Galicia at the top of the national ranking for overnight stays in hostels, rural tourism doubled the number of visitors and tourist apartments […]

Galician tourism is boosted through the Camina Plan and the Xacobeo Next Generation Plan

The two initiatives add up to an investment of more than 85 million euros aimed at consolidating the sector during this Holy Year, as the vice-president […]

Hotel tourism grew by almost 90 % in Galicia in 2021

The number of visitors and overnight stays in December tripled compared to the same month in 2020.   The first total tourism results for 2021 have […]

Visiting Galicia’s natural parks will have a prize

The “7 days, 7 parks” campaign will encourage visitors to enjoy Galicia’s natural heritage by giving away 20 weekend stays.   The Atlantic Islands National Maritime-Terrestrial […]

Galicia prepares a new edition of the tourist voucher

The Vice President of the Xunta de Galicia announces that the successful initiative launched jointly with the Cluster will be continued in the coming weeks.   […]

A Fitur above expectations and the celebration of Xacobeo 2022 augur a year of tourism recovery

The Galicia Tourism Cluster is very positive about the development of Fitur, as well as the high number of meetings that have taken place in the […]

Fegatur invites to enjoy the symphony of hugs offered by rural tourism establishments

The heads of the Galician Federation of Rural Tourism presented their new promotional campaign at Fitur.   The Galician Federation of Rural Tourism, Fegatur, presented at […]

The Tourism Cluster makes a positive balance of 2021 and thanks the effort of the administrations in the mobilisation of aid

The entity chaired by Cesáreo Pardal is committed to sustainability in order to attract high added value tourism.   Once again, the Cluster manages a working […]

The Galicia Tourism Cluster will open the presentations of the Galician stand at Fitur

The launch of the campaign “Galicia, the way to sustainability” is the first activity planned in the Xunta’s space after the inaugural event “Xacobeo 21-22. Walk […]

Galicia will lead the recovery of turnover in the national tourism sector this year

The Exceltur tourism outlook survey forecasts that Galician tourism will return to pre-pandemic turnover figures.   The good evolution that the Galician tourism sector has experienced […]

New grants of 60 million euros for the digitisation of tourism destinations and companies and for international promotion

The Next Generation funds will finance the four lines of subsidies that have just been launched by the Ministry of Tourism and which include specific items […]

The Galicia Tourism Cluster proposes the creation of a working group to review and update the regulations on tourist accommodation

Once again, the Cluster believes that public-private collaboration is the right way to strengthen an accommodation offer consistent with Galicia’s commitment to a sustainable and quality […]

The opportunities opened up by the AVE, to be debated this Friday in Ourense

Former ministers José Blanco and Ana Pastor, and the president of the Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, are some of the experts invited to participate in the forum […]

Wine tourism grows in number of overnight stays, spending per day and user satisfaction

Rías Baixas is the fourth most visited destination of the Wine Routes of Spain.   Wine tourism is a sector with great potential for development and […]

Galicia goes to Fitur in search of international visitors with the Xacobeo as a major attraction

The Holy Year and the Way of St. James will be the central themes of the stand that can be visited in Madrid from 19 to […]

The second call for aid for travel agencies injected 350,000 euros into the sector.

More than a hundred companies and professionals benefited from the initiative launched in September last year.   More than a hundred travel agencies and professionals in […]

Spending by foreign tourists in Galicia last summer grew to 267 million euros

The figure released by the INE represents an increase of 85% compared to the same period in 2020.   The recovery experienced last year by the […]

Cruise tourism in Galicia faces 2022 with good prospects

The port of A Coruña could beat its record of stopovers and visitors and those of Vigo and Ferrol aspire to reach the pre-pandemic figures.   […]

The Way of St. James confirmed its revival in 2021 with almost 180,000 compostelas stamped

The final figure exceeded the Xunta’s forecasts by 40,000 visitors.   The continuation of the Holy Year Xacobeo 21-22 has started with good news for the […]

Galician wines will be the protagonists of a pioneering proposal in Santiago de Compostela

The first Revera Vinum Galician Wine Meeting will bring together all the protected designations of origin and geographical indications of Galicia in March.   Santiago de […]

Three million euros to promote Ourense as a thermal destination

The agreement reached between the central government, the Xunta and the Provincial Council will allow the development of the tourism sustainability plan.   The project to […]

Galicia will hold its first Landscape and Green Infrastructure Congress in 2022

The event, promoted by the Xunta, will be part of the activities of Xacobeo 21-22.   The landscape is one of the great attractions and heritage […]

Galicia is once again climbing up the list of favourite destinations for Spanish tourists

In the third quarter of this year it has been ranked as the fifth most visited community, improving both the percentages of the spring and the […]

The extraordinary call for tourism sustainability plans at the destination will finance 13 projects in Galicia with 30 million euros

The actions approved at the sectorial conference will focus on promoting the coast as a tourist attraction.   Galicia will receive a total of 29.3 million […]

The new strategic plan for the City of Culture emphasises its value as a tourist resource

The document was presented at an event attended by numerous representatives of the cultural and business world, including the president of the Galicia Tourism Cluster.   […]

Galicia and the North of Portugal join forces to promote river tourism

The boat of the project “Río Miño, a navigable destination” has already made its presentation crossing.   The consolidation of the stretch of the Miño river […]

Rimartes is born, an experiential tourism project articulated around underwater heritage

The vice-president of the Galicia Tourism Cluster participated in the launch in Lariño of this initiative of the GALP Costa Sostible, Costa da Morte and Golfo […]

The role of sustainability, heritage and experiences to forge a competitive tourist destination will be the subject of debate on 21 December in Cambados

The Cluster promotes this networking event in collaboration with the Provincial Council of Pontevedra and the Xunta de Galicia through the Galicia Tourism Agency.   Tourism […]

The Xunta entrusts the Galicia Tourism Cluster with the promotion of the region as a safe destination and the search for new consumers

An agreement will allow the allocation of 1.5 million euros over the next three years to carry out campaigns, participate in trade fairs and congresses, and […]

The Accelerator of Tourism Projects of the Xunta awards four innovative projects

The president of the Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, participated in the presentation of awards and diplomas of the first promotion of Turislab.   The work of the […]

The deadlines for two postcovid grants for the hotel and catering industry have been extended until 17 December

The beneficiary establishments have one more week to justify the execution of their equipment and digitalisation projects.   The heads of the hotel and catering establishments […]

The booking platform will allow you to search for accommodation on the different routes of the Way of St. James

The Xunta and the Tourist Housing Association of Galicia will collaborate in terms of promotion and regularization.   The vice-president of the Xunta and Regional Minister […]

Xunta and Agetan collaborate to consolidate Galicia as a nature and sports destination

The Galician Association of Active, Adventure and Nature Tourism Companies will design new products and activate its own booking space.   The Xunta de Galicia, represented […]

Last days to enjoy the tourist vouchers of the “Quedamos en Galicia” programme

December 15th is the deadline to redeem the discounts of this initiative organised by Galicia Tourism and the Cluster, which in November mobilised 1.5 million euros. […]

The tourism sector analyses in Pontevedra the opportunities offered by ICTs

The president of the Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, participated in the fourth edition of the monographic conference organised by the Provincial Council.   The opportunities provided by […]

“Écociña no Camiño” promotes the gastronomic attraction of the pilgrimage routes to Santiago

The Port of Vigo hosted the central event of this initiative promoted by Galicia Tourism with the collaboration of the Cluster.   Gastronomy is an important […]

Event tourism gathers at IBTM World in Barcelona

Galicia will be present at the international trade fair being held from 30 November to 2 December in the Catalan capital.   Event tourism has a […]

Fegatur promotes rural tourism on the Way of St. James taking more than 50 travel agents on route

The fam trips organised in collaboration with the Galicia Tourism Agency are developed in four of the itineraries of the pilgrimage routes.   More than fifty […]

The sustainable development of tourism, fishing and biotechnology to be debated over three days in Baiona

The president of the Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, is one of the speakers at the meeting held in Baiona from November 24 to 26.   The Parador […]

Galicia Tourism Cluster promotes the “Family Destination” programme to increase the number of establishments participating in the initiative

The president, Cesáreo Pardal, and the director of Galicia Tourism, Nava Castro, participated in Santiago in the presentation of a video and of the new actions […]

Sport and tourism join forces at Sportur Galicia

The fair to be held in Ourense on 18 and 19 November includes a workshop with the participation of four specialised wholesalers.   The active tourism […]

Galician inland tourism crosses borders in Intur

Eleven companies associated with the Cluster are taking part in the professional section of the fair to be held in Valladolid from 18 to 21 November. […]

The Q for Quality rewards the Galician tourism sector

Galicia was the region with the most new certified establishments in 2020.   The Galician tourism sector’s commitment to quality has once again received official recognition. […]

The Galician Wine Routes launch a campaign to promote their offer through tourist offices

The aim is to highlight the wide range of experiences on offer on the five wine tourism routes and to encourage visitors to book them.   […]

Galician Tourism and Atrega will promote the arrival of groups of visitors during the Xacobeo

The agreement between the two entities will involve an investment of 600,000 euros for the creation and promotion of specific products.   The incentive of the […]

Galician restaurants once again shine with 78 Repsol Soletes

The famous gastronomic guide recognises with a new distinction the best establishments to enjoy in autumn and winter.   The hotel and catering industry plays an […]

Cesáreo Pardal claims from Rome the values of Galicia and the Way of St. James as a welcoming destination, not overcrowded and highly specialized

The president of the Cluster participated with Nava Castro and a group of businessmen of the tourism sector in the presentation in the Italian capital of […]

Rural tourism and thermalism boosted the sector during the All Saints’ Day long weekend

The tourist voucher launched by the Cluster and the Xunta allowed to inject 300,000 euros in the sector during this period.   The good prospects with […]

The province of Ourense already boasts a new tourism brand

Heritage, nature, oenogastronomy and thermalism are the differentiating factors summarised in “OU”.   Two letters, OU, are the symbol of the new brand and tourism strategy […]

The promotion of experiences related to the Way stars the presence of Galicia in the World Travel Market in London

The Galician Tourism Cluster organized a trade mission to the British fair in which more than 20 professionals and businessmen participated.   The promotion of tourism […]

Ourense becomes the capital of gastronomic tourism with Xantar

The new edition of the international exhibition will be held from November 3 to 7 and will focus on the flavours of the different routes of […]

Galician Tourism Cluster signs an agreement with the Xunta to allocate 700,000 euros until the end of 2022 for the creation and dissemination of sustainable products

The planned actions include the creation of a product club, as well as a database of establishments and an intranet.   The Galician Tourism Cluster will […]

Galicia is also a spa destination in autumn

The Xunta and the Galician Thermal Spa Association have extended the tourist programme developed in summer.   The good reception obtained by the “Thermal Summer” programme […]

Twenty companies will attend the World Travel Market London with the Cluster

The Galician trade mission will take part in WTM activities, which will take place from November 1 to 3.   The Galician tourism sector has once […]

The Galician tourism sector confirmed its strength in September

Galicia doubled the number of travellers and overnight stays compared to the same month in 2020 and has already reached pre-pandemic figures.   After the good […]

The Cluster collaborates with the Provincial Council of Pontevedra in the promotion of the province in Madrid and Valencia

Cesáreo Pardal participated in the trip led by Carmela Silva and in the workshops held in both cities.   Valencia and Madrid were the two cities […]

The Cluster will once again be present at the great tourism fair of the Way of St. James

The fourth edition of Fairway will be held on 7, 8 and 9 November in Compostela.   More than 70 exhibitors from all over the peninsula […]

The hotel and catering industry and nightlife regain 100 % of capacity

The end of the health emergency situation in force since March last year will also allow opening hours to be extended.   The good evolution of […]

An own booking website and a promotional campaign will reinforce the network of private hostels on the Way of St. James

Agalber association and the Xunta have signed a collaboration agreement to promote both initiatives.   The Xunta and Agalber, the Galician Association of Private Hostels (an […]

Galicia gains importance in the Network of Smarts Tourist Destinations

A dozen Galician municipalities and three associations of municipalities have just joined the statewide entity.   Galicia is already the third autonomous community with more municipalities […]

Elixe Galicia, awarded as best active tourism product 2021 at Fitur

Nava Castro collected in Madrid the award given to the campaign organised by the Xunta with the support of the Cluster.   The covid pandemic has […]

The Cluster promotes Galicia at the international fair TTG in Rimini

A trade mission led by Cesáreo Pardal has travelled to Italy to participate in the 58th edition of this meeting for professionals in the tourism sector. […]

Galician Tourism Agency organises a webinar on aid for the hotel and catering industry

It will be held this Thursday, 14 October, between 16.30 and 18.30 hours.   The content, requirements, deadlines and the rest of the information necessary to […]

Portuguese prescriptors and tour operators discover the Galician golf offer

They are taking part these days in a familiarisation trip promoted by the Cluster through the Galicia Golf Salud project.   A group of prescriptors and […]

Open the deadline to apply for aid for the acquisition of equipment post covid

Hotel and catering establishments will be able to opt for a total of 6 million euros in subsidies through this call from the Galician Tourism Agency. […]

More than a hundred restaurants take part in the Écociña no Camiño campaign

The Cluster showed its support for this initiative presented in Vilanova de Arousa by Nava Castro.   The restaurants located on the margins of the different […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster presents the campaign “Presume de morriña” with a photo contest and video stories shared on social networks

Cesáreo Pardal highlights that the action is aimed at people travelling from Galicia or from Spain and seeks to encourage the desire to return to enjoy […]

Cesáreo Pardal advocates in Oporto for sharing tourism strategies between Galicia and Northern Portugal

The president of the Galician Tourism Cluster participated in the promotional act of the Xacobeo 21-22 organised by the Xunta.   The presentation in Portugal of […]

The Cluster participated in Fisterra in the celebration of the World Tourism Day

The projects with which the Xunta chooses to raise 28 million euros of community funds were presented at the event.   Fisterra was the locality chosen […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster will once again be present at the World Travel Market London

The deadline to register for the trade mission organised by the organisation will be open until 1 October.   Once again, the Galician Tourism Cluster will […]

The accommodation and catering sector can now access grants worth 6 million euros for digitalisation and digital marketing

The initiative of the Galician Tourism Agency is aimed at accommodation and catering establishments and the deadline for requests will be open until 25 October.   […]

Some twenty companies in the region of Santiago receive the Sicted quality turistic certificate in destination

The president of the Cluster participated in the presentation of diplomas of the training programme organised by the GDR Terras de Compostela.   The Pazo de […]

Galicia boasts wine tourism with the tenth edition of the Route of Wines

Five routes offer visitors the full range of services offered by Galicia’s designations of origin.   October is a month to enjoy wine tourism thanks to […]

The Cluster, Ecoembes and the Xunta join forces to promote recycling in the tourism sector

The agreement signed between the three organisations is part of the 2021-2023 Galicia Safe Destination Master Plan and its objectives of developing Galicia as a sustainable […]

The Cluster promotes together with Galicia MICE, OPC Galicia and the Xunta de Galicia a fam trip to promote congress tourism in Galicia

Ten specialised companies are visiting A Coruña, Santiago and Vigo to get to know their facilities, resources and services.   Representatives of a dozen national companies […]

Travel agencies can now access new grants to cover the costs of their premises

The deadline to apply for the 350,000 euros allocated by the Xunta to this second call for grants will be open until 11 October.   The […]

More than 70 rural tourism establishments take part in the 15th Autumn Gastronomic Festival

The president of the Galicia Tourism Cluster took part in Celanova in the presentation of the new edition of this initiative.   The fifteenth edition of […]

The Xunta and the Cluster will collaborate to promote Galicia as a safe destination through new sustainable products

The tourism sector will be eligible in the coming weeks for new subsidies amounting to almost 16 million euros.   The development of new sustainable products […]

The Cluster unpacks its strategy and the challenges of the tourism sector in a forum promoted by Ineo

César Ballesteros, secretary of the entity, participated in a virtual meeting on the digitalisation of the sector.   The Cluster Turismo de Galicia has been present […]

The Xunta has already received around 5,000 requests for aid from the III Rescue Plan, which in a second phase could reach 200,000 euros

Representatives of the sectors affected by the pandemic met today with the general director of emprego, Covadonda Toca The Xunta de Galicia has already received the […]

A Xunta, o Clúster e as Universidades presentan o Plan Director 2021-2023 para o turismo en Galicia A Xunta, o Clúster e as Universidades presentan o Plan Director 2021-2023 para o turismo en Galicia

As accións contidas nesta planificación suporán investimentos de preto de 500 millóns de euros en tres anos, dos cales máis da metade se dedicarán a reactivar […]

Elixe Galicia allows the people of this Community to make internal trips with a 40 percent discount

The program, which seeks to reactivate the activity and de-season domestic tourism, was presented in O Grove The Galician Tourism Agency has launched the “Elixe Galicia” […]

Some 60 companies have already joined the European Youth Card offers through the Galicia Tourism Cluster

The Galicia Tourism Cluster signed an agreement this afternoon with the Department of Social Policy of the Xunta de Galicia The Galicia Tourism Cluster signed an […]

Cesáreo Pardal highlights that Galicia is the safest destination thanks to the collaboration model between the industry, the Administration and the knowledge

The Galicia Tourism Cluster presented in Fitur a balance of the work carried out during the last 15 months to plan the recovery and establish measures […]

Galicia is presented in Fitur as “the best place in the world” to enjoy a safe destination

The president of the Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, defends that tourism is a key sector for economic reactivation The president of the Xunta de Galicia, Alberto […]

The Galicia Tourism Cluster presents a tool for the development of virtual fairs and events, which will be available to the entire sector

A seguridade, a transformación dixital e o medio ambiente son os retos para a recuperación do turismo The configuration of a safe, intelligent and sustainable destination […]

The president of the Galicia Tourism Cluster highlights that Fitur marks the beginning of the recovery of tourism activity

The Xunta presented the Galicia stand and the programming for the International Madrid Tourism Fair The president of the Galicia Tourism Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, highlighted the […]

The platform includes a tool that allows you to contact exhibitors through chats and video calls

The platform includes a tool that allows you to contact exhibitors through chats and video calls The Fitur International Tourism Fair will develop its networking event […]

The Galicia Tourism Cluster opens the reservation period for the business space of the Galicia stand at Fitur

Participation this year will be limited to groups of 4 people in 30-minute slots to guarantee security measures The Galicia Tourism Cluster will manage once again […]

The North Directorate of CaixaBank proposes the Galicia Tourism Cluster for the Hotel & Tourism national award for the best institutional initiative

The awards celebrate this year a special edition that recognizes the best social and innovative initiatives that the sector has launched during 2020 to adapt to […]

24 establishments of the Terras do Condado Paradanta geo-destination receive the distinction of the Integral System of Spanish Tourist Quality in Destinations (SICTED)

In Spain there are 213 destinations adhered to this project that rewards the commitment to quality and 11 of them are Galician The Terras do Condado […]

The Camelia Galicia Committee meets for the first time in the Pazo de Rubiáns

It has the task of regulating the Route of the Camellia Gardens of Galicia Organizing and regulating the locations of the Galicia Camellia Route, as well […]

Xunta and the professional conference organizers sign an agreement for the reactivation of MICE tourism

The conference centers of Santiago, A Coruña and Vigo will have virtual sets, as an alternative to face-to-face events Reactivating tourism for meetings, incentives, conventions and […]

The tourist voucher #QuedamosenGalicia21 runs out in just a few hours and leaves a waiting list for a possible extension

The unprecedented success of the initiative assists in the recovery of the sector that will have a multiplier effect The tourist voucher card #QuedamosenGalicia21, an initiative […]

Galicia starts with an advantage in the recovery because it offers a nature tourism and not overcrowded

The president of the Galician Tourism Cluster, Cesáreo Paral, participates in the session “The future of tourism” of the Mirando por la Tierra Forum, organized by […]

The Xunta and the Tourism Cluster present the voucher “#QuedamosenGalicia21”, which can be requested from tomorrow

Anyone of legal age registered in Galicia can benefit from the cards of 500, 375 and 250 euros The first vice president of the Xunta de […]

The Galicia Tourism Cluster trusts that Tuesday’s Clinical Committee will be the beginning of the recovery process towards post-Covid tourism

The restaurants could open until 10:30 p.m. with reservations and customer registration and the rest of the hotel industry until 9:30 p.m. The Galicia Tourism Cluster […]

Turislab begins to receive proposals for the first tourism accelerator in Galicia

The objective will be the selection of 10 projects to which interested investors will be contacted The first tourism accelerator in Galicia, Turislab, will receive throughout […]

The electronic headquarters of the Xunta begins to receive the proposals of adhesion of the companies to the voucher “Quedamos en Galicia 2”

Accommodation and travel agencies that offer their products in Galicia can participate in the program   Accommodation and travel agencies that wish to join the “We […]

The first accelerator of companies in Galicia specialized in tourism is born

The Turislab accelerator will select ten projects and help them find financing The first Galician accelerator specialized in Tourism was presented today at the Turislab facilities, […]

The Xunta dedicates 6.8 million euros to extend the voucher “Quedamos en Galicia” to all people of legal age residing in Galicia

There will be three types of vouchers, for which the Xunta will contribute, respectively, 150, 225 and 300 euros Generating activity and promoting the reactivation of […]

35 companies from Galicia participate in ITB Berlin with the Galician Tourism Cluster

At the fair there are more than 3,500 exhibitors from 120 countries A total of 35 companies from Galicia participate from today as professional visitors at […]

The DOG published in February compensation to tourism and activities affected by the COVID 19 crisis for an amount of about 90 million euros

The grants are mainly aimed at freelancers, small businesses, travel agencies and tourism for congresses and events   The Official Gazette of Galicia (DOG) published throughout […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster opens the period to register as a professional visitor at the virtual ITB Berlin

Applications must arrive before February 26, and the Cluster will assume the registration costs of the first 20 people who request it   The Galician Tourism […]

Convocatoria de subvenciones para eventos de turismo de negocios

Tendrán una dotación global de 650.000 euros, repartidos en ayudas de entre 5.000 y 30.000 euros   The Official Gazette of Galicia today publishes the resolution […]

Tour guides will receive help to create new products on ‘Santiago Ways’

The Xunta will sign an agreement with the Professional Association of Galician Tourism Guides to allocate 170,000 euros for this purpose as well as professionalization and […]

The DOG publishes new aid for improvements in establishments and the Xunta explains the second rescue plan

The Galicia Tourism Agency will allocate 3.5 million to improvements in catering and accommodation businesses, in addition to the 75 million that will be included in […]

The Cluster will gather Administrations around a table to propose measures that allow tourism and hospitality to stay alive until recovery arrives

Called the Xunta, the four provincial councils and the FEGAMP for Monday in Santiago After the successive separate demonstrations about the will to undertake coordinated measures […]

The Xunta proposes to create a cooperation fund for tourism with ‘diputaciones’ and large town halls

The first vice-president of the Xunta and Minister of Tourism, Alfonso Rueda, and the Minister of Employment and Equality, María Jesús Lorenzana announced the launch of […]

The current challenge for tourism companies is to arrive alive at the moment when confidence is restored

The Cluster thanks the Galicians who have taken the opportunity to re-discover Galicia during the summer months in which they were able to travel   Galicia […]

Tourism faces 2021 with the hope of a recovery in the second semester and with an eye on vaccines

Cluster insists on the need for public aid so that companies can maintain themselves during the coming months The good news about the extension until 2022 […]

Pooling of contributions for the Galician Tourism Master Plan 2021-2023

Members of the three Galician universities participate in the webinar that takes place on Tuesday, and which marks the end of the period for contributions to […]

Los retos del turismo: sobrevivir a la pandemia, avanzar en la profesionalización y afrontar la transformación digital

Clausuradas las jornadas “Turismo: reinventar el presente”, organizadas por el Clúster Turismo de Galicia en colaboración con la Diputación de Pontevedra Los tres retos principales a […]

Tourism will have to wait until 2024 to reach the turnover volumes prior to the pandemic, but it will do so with a more professionalized and digital sector

The experts who participated in the first day of “Tourism: reinventing the present” analyzed in Pontevedra the effects of the pandemic and the challenges that the […]

The conferences “Tourism: reinventing the present”, of the Galicia Tourism Cluster and the Pontevedra Provincial Council, can be followed by streaming

Some of the leading experts in Spain in Smart Tourism will participate in this meeting on December 17 and 18 Experts in crisis management and digital […]

Culler de Pau becomes the first Galician restaurant with two Michelin stars

The prestigious guide recognizes the quality of 15 establishments in Galicia, awards four new stars, a Bib Gourmand and three green stars The Culler de Pau […]

SERGAS extends voluntary screening with PCR tests to hospitality workers

Until now, the program had been aimed at workers in lodging establishments The Xunta de Galicia, through the Galician Health Service, has extended screening to people […]

The Xunta directs a letter to the Galician hospitality industry in which it explains the aid and indicates how to request it

The communication, signed by the first and second vice-presidents, Alfonso Rueda and Francisco José Conde, and by the Minister for Entrepreneurship, María Jesús Lourenzana, is accompanied […]

Xunta and Clúster make available to the workers of tourist accommodation in Galicia a screening program through PCR tests

Interested persons can submit their request through a form The employees of the tourist accommodation in Galicia may voluntarily undergo PCR tests through a screening program […]

Galician travel agencies redirect to Galicia 900 trips that had other destinations and had been canceled

The collaboration agreement between the Galician Association of Tourism Agencies (AGAVI) and the Galician Tourism Agency also allowed the creation of 200 new tourism products adapted […]

The president of the Galicia Tourism Cluster and the president of the Pontevedra Provincial Council present the conference “Reinventing the present”

Experts and professionals will speak on December 17 and 18 in Pontevedra about the use of new technologies and the challenges of post-Covid tourism The industry […]

The Galicia Tourism Cluster convenes a webinar to explain the aid of the Xunta to the sector due to the Covid-19 crisis

It’s aimed at workers, the self-employed and micro-companies, as well as those affected by the closures of the hospitality industry The Galicia Tourism Cluster will hold […]

The Xunta and the Cluster extend the duration of the “Quedamos en Galicia” voucher and announce that the initiative will be renewed next year

Measures to stop the pandemic have prevented some 2,000 people from being able to use the voucher The first vice president of the Xunta and head […]


Galicia Tourism Cluster presents, together with the First Vice Presidency, the Department of Education and the three rectors, the ongoing tasks of the Master Plan 2021-2023 […]

More than 700 travel agencies from all over Spain participate in the workshop #quedamosenGalicia

The 27 Galician exhibitors show the Galician tourist offer today and tomorrow and hold meetings with professionals interested in learning about the products   A total […]


The Galicia Tourism Cluster brings together hospitality, travel agencies, wholesalers, accommodation, business tourism and all the complementary offer in the Vice Presidency of the Xunta All […]

The website ‘Galicia Golf Salud’ was presented today in Santiago

It is a virtual space that seeks to create a Spanish&Portuguese network of collaboration between tour operators, tournament organizers, professionals and golf courses The Galicia Destination […]


The Cluster creates a round table with the associations of the hospitality subsector to maintain the line started today in the meeting with the Vice Presidency […]

Galicia’s active tourism certifies compliance with all anti-Covid measures

The label is managed by the Galician Association of Active Tourism and Nature Companies (AGETAN) within the framework of an agreement with the Galician Tourism Agency […]


Complete video interventions, in this link Cesáreo Pardal appeared this afternoon at the Reactivation Commission of the Autonomous Chamber, where he demanded a coordinated action by […]

Cluster takes Galician government the need of all the Administrations help to alleviate the effects of the anti-Covid measures

The industry demands support to be able to assume the enormous sacrifice that is demanded of it The president of the Galician Tourism Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, […]

Cluster organizes the workshop #quedamosenGalicia to make Galician tourism products known to Spanish agencies

Participants will have a virtual stand with meeting and contact spaces in which they will show their products and meet with heads of visiting agencies Travel […]

Products made in a traditional way in Galicia will have the ‘Artesanía Alimentaria’ label

The law of the Xunta that regulates food handicrafts was presented today in Boqueixón by the Regional Minister of Rural Affairs, José González Galician food products […]

64 companies already benefit from the free consultancy program “Turismo 100×100”

The initiative faces its final stretch after the excellent reception throughout the tourism establishments in Galicia. A total of 64 companies and tourist establishments in Galicia […]

The ‘open house’ days of the Galician Wine Route will be held

The new measures adopted in Galicia have forced the suspension of wine buses, but are maintained visits to wineries and all activities in which the capacity […]

The measures that are applied from today in Galicia include specific conditions for tourism

Guided groups cannot exceed five people. Free time activities, tourist recreational centers, congresses, meetings, business meetings, conferences, events and similar events must reduce the capacity to […]

The Galicia MICE program brings incentive tourism professionals to the region

The 9 participants in the Galicia MICE ‘fam trip’ were in Santiago for an informative event. They were accompanied by the director of the Galician Tourism […]

The Galicia Tourism Cluster invites 30 associates to visit the virtual WTM London,

Trade visitors have access to the virtual fair and can attend more than 50 live conferences, among other advantages. Those who want to participate as “trade […]

Government of Galicia and the Galicia Tourism Cluster present the “Tourism 100×100” program

Galician tourist establishments will have free access to advice and consulting ‘on line’   The president of the Galicia Tourism Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, said today that […]

The Galician Guides Association promotes the hiring of these professionals in excursions and circuits around the community

The initiative, called Discover Galicia, seeks to establish a long-term collaboration with other tourism groups Within the framework of the agreement signed between APITgalicia and the […]

Galicia will have two of the tourism sustainability plans for the Ribeira Sacra and Santiago de Compostela

The Xunta had also requested sustainability plans for Ourense termal and A Mariña lucense, which were not approved Galicia will have two sustainable tourism plans for […]

Hostelería Compostela and the USC promote a campaign for responsible leisure

Through the hashtag #NONalies we intend to raise awareness that exemplary compliance with health recommendations should also be shown outside of university spaces In order to […]

An app powered by Galician guides allows you to listen to their instructions through your cell phone

The Professional Association of Galician Tourist Guides has promoted an app called Guías de Galicia (Galician Guides) that will allow tourists to receive their instructions via […]

Tourism in Galicia and the Galician wine routes present a promotional campaign “Reencontros cos 5 sentidos” (Meeting with the 5 senses)

At the same event, the importance of the marketing platform of the offer of the five routes that have also been promoted within the framework of […]

The Galician Association of Travel Agencies joins the CEAV

The Galician Association of Travel Agencies (AGAVI) has just joined the Spanish Confederation of Travel Agencies (CEAV) as a new full member. This was approved at […]

Open enrollment in the new edition of the state program Hosts, which offers seven online courses on Covid-19 and tourism

The Secretariat of State for Tourism has opened the registration period for the Host training program, which in this, the seventeenth edition, will include as its […]

Pontevedra hosts the I International Conference on Marine Tourism and Fishing Tourism

Promoted by the Galp of the Rias Baixas, the meeting is held on 24 and 25 September as part of the cooperation project Mar das Illas […]

Sanxenxo achieves an average occupation of 54% in an atypically short high season as a whole, but which is positively valued by the business community

Occupancy corresponds to the average of July, August and the first half of September, a shorter than usual high season during which 98% of the hotel […]

The Xunta and the Galician Tourism Cluster agree on the importance of promoting the Galicia brand as a safe destination

The first vice president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, held this morning at the Real Club Náutico de Sanxenxo a first meeting with the Executive Council […]

Un descanso nos Camiños seeks to consolidate the proposal through its dissemination through conferences and showcookings

With the objective to achieve the consolidation, positioning, diffusion and impulse to the commercialization of the tourist product called “A rest in the Ways”, program that […]

Hostelería Compostela demands dialogue with the Xunta and a clear roadmap for the recovery of the sector

They ask for the suppression of municipal taxes until the summer of next year and to give facilities to the establishments to continue exploiting the terraces […]

The Xunta and nightlife entrepreneurs create a work table that will analyze weekly health data in order to reactivate the sector

The first vice-president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, and the Regional Minister of Health, Julio García Comesaña, held a meeting by videoconference with representatives of the […]

Solutions and new ideas for the sector in the First National Congress of Experiential Tourism to be held this week in Lugo

It will take place both in person and virtually from 16 to 18 September, followed by the “LugoExperience” weekend on Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 Lugo […]

The tourism promotion campaign “Follow your instinct” already exceeded this summer the objectives set for the whole year

Carmela Silva: “The data is spectacular. At this point in the year are more than 24 million impacts of this campaign to promote the province and […]

The International Congress on Water and Health organized by Termatalia 2020 already has more than 300 registered

The event, which will be held on the 16th and 17th, can be followed in person or online and has the participation of 50 speakers from […]

Galicians almost halved their vacation trips outside Galicia

Los gallegos redujeron un 48% los desplazamientos por vacaciones fuera de Galicia durante el mes de agosto, de acuerdo con un informe de Abanca realizado mediante técnicas de ‘big data’, de la geolocalización de los establecimientos de ocio en los que realizaron sus pagos.

“Tourism we are all” presents its roadmap to save the national tourism sector from the crisis

La plataforma “Turismo somos todos”, promovida por la Asociación Española de Directores de Hotel (AEDH), la Asociación Española de Profesionales del Turismo (AEPT), Las Llaves de Oro Españolas, la Asociación Española de Gobernantas de Hotel y el Grupo RV Edipress, ha presentado al Gobierno una hoja de ruta con medidas concretas de protección a la industria turística. Sus objetivos están claros: salvar vidas, la economía y el turismo; evitar la destrucción de empresas y empleo ligados al sector; y conseguir que uno de los principales motores económicos de España lidere la recuperación del país.

25% of Spaniards expect to travel during the last quarter despite the COVID

A pesar de la situación sanitaria propiciada en las últimas semanas, muchos españoles siguen dispuestos a viajar y disfrutar de nuevos destinos, siempre que las condiciones de seguridad en cuanto a la pandemia y posibles restricciones en la movilidad lo permitan. BRAINTRUST ha elaborado, gracias a una nueva oleada de su Barómetro Turístico una radiografía de estos viajeros, cómo son y cómo viajarán.

Rías Baixas revalidates the best employment data of Galicia and is placed as the fifth national destination

The province of Pontevedra registered throughout the summer an average occupation in hotel establishments of 54.4% The observatory of Tourism Rías Baixas registered an average occupation […]

The Cluster Turismo de Galicia launches a specialized tourism consultancy service, Turismo 100×100

Un equipo de expertos ofrecerán asesoramiento técnico individualizado a las empresas turísticas gallegas para hacer frente a los efectos de la COVID19

The Galicia MICE center is up and running, seeking to place Galicia in the virtual events business

El espacio habilitado en la Ciudad de la Cultura en virtud del acuerdo alcanzado entre OPC Galicia y la Xunta está dotado con medios para organizar congresos con 1.000 asistentes conectados a distancia

CEHAT asks the Government to create an inter-ministerial commission and a shock plan for the reactivation of tourism in Spain

La patronal hotelera ha trasmitido a la ministra de Turismo, Reyes Maroto la urgente necesidad de crear una comisión interministerial con los responsables de las diferentes comunidades autónomas para abordar la recuperación del sector a través de la puesta en marcha de un plan de choque que haga posible la reactivación del turismo español con medidas como la ampliación y replanteamiento de los ERTE, los test a los viajeros o la exención de algunos impuestos como el IBI.

Sanidade establishes restrictive measures affecting the hotel industry in Ourense, Santiago, Santa Comba, Carballo and A Laracha

La Consellería de Sanidade ha decidido establecer medidas y restricciones en los ayuntamientos de Ourense, Santiago, Santa Comba, Carballo y A Laracha, medidas que suponen la limitación de los aforos al 50% en los establecimientos comerciales, de restauración y hostelería -donde además estará prohibido el consumo en barra-, la limitación del número máximo de personas en las reuniones tanto privadas como en la vía pública fijado en un máximo de 10 personas; así como la reducción de los aforos en celebraciones, velatorios y lugares de culto, además del cierre de los centros de día y residencias, sin olvidar la reducción de aforos en bibliotecas, academias, autoescuelas y centros privados de enseñanza no reglada entre otros. Dichas medidas, que entrarán en vigor a las 0 horas del jueves serán revisadas dentro de una semana.

Galician extrahotel accommodations hold up better in July than the rest of the country

Las pernoctaciones en alojamientos extrahoteleros (apartamentos turísticos, cámpings, alojamientos de turismo rural y albergues turísticos) se situaron en 391.718 en el mes de julio en Galicia, lo que supone un descenso del 21,7% respecto a las registradas en el mismo mes de 2019, según los datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE). En lo que se refiere a la distribución de las pernoctaciones a nivel nacional, Galicia concentró el 2,5% de las registradas en julio, frente al 1,1% del año anterior.

The provincial hotel associations of Pontevedra, Lugo and A Coruña, united against the resolution of the Xunta to close the nightlife

The TSXG has already ratified the denial of the precautionary measure requested by the Provincial Association of Hotel and Catering Businesses of A Coruña to suspend […]

Weekendesk users give a 7.9 rating to the adaptation of Galician accommodations to the antiCOVID sanitary measures19

Our territory is ranked sixth in the assessment, behind Asturias, Cantabria or Castilla La Mancha Travellers surveyed by the escape portal Weekendesk generally approve with note […]

AGETAN renews its board of directors and elects a new president, Pablo López

The companies that make up the Association of Active Tourism, Adventure and Nature Companies, AGETAN, have renewed their Board of Directors at a meeting in which […]

Galicia cushions in July the tourist fall with an interannual fall of 51% in the overnight stays against 73% of the rest of the State

With almost 260,000 travelers and 600,000 overnight stays, the national traveler, which represents 90% of the total, allowed the fall in the whole of Galician territory […]

The Xunta will study if the terraces of the nightlife venues could be opened before the reopening of the spaces inside

Galician Government and nightlife entrepreneurs will work on a reactivation protocol Hostelería Compostela and the Association of Bars, Pubs and Discotheques of Santiago disagree with the […]

Sanidade removes Catalonia from the list of communities whose travellers must register on arrival in Galicia

The Consellería de Sanidade has removed the community of Catalonia from the list of Spanish regions whose travelers must register on a mandatory basis upon arrival […]

Compostela on the Move will make the city more dynamic in the coming months with leisure and cultural activities

Organised by the Compostela Hotel Association and the Compostela Bars, Pubs and Discos Association, in collaboration with the Santiago City Council, the first of its activities, […]

Exceltur revises its forecast of fall and advances that the year will end with losses of almost 99 billion for the Spanish tourism sector

The report update figures the losses in Galicia in -3,586 million Euros, which is equivalent to -52.7% less income derived from tourism than in the previous […]

More than 10,000 people have already applied for the tourist voucher, covering more than 50% of the places on offer

More than 320 accommodation establishments and travel agencies have joined this programme, which will last until 13 December Just over 10,300 professionals from the Galician socio-health […]

The closing of the nightlife will be effective in the early morning of Monday

The measure is the result of the agreement of the Interterritorial Health Council and will be implemented throughout the national territory Catering establishments must close at […]

Proturga continues in August with its Facendo Camiño project to promote the professionalization of Galician tourism agents

This week the route will be developed on the French Way. After the break caused by the COVID19, the Association Proturga, Profesionais do Turismo de Galicia […]

Xacobeo 2021 and the Phoenician world, novelties in the new season of the Coastal Cruisers

The port of Escarabote in Boiro hosted the official presentation of the new routes The Coastal Cruises, an initiative promoted by the Galician Association of Nautical […]

Approved the guide of recommendations to reduce the infection by coronavirus in tourist apartments

The Institute for Spanish Tourist Quality, together with the Secretariat of State for Tourism, in coordination with the Ministry of Health, has published the latest of […]

Congress on Experiential Tourism in Lugo

Fifty experts and professionals from the sector will meet at the event, which will combine face-to-face talks and streaming On 16, 17 and 18 September, Lugo […]

The Xunta removes Portugal and La Rioja from the list of territories of obligatory registration for travellers arriving in Galicia and includes Madrid

They continue to be listed in Aragon, Catalonia, Navarre and the Basque Country in Spain and 136 other countries. The Ministry of Health has updated the […]

Support from the Xunta to the music festivals under the brand Fest Galicia

The brand brings together a total of 13 festivals that shared with the Galician government their situation and the measures taken in response to the situation […]

Abanca and Clúster Turismo de Galicia join forces to offer financial solutions adapted to the situation of the Galician tourism sector

The bank and the grouping of entities in the tourism sector renew their collaboration and activate financing options adapted to the economic situation generated by the […]

The Xunta recovers the Elixe Galicia program for the final stretch of the year

The program planned as a measure to boost domestic tourism before the pandemic readjusts its schedule and will take place this year between September 15 and […]

Termatalia organizes the 1st Congress on Water and Health

It will be held on 16 and 17 September 2020 in a hybrid format and can be followed in person from Ourense or virtually from anywhere […]

Travellers arriving in Galicia from territories with a higher prevalence of COVID19 will have to communicate their data to SERGAS

In order to implement new prevention measures to address the health crisis caused by COVID19 , the Xunta de Galicia has approved a new measure that […]

The application period is now open for the beneficiaries of the tourist voucher

Interested parties from the health and social-health fields may apply until 30 November and will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis until the funds allocated […]

Sanxenxo becomes the first Galician council to be declared a preferential tourist area

With the delivery of the distinction on the part of the Xunta, the city council of Sanxenxo became this week the first municipality declared preferential territory […]

Galicia hosts a fam trip with the heads of the main Spanish travel agencies to promote new tourist packages linked to food and wine

The initiative is part of the agreement signed by AGAVI and the Xunta de Galicia, within the Reactivation Plan of the tourist sector Some twenty professionals […] renews the web incorporating a booking engine to show the offer of rural tourism in Galicia

As a result of the agreement between the Department of Culture and Tourism and the Galician Federation of Rural Tourism (Fegatur) it is now possible to […]

Measures for the reactivation of tourism in A Mariña, Lugo

In order to reduce the negative impact of the last outbreak in the territory of A Mariña Lugo, different public administrations are implementing initiatives for the […]

MICE Forum warns of the possible disappearance of scientific-medical congresses

MICE Forum calls on the Parliamentary Committee for Social and Economic Reconstruction to review and rectify its Article 47.2 of Theme 8, Pharmaceutical policy, Bio-health industry […]

Four and five star hotels, unique locations… more than 200 companies have already signed up for the Bono Turístico

The Xunta will publish this week the system for potential beneficiaries to apply for the bonus Paradors, five- and four-star hotels, unique locations such as spas, […]

Guide for the reactivation of tourism in intelligent destinations in the face of COVID-19

SEGITTUR and TECHFriendly, with the support of the FEMP, have prepared the Guide for the reactivation of intelligent tourist destinations after COVID-19, which has been presented […]

CETS launches a digital and proximity campaign to reinforce the destination under the slogan “Sanxenxo is back”

The objective is to reinforce the image of the leading municipality in holiday tourism in Galicia as a reference for quality and safety in the north […]

Spain launches a campaign to generate confidence in the European tourist, Back to Spain

Turespaña has also taken the opportunity to redesign its website to make it more attractive and navigable A more dynamic website with more tools to […]

WTM organizers insist that the fair be held this year

The organizers of the World Travel Market in London, one of the three most important tourism fairs in the world, are convinced that the event will […]

Last minute reservations and caution: the occupation in the province of Pontevedra would be around 33% in July and 40% in the summer as a whole

The Council of Pontevedra launches a new campaign to promote the revival of tourism in the province under the slogan “SEE” to be developed until the […]

Fairway will be held at Santiago’s Palacio de Congresos from November 8 to 10, 2020

The fair of the Way of Saint James will not miss its appointment this year. Finally, the fourth edition of Fairway will be held at the […]

Travel agencies and tour operators will promote local tourism under two agreements signed with the Xunta for half a million euros

Experiences will be promoted in strategic areas to diversify tourist activity such as the Ribeira Sacra, the Costa da Morte or the Caminos de Santiago The […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster approves its annual budget marked by the impact of the coronavirus on the sector

An action plan was approved that includes support and advice to companies for the process of reactivation of the sector The highest body of the entity […]

The Xunta and the MICE sector collaborate to promote Galicia as a congress tourism destination

The Minister of Culture and Tourism and the President of OPC Galicia signed an agreement for 200,000 euros within the framework of the regional reactivation plan […]

Open registration period for tourist companies that wish to join the Tourist Voucher #QuedamosenGalicia

Tourist accommodations and Galician travel agencies registered in the REAT can join this joint initiative of the Xunta and Cluster Tourism of Galicia to revive the […]

The gradual reopening of the public hostels on the Way of Saint James begins

Into the Safe Way programme, Xunta and town councils with municipal hostels are coordinating the reopening of the establishments, adapted to the new situation for a […]

Guided tours with the official guides of Galicia are back

The association that groups this group in Galicia, APIT Galicia, has signed a collaboration agreement with Fegatur to give rural tourists free tours in one of […]

Tourism, central axis of the actions of the Diputación de Pontevedra for the next months

The President of the Provincial Council announces a tourism recovery plan worth 3.5 million euros As a fundamental sector for the province, as valued by the […]

ERTE’s extensions until 30 September are underway

The measure, which was a unanimous clamour from the whole sector, also affects the self-employed, who will extend the aid until September and include seasonal workers […]

6 out of 10 Spaniards have already decided where they will travel this summer

The latest report from the Observatur, Spain’s outbound tourism observatory, shows that 65% of Spaniards have changed their summer holiday plans for fear of the coronavirus […]

The Xunta collaborates with Aviturga in an initiative to improve the organization of the Houses of Tourist Use

They will do so through the website, which includes recommendations and instructions to guide owners in the process of regularizing their accommodations Xunta and Association […]

Galicia activates a telephone for visitors with Covid-19 symptomatology

With the aim of taking extreme measures for early detection of COVID19 in view of the reopening of the borders and the beginning of mobility between […]

The Secretariat of State launches the free ‘Responsible Tourism’ label

The measure has been received unevenly by the sector, considering that it arrives late since many establishments have initiated the procedures to apply for the one […]

The Cluster claims the suitability of measures such as the Solidarity Bond to boost domestic consumption

The initiative to launch bonds to encourage domestic consumption was already included in the Reactivation Plan proposed by the Galician tourism sector The Solidarity Bond will […]

The Government’s Tourism Promotion Plan provides the sector with another 4.2 billion euros, mostly in credit lines

The new plan includes 28 measures articulated around five lines of action: recovery of confidence, reactivation measures, improvement of competitiveness, tourism intelligence and promotion For the […]

Galician rural tourism receives 200 thousand euros for promotion and improvement of its marketing

Through an agreement signed with FEGATUR, an online booking platform will be created, in addition to encouraging consumption with vouchers and promoting health and hygiene training […]

Open period for the new course of the University Master in Management and Planning of Domestic and Health Tourism

The University of Vigo opens the registration period for the Master’s Degree in Management and Planning of Domestic and Health Tourism, an official qualification that is […]

Exceltur launches its 2020 Tourism Renaissance Plan with the aim of emerging stronger from the health crisis

From EXCELTUR they have launched their plan RENACER TURISMO ESPAÑOL 2020-2023, with the vocation of saving the sector and being able to come out stronger from […]

Green light for 12 agreements with the Galician tourism sector that represent an investment of 1.8 million euros for the creation and adaptation of products and experiences

The agreements are part of the Galicia, Safe Destination programme and have been signed with various associations and bodies representing the Galician tourism sector, including members […]

Reopening of the tourist offices of the Xunta de Galicia

The Xunta has reopened 9 of the 11 tourist offices directly linked to its management and located in the main Galician cities. Among the new features […]

Galicia opens the “new normality”

Seats at 75% in Galicia, masks and social distancing will mark the beginning of this new phase after the end of the state of alarm for […]

Fegatur launches Galicia Turismo Rural Seguro, a training campaign for rural accommodation in the process of reopening

The Galician Federation of Rural Tourism (FEGATUR) in collaboration with rural tourism associations from different geodestinations and through Tourism of Galicia launched this week the training […]

Galicia is at the top of the list of destinations chosen by travellers for gastronomic breaks, thermal and religious tourism

Nature tourism, sport, sun and beach, the trends for this year’s Spanish holidays Braintrust’s tourism barometer shows that young people will be the first to reactivate […]

The public hostels of the Xunta, the Cathedral of Santiago and the Pilgrim’s Office will be coordinated to reopen on July 1st

Through the “Safe Way” program, the Xacobean Route will have a comprehensive manual to give confidence to the pilgrims and support workers and companies The reactivation […]

The Xunta announces an economic recovery plan with an investment of 1.7 billion pesos from the public sector

Announces the mobilization of another 1.3 billion in private funds and specific recovery programmes, including one for tourism with a budget of 58 million euros The […]

The Supreme Court ratifies the regulation of tourist housing promoted by the Xunta

It supports the fact that the aim of the Xunta in regulating this type of accommodation is to protect users and guarantee sustainable, high-quality tourism activity […]

Galicia in phase 3: management of de-climbing passes to the autonomous communities

If this new phase is advanced from June 8, Galicians could begin interprovincial mobility, although not between autonomous communities, a mobility that remains under the jurisdiction […]

UNWTO presents its global guidelines for reopening tourism

The UN agency will work closely with Google to promote digital learning and online training Making travel safe and seamless and restoring trust are key priorities […]

The Xunta allocates 6 million for the installation of protection measures for workers and customers in the tourism sector

The measure is part of the 16 million euros approved in the last council of the Xunta for the support of self-employed and SMEs in trade, […]

Private hostels call for more government support to address pandemic crisis

Agalber, the association that brings together 90 of the 300 private hostels in our territory, emphasizes their dependence on foreign tourism, which leaves them in a […]

The Xunta’s free telephone number has been enabled to resolve doubts from the tourism sector regarding health safety

You can call 900 815 334 from Monday to Friday from 10am to 2pm and from 4pm to 8pm or send an email to Within […]

Reactivated the deadline for companies and municipalities to apply for grants for renewal or certification of the Q for Tourism Quality

The deadline for applying for these grants, which were halted as a result of the pandemic, is 2 June The Department of Culture and Tourism has […]

Rías Baixas Wine Route in the top 10 of Spanish wine tourism in terms of visitors

Wineries and museums in Rías Baixas received almost 7% more tourists last year, with visits to wineries being particularly noteworthy Ruta do Viño Rías Baixas received […]

La Cehat joins forces with Hostelería de España in its bid for its own label for accommodation under the Alojamiento Seguro brand

The Spanish Confederation of Hotels and Tourist Accommodation and Hospitality of Spain have joined forces to guarantee health safety through an agreement that will lead to the […]

Xunta and sector agree to increase the capacity of the hotel establishments to 50% from next week

The decision, the result of a meeting between sector representatives and the Regional Minister of Culture and Tourism, will be approved this weekend The Xunta and […]

Restoration expands its service spaces, bathrooms on the beach and group tours, Galicia enters phase 2

Bars and restaurants open at 40% of their capacity and the Xunta expects to raise the percentage to half next Monday Bars, cafeterias and restaurants open […]

You can now download the recommendation manuals for the Galician tourism sector in front of the COVID 19 of the Xunta de Galicia

Both on the Galician Tourism website and on the Cluster’s own website, the 11 manuals with recommendations for COVID 19 prepared for the various subsectors of […]

The Xunta and the tourist sector agree on a battery of 500 training, information and advice actions on health and hygiene

The agreement reached within the framework of the so-called “pact for a safe destination” includes 50,000 places for voluntary training and a telephone number to resolve […]

Health guarantee, flexibility and confidence, key elements for the reactivation of tourism in the province of Pontevedra

The Council of Pontevedra presented the advance of the Plan of Reactivation of the destiny Pontevedra Province Security and trust, but also adaptation of marketing and […]

FEGAMP rejects the Xunta’s proposal to control the capacity of beaches

The entity that groups the Galician councils studies to analyze the Catalogue of Beaches of Galicia to study possible tools for the support in this management […]

The Xunta modifies orders and aids for tourism that will be managed through individual agreements to meet objectives and aids in the new post-covid-19 scenario

With the aim of readjusting the programmes and measures implemented by the Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism for the tourism sector in the post-covid 19 […]

Andalusia, Galicia and Valencia, among the most desired destinations in the ‘new normality

In the current situation of uncertainty, a significant percentage of people still yearn to travel when the new normality arrives. These days, surveys and reports follow […]

What will Galicia look like in Phase 2?

Increase in capacity, permission for swimming and opening of swimming pools and common areas in hotels or service inside restaurants, among the changes that will bring […]

Specific guidelines for the reopening of the hotel sector

The Instituto Tecnológico Hotelero (ITH), in collaboration with the Confederación Española de Hoteles y Alojamientos Turísticos (CEHAT) has drawn up a list of the main guidelines […]

The Xunta will agree with the tourism sector on its own model that will raise health safety standards for Galicia

The Regional Minister of Culture and Tourism, Román Rodríguez, made this announcement during his parliamentary appearance to explain the Reactivation Plan for the tourism and cultural […]

The UNWTO estimates the drop in foreign travellers at between 60 and 80%, depending on the recovery scenario

The World Tourism Organization outlines three possible scenarios of economic losses for the global tourism sector depending on the evolution of the coronavirus crisis The COVID-19 […]

Cluster Tourism of Galicia and PSdG PSOE hold a telematic meeting on the situation of the Galician tourism sector

A representation of the Cluster Tourism of Galicia held a meeting with the Secretary General of the PsdG, Gonzalo Caballero, who undertook to convey the observations […]

Tourist guides in the new post-covid scenario: capacity control, disinfection and social distancing measures

The guide of guidelines and recommendations elaborated by the ICTE in collaboration with CEFAPIT (Spanish Confederation of Federations and Associations of Tourist Guides) includes the new […]

The ICTE launches the “Safe Tourism Certified” seal for 21 Spanish tourism subsectors

The same entity that now promotes this seal to which companies can voluntarily adhere, is responsible for having carried out, in collaboration with other entities and […]

Virtual toast and online training on the Galician wine routes

The health crisis has disrupted the calendar of actions also in the Galician wine routes and forces them to adapt to the new circumstances. This Saturday, […]

Seven new e-learning seminars with the CSHG

The educational offer of the Consellería de Cultura e Turismo is completed with English courses During the month of May, the on-line training courses offered by […]

The Plan approved by the Xunta for the reactivation of the tourism sector will involve an investment of 11 million and 5.6 million in the redesign of Xacobeo2021

Under the maxim of promoting Galicia as a safe destination, the plan will start this month of May with the implementation of measures aimed at maintaining […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster transfers the situation of the Galician tourism sector to the BNG

A representation of the Galician Tourism Cluster held a meeting with the main representatives of the Block, who expressed their support for the sector and learned […]

The Way of Saint James will have its own channel on Google

The Xunta has transferred to the Jacobean Council the need for the Jacobean Route to have its own “specific health measures protocol” to reactivate the Way […]

Hotel and restaurant activities allowed in Phase 0 and Phase 1

The Order of the Ministry of Health published on May 3, which relaxes certain social restrictions and determines the conditions for the development of retail trade […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster appreciates the Reactivation Plan of the Xunta for the tourism sector

The president of the CTG participated in the joint presentation of the Reactivation Plan for the tourism and cultural sector in the face of the effects […]

APIT-GALICIA launches the campaign #MorriñadeTi

The professional association of tourist guides is holding meetings with the different administrations to work on the recovery of the tourist sector The Professional Association of […]

Termatalia is postponed to 2021

The International Fair of Thermal Tourism, Health and Wellness will organize in the next months different formative actions addressed to the professionals of the sector Termatalia, […]

The Plan for the Transition to a New Normalcy was approved, establishing the exit phases after the crisis caused by COVID-19.

At the press conference following the Council of Ministers, the Government announced that the de-escalation process would be carried out according to the control of the […]

The COVID-19 crisis strikes hard at the Galician active tourism sector

AGETAN presents a list of 20 recommendations for the reactivation of companies in this sector The Galician Association of active tourism, adventure and nature companies (AGETAN) […]

The Hotel Industry of Compostela transfers its report on measures to be adopted to tackle the coronavirus crisis to the Council of Santiago

Hostelería de Compostela has made public a report in which it shows the specific weight of the tourist sector in the Galician capital to call the […]

The Xunta opens a specific line for tourist guides through its new free tele-training plan

The first actions, for which the registration period is open, will deepen the use of social networks in cultural dissemination and techniques for the informative story […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster seeks the involvement of banks to give financial oxygen to the sector

Abanca, Sabadell Gallego and Caixabank have shown their interest in collaborating with the CTG in the implementation of a crash plan for companies in the sector […]

CEHAT, CCOO and UGT jointly submit proposals to the Government to protect the sector of Spanish tourist accommodation in the face of the crisis

The social agents are committed to promoting initiatives to guarantee the strengthening of companies and the continuity of employment in a sector that represents almost 14% […]

Galicia agrees with the communities of Green Spain to redirect this brand to the national market after the coronavirus crisis

The Xunta holds a videoconference with representatives of Asturias, Cantabria, Euskadi and Turespaña to articulate joint measures to revive tourism The Xunta de Galicia, together with […]

ICTE will promote common technical protocols for the tourism sector to prevent COVID-19

The Executive of the Institute for Quality Tourism in Spain also agreed to design a seal to generate confidence in customers and employees Given the general […]

The crisis of covid 19 could cause falls of more than 2.5 million tourists and loss of more than 30 thousand jobs in the Galician tourism sector

The Galician Tourism Cluster prepares a first report on the impact of the coronavirus crisis on the Galician tourism sector, in which it proposes up to […]

The president of the Cluster Tourism of Galicia, Cesáreo Pardal, qualifies the declarations of Yolanda Díaz as a major irresponsibility

“They are playing with the work of 120,000 workers in Galicia,” said the maximum representative of the sector in Galicia, while demanding from the political representatives […]

Liquidity, fiscal and labor flexibility, measures to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus on the tourism sector

A representation of the Tourism Cluster of Galicia participated in an online meeting with the Regional Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry and the Regional Ministry […]

The Tourism Bureau of the Diputación de Pontevedra shows the need for cooperation and commitment between administrations and entities to support the tourism sector of the province to the COVID 19

The meeting served to report on the implementation of the COVID19 Impact Study on the tourism sector, the conclusions of which will be used to make […]

The Galician MICE sector urges the Xunta to adopt measures to reactivate event and congress tourism

Seven business associations demand that the particularities of the sector be taken into account, with many uncertainties regarding the return to activity They propose a package […]

Hostelería Compostela addressed the needs of the sector in this crisis of the Covid-19 with the City Council

A representation of the Xunta Directiva de la Asociación Hostelería Compostela, headed by its president Sara Santos, held a telematic meeting with the mayor of Santiago, […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster will cooperate with the Xunta to reinforce trust and the promotion of Galicia as a destination

The president of the CTG took part in the Galician Tourism Council, where progress was made in drawing up a Health Safety Plan in the field […]

Proturga reports on the prospects, consequences and needs of the Galician tourism sector in the context of the COVID 19

The report, prepared on the basis of 170 surveys received, reflects the sector’s perspective on this unprecedented situation and recommends a commitment to strengthening the image […]

The Bureau of Tourism requests exceptional and urgent measures for the tourism sector to confront the coronavirus

The president of the Bureau of Tourism, Juan Molas, has sent a letter to the president of the Government, Pedro Sanchez, in which he assesses that […]

Galicia will lose GDP, unemployment will rise by 5 points and more than 160,000 jobs will be destroyed as a result of the coronavirus, according to IFFE

Oleiros business school has prepared a study on the impact that the health crisis caused by the Covid-19 will have on our community The study service […]

MICE Forum moves fiscal, labor and financial measures to support the congress sector and incentives in the face of the coronavirus crisis

In view of the serious situation generated by the COVID 19 pandemic, the Mice Forum held a virtual session to address the measures that the sector […]

The Xunta defines with the Galician tour operators the measures to reactivate the sector and minimize the impact of the coronavirus crisis

In order to collect contributions from the Galician Tour Operators on possible promotional actions and new products that favour the recovery of the Galician tourist sector, […]

Proturga will submit to the administration the requests of the Galician tourist sector against the coronavirus

Aware of the magnitude of the impact of the COVID-19 on the Galician tourism sector, the Association of Galician Tourism Professionals, Protuga, is undertaking various measures […]

The World Tourism Organization launches a competition of ideas to help the sector

The deadline for submitting ideas is next Friday, April 10th Solutions to restore health to tourism is the name of the challenge launched by the World […]

Consumption accepts the request of travel agencies and allows the issuance of vouchers instead of reimbursements

The Council of Ministers this week approved an amendment to the package travel rules that gives travel agents a lifeline. Thanks to the relaxation of the […]

The new line of regional financing for SMEs and the self-employed will provide liquidity of up to 200,000 euros per business to tackle the coronavirus

The line of financing approved by the Galician Government will allow the Galician business community, especially SMEs and the self-employed, to mobilize 250 million euros to […]

Four new webinars of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism complete the e-learning plan for the Galician tourism sector

As a result of the success of the first four webinars launched by the Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism through the CSHG, as part of […]

The Xunta de Galicia has prepared a list of tourist accommodation available to displaced workers, people in transit or especially vulnerable during the coronavirus crisi

The tourist inspection shall ensure that the requirements and standards issued by the health authorities are respected at all times After the official closure of all […]

European Commission provides guidance on EU passenger rights

The Commission has published its Guidelines to ensure that EU passenger rights are applied consistently across the Union. National governments have taken various measures, in particular […]

The Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism launches a tele-training plan with 4 webinars during the confinement

The Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism, through the CSHG, within the framework of its Lifelong Learning Plan for the Sector, has just opened the deadline […]

CEHAT encourages tourism establishments to donate food to NGOs and other groups before the closure due to the health crisis

Hotel management organizations are already working with their partners to deliver products that would otherwise have to be disposed of after the imminent closure of the […]

APEHL echoes CEHAT’s demands for the abolition of taxes and self-employed quotas

The Provincial Association of Hotel and Tourism Businesses of Lugo (Apehl) asks the Government, in support of the statement made by the Spanish Hotel and Catering […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster transfers to the Xunta complementary support measures for the Galician tourism sector

Tourism professionals consider it a priority to implement special measures to make taxes more flexible and to provide direct incentives to alleviate the hard blow that […]

The Xunta is in contact with the tourism sector to prepare the closure of tourist accommodation that the central government plans to decree

Considers it necessary to establish on-call accommodation in each of the seven Community cities for people who, for various reasons, both personal and occupational, cannot return […]

HOSTELERÍA DE ESPAÑA considers that the relaxation of the ERTES is a positive measure but it must be accompanied by other fiscal and administrative measures to guarantee the survival of hotel establishments

Following the progress made by the President of the Government this Saturday in approving a new package of economic measures to tackle the coronavirus, including the […]

CEHAT asks the State for an orderly and staggered closure by decree of tourist accommodations while they are empty of clients

The employers of Spanish tourist accommodation (hotels, tourist apartments, campsites & resorts and spas) consider that hotel establishments are responsible and will provide a decent service […]

Galicia activates the Emergency Health Plan to stop the coronavirus

This action closes everything except pharmacies, food stores, tobacconists and newsstands. Restaurants, spas and shelters on the Way of Saint James have already stopped providing their […]

The Government approves a 400 million euro ICO line for tourism companies

In the first aid package approved by the government to try to alleviate the effects on the economy of the coronavirus crisis to the value of […]

The Galician tourism sector supports strict measures to minimize the impact of the coronavirus in Galicia

Representatives of the Galician tourism sector conveyed to the Regional Minister of Culture and Tourism their concern about the economic impact that this crisis will have […]

Facendo o Camiño sails the Ría de Arousa

Continuing with Proturga’s initiative to promote the Way of St. James among the tourist sector, Facendo o Camiño will celebrate its sixth day dedicated to the […]

Portrait of the Galician tourism sector

The report on tourism innovation prepared by ESADE in collaboration with Caixabank highlights the lack of commitment by Galician tourism to innovation and new technologies Both […]

The Platform for the Regulation of Homes for Tourist Use in Galicia is born

The entity includes more than 700 companies and more than 10,000 residents of eight associations of different character that have joined in Compostela Representatives of the […]

The Xunta increases by 30% the aids so that the sector and the city councils can accede to the certification of the Q of Tourist Quality

With a total amount of 130 thousand euros, the Xunta de Galicia has launched a call for tenders aimed at both local administrations and private companies […]

The Ribeiro Wine Route presented its plan to promote the territory as a quality wine tourism destination

About 100 thousand people visited the territory in ten years, between 2008/2018, although the annual flow of wine tourists reached 13 thousand in 2018. The wine […]

The Galician tourism sector is in contact with the Xunta to learn about the lines of action against the coronavirus

This morning, the Galician Tourism Cluster held a meeting with the Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism and SERGAS to learn about the advances in protocols […]

The Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism will begin its Training Plan for the Tourism Sector with a Management and Catering Companies Course in April.

Within the training activities planned for 2020 for the tourism sector in Galicia, Tourism of Galicia has opened the registration period for a Management and Catering […]

Informative talks so that the owners of the Homes for Tourist Use know the tools at their disposal to send, among others, the occupation data

This March, the Xunta is launching a cycle of training sessions in the four Galician provinces to bring the tools that the Xunta makes available to […]

Training, awareness and collaboration, keys to implement new technologies in the Galician tourism

Organized by the Cluster TIC and the Cluster of Tourism of Galicia, the initiative served to bring these two groups closer together, to know the disruptive […]

The Xunta promotes Galicia Calidade as a reference brand for farm products

The Xunta de Galicia is committed to promoting the Galicia Calidade brand in the Galician agri-food sector in order to become more competitive through a strategic […]

The second edition of the organic product fair Biocultura arrives at ExpoCoruña with 150 exhibitors and the forecast of attendance of more than 13 thousand people

From 28 February to 1 March, ExpoCoruña will host the second edition of BioCultura, the fair for organic products and responsible consumption. And it does so […]

In January, Galician tourism grew six points above the national average

The first data of 2020 from the National Institute of Statistics indicates that Galician hotels achieve the highest levels of profitability of the decade Tourism in […]

Apit Galicia celebrates the International Day of the Tourist Guide with free guided tours

On the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of the Tourist Guide, the Professional Association of Guides of Galicia will offer free guided tours […]

Consumer habits, lower prices and environmental costs, the factors that most concern the Galician tourism sector

The Report on Tourism Innovation in Galicia was presented in Santiago, within the framework of a conference on future challenges in which more than a hundred […]

Caldo de Gloria in Compostela and tapas in Lugo

The hotel industry and commerce in Compostela come together to celebrate Rosalía’s Day 2020 Lugo hosted the presentation of the I Official Spanish Championship of Pinchos […]

More than 300 confirmed participants for the national congress of PCO Spain

The event will showcase Galicia’s potential to host major events The Spanish events sector is meeting this week in Compostela at the 32nd PCO Spain Congress, […]

Comprehensive solutions to support the implementation of energy efficiency in the national productive network

ESI Europe launches GoSafe with ESI in Italy, Portugal and Spain, a solution to help companies in all sectors use energy more efficiently, With the aim […]

The Xunta opens the deadline for grants for the recruitment of staff in the tourism offices of geodestinos and tourist municipalities

With a maximum aid amount of EUR 7000, aid may be granted until 11 March The Xunta de Galicia has opened the period for the presentation […]

The CTG holds a conference on digitisation and entrepreneurship in collaboration with ESADE and Caixabank

Attendance is free for all professionals in the Galician tourism sector who must register before 19 February The challenges of digitisation in the Galician tourism sector, […]

The Xunta advances in the implantation of the Q of Tourist Quality in the Way of Saint James, wine routes and singular public spaces

Galicia will be a pioneer in 2020 with the design, for the first time in Spain, of criteria of tourist excellence in these places to strengthen […]

Experts hold first meeting to advance the design of the new degree of gastronomic innovation and hotel management of the CSHG

Representatives from the University of Santiago de Compostela, professionals from the sector, experts in sustainability and alumni participated in the first meeting of the Committee of […]

Xantar 2020 closes with a greater number of exhibitors, surface occupied and visits

The gastronomic fair surpassed the occupation of exhibition space in other editions and was more successful in terms of the number of people who participated in […]

Xacobeo enCamiño will take the Holy Year programme to all Galicia from May

The programme includes over 1000 family and children’s activities in the fields of music, performing arts, traditional and grassroots culture, food and wine, exhibitions and workshops […]

Xantar 2020 highlights the role of food and wine in revitalising the rural environment

This international event supports the candidacy of the Ribeira Sacra for UNESCO World Heritage It presents more than 150 experiences among which the showcookings that will […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster launches a new edition of its Ideas Competition for members

With the aim that the associates of the Cluster Tourism of Galicia can propose projects of interest for the development of the promotion and improvement of […]

Open call to apply for the elixe Galicia program designed to promote domestic tourism

DOGA collects the resolutions and application forms for each of the three groups to which the program is directed: young people, families with children under age […]

Almost 11 million nights and 5.12 million travellers, final balance of hotel and extrahotel occupancy in Galicia in 2019

Galicia closed the year 2019 with a total occupation of 5.12 million passengers and almost 11 million nights, once again exceeding the historic figure of 5 […]

By plane and by bus, the promotion of Xacobeo 2021 is on wheels

Alsa will disseminate the image of the Holy Year on its coaches and offer pilgrims a 15% discount on return tickets The Xunta has also signed […]

New Galician trade mission to ITB Berlin

The Tourism Cluster of Galicia is preparing a trade mission to the international tourism fair ITB Berlin, which will take place from 4 to 8 March […]

Sustainability and technology, the focus of the PCO Spain Congress, held in Galicia in February

The Professional Congress Organisers presented the celebration of this event at FITUR Sustainability, safety, technology, territory and emotion are some of the points that will be […]

Xantar and Termatalia, approach their next editions in Fitur

Xantar was presented as the only accredited international gastronomic tourism fair on the Iberian Peninsula, while Termatalia began promoting its next edition, to be held in […]

A new volume of the tourist-gastronomic guide “E para comer” was presented at Fitur, Lugo

The International Tourism Fair in Madrid was once again the setting chosen by the Apehl for the launch of a new guide to the collection …E […]

More than 77,000 visitors came to Galicia’s stand at Fitur to find out about the territory’s tourist offer

More than 77 thousand people visited the stand of Galicia during the five days of the International Tourism Fair, Fitur 2020, which closed its doors this […]

In 2019, Galicia registers the best tourism data in its history with almost 11 million overnight stays and nearly 5.1 million tourists

In the absence of data on non-hotel establishments to close 2019, our Community has been where tourism has grown the most in 2019, by 6%. The […]

CaixaBank will support the development of the Galician tourism sector for Xacobeo 2021

The president of the Galician Tourism Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, and the CaixaBank corporate banking director in Galicia, Emilio Barreiro, signed an agreement setting out the institution’s […]

The Way and the Xacobeo 2021, great protagonists of the presence of Galicia in Fitur

The Xunta de Galicia calls to turn Xacobeo 2021 into the global celebration of the best quality in Galicia during five days of promotion The Galician […]

Galicia takes on the coordination of Green Spain with the aim of promoting the path as the backbone of the north of the peninsula

The tourism brand integrated by Asturias, Cantabria, Galicia and the Basque Country is working to establish joint lines of work and priorities among which is the […]

Workshops y misiones internacionales centran el calendario de acciones del Clúster Turismo de Galicia en 2020

The entity that brings together 95% of the Galician tourism sector was the protagonist of one of the presentations of the first day One more edition […]

The Xunta receives nearly 1000 applications to be part of the second call for O teu Xacobeo

This figure represents an increase of nearly 50% compared to the first call, when 654 projects were received The line in which the demand increased the […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster receive the Q Award for Tourism Quality during the celebration of Fitur

The Tourism Cluster of Galicia receive the Q Award for Tourism Quality granted by the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality (ICTE) during the celebration of the […]

O Grove has been selected as the most ‘pet-friendly’ place in our country

The specialized tour operator Travelguau has designated O Grove as the most pet-friendly municipality in our country in 2019, which means that the Galician municipality is […]

Exceltur anticipates growth for this year similar to that of 2019 although it is cautious about the progressive cooling of the sector’s growth

80% of Galician businessmen expect to improve results this year, benefiting from the next celebration of Xacobeo in 2021, although with less intensity, according to this […]

Open call for adhesion to the new season of FEST Galicia, which increases by 31% the allocation for festival sponsorship

Culture and Tourism increases to 460,000 euros the amount destined to the contracts with the events associated to the brand Until February 2nd is open the […]

The Portuguese Way along the Coast to be examined through the Facendo Camiño project in Proturga

Facendo Camiño, a project to raise awareness, highlight and analyse the Way of Saint James, analyses a section of this route, within the framework of the […]

The tourism sector in the north has denounced the aggravation of railway “discrimination” in these territories

On the other hand, the Galician airport network ends with a record number of passengers, with increases in the terminals of Alvedro and Lavacolla The hotel […]

Participation in Fitur by the Galician Tourism Cluster

Once again this entity will manage the business space within the stand of Galicia at the International Tourism Fair, the first major event of the year […]

The Apehl celebrates its congress “E para comer, Lugo no Camiño” in February

As part of the initiative O Teu Xacobeo, promoted by the Xunta de Galicia, the Provincial Association of Hotel and Catering Businesses and Tourism of Lugo […]

The Supreme Court agrees with the Xunta de Galicia and annuls the ruling on tourist housing

Considers the incident of annulment presented in November by the Galician Government when it understood that its right to effective judicial protection was violated The Supreme […]

The pioneering Law of recreational use of the thermal waters of Galicia will enter in force in the month of February

After its publication in the Official Newspaper of Galicia as Law 8/2019 of 23 December, of regulation of the ludic use of the thermal waters of […]

Assessment of the activity of the Galician Tourism Inspectorate in tourist flats

The director of the Tourism Agency of Galicia, Nava Castro, reviewed the data showing the presence of housing for tourist use in our Community and the […]

The Xunta will intensify controls on tourist properties after the entry into force of the changes in their regulation

Owners must enter their registration number in the online platforms where they are offered and submit their occupancy data quarterly After the entry into force of […]

The Xunta opens a new order of subsidies of more than 1 million euros to promote tourism in the Galician geodestinations

The beneficiaries will have access to up to 150,000 euros to create or consolidate tourism products, deepen training in the sector, improve the implementation of technologies, […]

Galicia will exceed five million tourists this year for the second time in its history

While waiting for the last records of November and December, our Community already received more than 4.8 million tourists and 10.4 million overnight stays According to […]

More than 500 Galician tourism companies have participated in some of the actions promoted by the Galician Tourism Cluster throughout 2019

Throughout this year the CTG has promoted 9 workshops and has participated in more than 1500 meetings, in addition to having a direct presence in ten […]

One hundred tourism professionals expand their knowledge of sustainability in the destination

Through experiences in other destinations in Galicia as well as in Extremadura, Benidorm or Lanzarote, the professionals of the sector became aware of the weight of […]

Manitas Crocantes (Casa dos Xacobes) and Criollo marino (O Ferro), winners of Santiago(é)Tapas

A kinf of magic (Pub Atlántico) and Expreso Martini (A Carrilana) won the cocktail contest, Santiago(é)Cóctel The twelfth edition of the Santiago(é)Tapas tapas competition and the […]

The European project “Fazendo Camiño” begins, in which Galicia will advise Portugal in the management and promotion of the Way of Saint James.

Galicia, Andalusia, Extremadura and Castile and Leon also agree to convey to the central government the need to create a National Plan of the Roads of […]

The Xunta proposes the rehabilitation of the San Fernando Barracks for its transformation into a Parador-Museum in Lugo

The study estimates the economic impact in the first year at €1.6 million, with the creation of jobs, the projection of the destination and the attraction […]

Advance of the programming of Xacobeo 2021: 10 activities per day and 313 stages for a decentralized celebration

In order for Xacobeo 2021 to be for everyone and with everyone, Xacobeo Cities and Xacobeo en Camino will be developed, while sustainability will be transversal […]

The association of Galician Yacht Clubs (ASNAUGA), present at the Paris International Boat Show

ASNAUGA represented Galician nautical sports at the International Paris Boat Show, which was held in the French capital from 7 to 11 December, where representatives of […]

The deadline to apply for the 15 training exchanges in the Galician Tourist Offices and in the area of statistical studies is now open

Turismo de Galicia has decided to double the offer of supervised internships in the offices that the Autonomous Community manages in A Coruña, Lugo, Ourense, Pontevedra […]

Balance of the hotel industry in Galicia: the sector employed more than 66 thousand people and had a turnover of more than 4,700 million euros, 4.5% of the regional wealth.

The sector has signed a national agreement with Cerveceros de España to create Competur, to work in the sector’s competitiveness as a tractor of the Spanish […]

Good expectations for the December holiday with Vigo as the top breakaway

Although it is very complex to determine an occupation forecast for the whole of the Galician territory, what does seem clear is that the sector appreciates […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster and the Xunta de Galicia awarded the Galicia Tourism Awards 2019

This is the first edition of these awards that are born with a vocation for continuity and to highlight the work for quality and professionalism of […]

The Xunta opens the 2nd edition of “O Teu Xacobeo” with an endowment of 3.3 million to continue promoting the development of actions for Xacobeo 2021.

With the new economic injection the program has an item of 8 million euros aimed at decentralizing the celebration of the Holy Year to reach all […]

Xunta de Galicia opens two new lines of aid to modernize accommodation and catering establishments and to improve tourist infrastructure

The calls, endowed with 1.5 and 1.2 million euros respectively, are open until the end of the year. The Xunta de Galicia has launched two new […]

The project “Facendo Camiño”, familiarization trips on the Way of St. James, organized by Proturga, begins

From November to May, PROTURGA will carry out 10 familiarization trips in 10 sections of the 10 routes that make up the Camino de Santiago under […]

The Xunta subsidizes with 1.2 million euros improvements in about 70 tourist accommodation establishments

A total of 66 Galician tourist establishments will benefit from subsidies from the Xunta de Galicia for actions to improve infrastructure in tourist accommodation establishments, included […]

Participation of the Galician administration and tourism sector in the IBTM World in Barcelona and INTUR in Valladolid

The tourist destination Galicia was present in two of the last specialized sectorial fairs that are celebrated in Spain: IBTM World of Barcelona, specialized in the […]

Luz Casal, the ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Spain and the Vilas brothers, chosen for the honorary recognitions of the Galicia Tourism Awards 2019.

They will receive the corresponding awards as National Ambassador, International Ambassador and Pioneers. The Executive Council of the Galician Tourism Cluster and the Xunta de Galicia […]

Exceltur draws a complex future scenario for the Spanish tourism sector that requires changes in its strategies and management models.

Differences in results between holiday destinations and urban destinations are accentuated, according to the latest barometer published, which includes results up to September Spanish urban destinations […]

Valladolid hosts a new edition of the International Fair of Interior Tourism, Intur, with Portugal as guest country

From 21 to 24 November will participate 300 national and international exhibitors and will develop a recruitment exchange, Intur Business, which will again be present the […]

Galicia can surpass this year the 5 million tourists

The conselleiro of Culture and Tourism, Roman Rodriguez, made this announcement during his appearance in the Parliament of Galicia, in which he outlined the measures that […]

Sportur Galicia closes its third edition with more than 10 thousand visitors and more than 60 activities

The fair specialized in sports tourism once again highlighted the different sports options that can be part of a healthy lifestyle while the ideal destinations and […]

The Iberian Congress on Sport Tourism, prelude to Sportur, brings together in Ourense 300 professionals linked to sports tourism

Expourense hosted this week the Iberian Congress of Sport Tourism, which this year becomes the prelude to the Salon do Deporte e Turismo Activo Sportur, which […]

200 entities have requested the Xunta’s line of aids for the organization of congresses on the occasion of Xacobeo 21.

The call is endowed with 500,000 euros and aims to enhance the congress activity in Galicia for its capacity to deseasonalization and high added value. Nearly […]

Nearly 200 Galician and European professionals gather at the Galician MICE sector festival

The celebration puts an end to the fam trip held these days in Galicia, which met 10 hosted buyers who visited A Coruña and Santiago and […]

The Xunta de Galicia launches the program Elige Galicia aimed at boosting domestic tourism

The regional administration expects that the initiative will benefit more than 12,000 people in the next two years With the aim of promoting domestic tourism, deseasonalise […]

The awards ceremony will be held at the Rosalía de Castro Theatre in A Coruña on 3 December.

The first edition of the Galician Tourism Awards, organized by the Galician Tourism Cluster in collaboration with the Xunta de Galicia, will have as master of […]

A Coruña and Santiago host a group of hosted buyers from the MICE sector who will learn about their resources and meet with local businesspeople.

On Tuesday 12 will be held the Fiesta of the Sector MICE of Galicia, at the Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones de Galicia The Galician Tourism […]

Galicia hosted the International Congress on Rural Development and Tourism in which FAO participates

The City of Culture hosted for three days the International Congress on Rural Development and Turiso in which representatives of more than 20 countries took part […]

Galicia Active Destination present at the Oporto Marathon

Through the brand “Galicia Active Destination”, the Galician Tourism Cluster was present in this multitudinous event that gathered thousands of people in the Portuguese city. For […]

Galician businessmen participate from today in the WTM of London, essential appointment for the tourist sector

Hand-in-hand with the Galician Tourism Cluster and the Tourism Agency, the trade mission will allow commercial meetings to be held within the framework of this international […]

A hundred Galician and Portuguese professionals participate in Lisbon in the last workshop of the year of the Galician Tourism Cluster

More than fifty Portuguese tour operators held meetings with businessmen of the Galician tourism sector Lisbon has been the place chosen by the Galician Tourism Cluster […]

A total of 24 tour operators from Bilbao participated in the workshop presenting the products of Galicia Active Destination

Despite having spectacular spaces for the practice of these sports and highly qualified professionals, Galicia was not mainly recognized as a destination for active tourism. To […]

The richness and variety of wine tourism in Galicia showed its resources with a workshop in Madrid

Professionals from the DMC and MICE sectors were able to find out about the possibilities offered by 25 wineries and accommodation on the five Galician wine […]

The tourist thermal project “A break in the Ways” is presented in Porto

Promoted by Expourense and its brand Termatalia, the Asociación de Balnearios de Galicia, Grupo Caldaria and the Federación Provincial de Hostelería de Ourense with the support […]

Nearly 150 Andalusian tour operators attended the workshops of the Tourism Cluster in Malaga and Seville

In two days of work they maintained direct contact with 44 businessmen of the Galician tourist sector who traveled in commercial mission. The initiative allows to […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster celebrates two commercial missions in Andalusia to make known the Galician tourist offer.

A total of 45 Galician businessmen will hold meetings with the Malaga and Seville Tour Operators in two working days. The CTG thus continues the proximity […]

More than 200 cyclists participated in the BTT Ruta do Viño Rías Baixas

Meis welcomed the fourth edition of this initiative that combines sport and wine tourism, in a route that crossed three associated wineries and natural places of […]

Galicia Active Destination bets on the Basque Country for the presentation of its products

The Galician Tourism Cluster is organising a workshop on 29 October in Bilbao to show Basque travel agencies the product of active tourism in the Galician […]

Galician tourism entrepreneurs maintain good expectations for the end of the year, according to Exceltur

Galicia ranks 7th with the best growth forecasts for the fourth quarter of the year The report also includes the conclusions of the year, with good […]

Galicia Family Destination launches a promotion for children to travel to Galicia for free this autumn

In its commitment to promote measures that facilitate the choice of Galicia as an ideal holiday destination for families, the Galician Tourism Cluster, through its Galicia […]

Autumn arrives… and with it also the tapas contests

After Coruña and Lugo, it is the turn to enjoy these small creations in Ourense, Vigo or Santiago Tapas contests are an attraction in autumn and […]

Enoturismo Galicia will present the resources of its five wine routes with a workshop in Madrid

There will be 30 wineries and hotels that will be shown on Monday 28 October The brand EnoTurismo Galicia, which brings together establishments and wineries of […]

Open until 10 November to submit nominations for the Galicia Tourism Awards

Proposals may be submitted to five of the categories through the web or e-mail. Would you like to apply for one of the five categories open […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster participates in a forum on tourist consumer rights in Braga

The Unión de Consumidores de Galicia (UCGAL) and the Asociación Portuguesa Para la Defensa del Consumidor (DECO) organized in the city of Braga the forum Turismo […]

Galicia Family destination celebrates a meeting with its members to take stock of the project and move forward in a campaign for the low season

From a collaborative point of view and very oriented towards the tourism sector, Galicia Family Destination is the brand promoted by the Galician Tourism Cluster to […]

Xunta and Puertos del Estado agree on a strategy to plan cultural and tourist endowments in lighthouses

Meetings will be held with the various Galician port authorities to study a roadmap that allows the value of the various equipment The Xunta and Puertos […]

Tui, among the candidates for the 7 Rural Wonders of Spain 2019

HomeAway launches the eighth edition of its contest to find the Rural Wonders of Spain from 20 candidacies among which is Tui, in Pontevedra. The aim […]

Xunta de Galicia and Clúster Turismo de Galicia create the Galicia Tourism awards that will recognize successful initiatives in the sector

The initiative, which emerges with a vocation of continuity, will award nine prizes to individuals, companies and projects for their contribution to improving the development of […]

The 300,000th pilgrim arrived 14 days earlier this year

The forecast is that 2019 will end with a new record, reaching 350,000 pilgrims. Jose Antonio Vázquez, a pilgrim from Valladolid who made the Xacobean Route […]

Antonio Mortera Moran is proclaimed absolute winner of the VIII Circuit of Golf Senior Tourism of Galicia

The Ribeira Sacra in Lugo hosted the grand final of the senior golf circuit, an instrument that the Galician Tourism Agency has been using for 9 […]

Proturga launches a guide to raise awareness about the professionalization of the Galician tourism sector

The Association of Tourism Professionals of Galicia, PROTURGA, has launched the first Professional Tourism Guide, a publication that can be downloaded from its website, and which […]

AGETAN celebrates a meeting to analyze the new decree of Active Tourism of Galicia that the Xunta has just elevated to public exhibition

The companies associated with AGETAN met this Wednesday to reflect on the state of the sector and influence its management. On the occasion of the public […]

Galicia closes the summer season exceeding expectations with more than 1.5 million passengers and 3.9 million overnight stays in July and August

The Cluster Tourism of Galicia makes positive balance of a summer characterized by instability that has demonstrated better behavior than 2018 Considers the rise in prices […]

Opened the term to register in the third workshop of proximity of the Cluster of Tourism of Galicia

Lisbon is the third destination chosen by the CTG to bring the Galician tourist offer closer to the Tourist Office located in destinations close to Galicia. […]

Acluxega bets for the implantation of the brand Galicia Calidade among the companies linked to the Galician geothermal sector

The association will celebrate in Santiago an informative day that will also serve to deliver the diplomas to the companies that have obtained the mark Quality […]

The Galicia Active Destination brand has set itself the objective of creating 3 new active tourism products

The City of Culture of Santiago de Compostela hosted this week the II Xornada Galicia Active Destination, conceived with the aim of continuing the work of […]

The CSHG faces a renewal plan amounting to more than 5 million euros to become a center of reference in tourism innovation

The degree of Gastronomic Innovation and Hotel Management will be implemented at the University of Santiago with the collaboration of the sector. The Xunta de Galicia […]

Around thirty companies take part in the presentation of the project “Un descanos en los caminos”.

The presentation took place in the frame of Termatalia in the frame of which the first workshop of development of tourist products linking thermalism and Way […]

The new edition of Sportur Galicia will host the First Iberian Congress of Sport Tourism

The celebration of the I Iberian Congress of Sport Tourism will be the main novelty of the third edition of Sportur Galicia, Salon of the Sport […]

The Xunta launches a new line of aid of 500,000 euros to promote congress tourism

As part of the Strategic Plan for Xacobeo 2021, the Xunta has just approved a new line of grants aimed at organising congresses, seminars or conventions […]

The 19th edition of Termatalia starts in Ourense reaffirming its role as an international appointment of reference for the thermal and health tourism.

More than 300 exhibitors from 34 countries meet at Expourense The project “Un descanso nos Camiños”, born in the Concruso de Ideas del Clúster Turismo de […]

An online platform will market the enotourist offer of the five wine routes of Galicia

By virtue of an agreement signed between the Wine Routes Associations of Galicia and the Xunta de Galicia, the public administration will provide the Galician wine […]

The Xunta de Galicia announces an investment of 7 million euros for the extension and improvement of the public network of hostels for the Xacobeo 21

The Strategic Plan of Xacobeo 21 includes a program that will be presented at the end of the year and anticipates a call for aid to […]

The Cluster Tourism of Galicia organizes three days of approach of the Galician tourist offer

The initiative will take place in October in Malaga and Seville on consecutive days, and on October 30 in Lisbon and will have the participation of […]

Gastronomy in Lugo, in tapas and on wheels

This week ends the Tour of Spain in which Lugo’s cuisine has been present again through stand E para comer, Lugo Until the end of September […]

The Ribeiro Wine Route goes one step further in its commitment to linking the enotourist destination with the Pilgrim’s Way to Santiago

Throughout 2019 different actions are being developed with the aim of promoting the territory as an enotourist destination. The Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, under the […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster prepares a new trade mission to the international tourism fair in London

As in previous editions, the Cluster Tourism of Galicia is already preparing the international trade mission with which will conclude the actions of promotion of destination […]

The Termatalia Week positions Ourense as an international centre for training and business in health tourism

As part of Termatalia, which will be held in Ourense on 19 and 20 September as a thermal bridge between continents and event of health interest, […]

Galicia surpasses with note a summer of unstable weather to which the Galician tourism sector has been able to get good results

Occupancy forecasts for August would range from 85% to 90% for the whole of the territory, with good profitability performance. In the absence of knowing the […]

Galicia led in July tourism growth in Spain, with more than 675,000 travelers and 1.7 million overnight stays

Our territory received 43,000 more travellers than in July last year, marking the best number of travellers and occupancy in Spain only behind Asturias. Galicia received […]

New edition of Cantos na Maré, this time under the umbrella of the brand Fest Galicia

Pontevedra will once again host, from 13 to 15 September, a new edition of Cantos na Maré, the international lusophony festival that this year once again […]

The Nautical Week Abanca starts with an increase in funding from the Xunta de Galicia

The Nautical Week Abanca 2019 begins this Saturday, September 7 in Galician waters and does so with more economic support from the Xunta de Galicia than […]

The Xunta de Galicia promotes the 13th “Outono Gastronómico en Turismo Rural” with the participation of 86 Galician establishments.

The 13th edition of the “Outono Gastronómico en Turismo Rural” will be held between 13 September and 15 December throughout Galicia by 86 participating establishments that, […]

Lugo Provincial Council promotes a network to promote scientific tourism in O Courel

Sixteen municipalities in the province of Lugo will join the professional network promoted by the County Council to promote the territory of Os Ancares and O […]

The promoters of the project “A rest on the roads” hold a preparatory meeting at the fairgrounds of Expourense

The fairground ourensano welcomed yesterday the first preparatory meeting of the project “A rest in the ways”, impelled by Caldaria, Provincial Federation of Hostalaría of Ourense, […]

The beach of Pantín hosts until September 7 the ABANCA Galicia Classic Surf Pro that will receive athletes from more than 30 countries

The ABANCA Galicia Classic Surf Pro was officially presented this Tuesday (August 27) at Pantín beach (Valdoviño, Ferrolterra), in an act where the Conselleiro de Cultura […]

Galician companies attend the ASTA Global Convention in Miami to bring the offer of our community closer to the American buyer.

Galician companies participate this week in the ASTA Global Convention organized by the Association of American Travel Agencies that is being held in the city of […]

Xunta and town halls prepare regulations to regulate motorhome tourism in Galicia

The Department of Tourism and Culture of the Xunta announced after its meeting this August with the Galician Federation of Municipalities and Provinces its firm commitment […]

Galician hotels close the month of July with an increase in travelers of 7.6% compared to 2018 and the highest figure of the decade in terms of profitability

Galician hotels closed the month of July receiving more travelers, recording a significant increase in the number of overnight stays and an improvement in quality indicators. […]

The Xunta promotes nautical crossings to travel the Camino de Santiago by sea from five Galician ports

The Xunta de Galicia, from the program “O teu Xacobeo”, promotes this summer nautical crossings xacobeas that will be carried out on board of four sailboats […]

Star rating and new areas of specialization in the new decree for the regularization of Galician campsites

The director of Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro, reported from Valdoviño – A Coruña – on the new regulations for this type of accommodation, which “stands […]

Xunta de Galicia presents the balance of the activity of the hotel sector in the last decade

The conselleiro of Culture and Tourism, Román Rodríguez, and the director of the Agency Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro, presented this Monday the report “Dynamism of […]

Agalber demands more care for the French Way and urges to regulate housing for tourist use

The Galician Association of Private Hostels (Agalber) demands the Xunta and the City Councils through which the Way of St. James passes to take measures to […]

The IV edition of Enbhiga will bring the province of Ourense as an enogastronomic destination closer to the rest of the world.

The Bioceanic-Hispanic meeting that was born four years ago in Argentina – Enbhiga– arrives for the first time in Europe and will gather in Ourense cooks, […]

More than one hundred activities framed within the project “O teu Xacobeo” will take place this summer in Galicia

The activities proposed by municipalities, companies or individuals spread the values of the Way through art, music or social and cultural events.   Under the name […]

Advances in the project of Law of ludic use of the thermal waters of Galicia

The project of Law of ludic use of the thermal waters of Galicia begins its parliamentary procedure. The new regulation is a pioneer in Spain when […]

The supply of housing for tourist use in Galicia is growing, reaching an average occupancy in July of 70%.

Housing for tourist use has grown in recent months in Galicia, reaching a total of 9,075 according to data from the Register of Tourism Companies and […]

APEHL advances a forecast of 80% average occupancy in the province of Lugo for the August bridge

  The Provincial Association of Hotel and Tourism Businessmen of Lugo (Apehl) made public the data of hotel occupancy in the province during the month of […]

First semester record for Galicia: more than two million visitors and leads the growth positions in Spain. But above all, it is growing in quality

Galicia surpassed for the first time the barrier of two million travelers in the first half of 2019, according to figures published by the National Statistics […]

Galicia opens two very “drinkable” museums: the Museo do Viño in Galicia and the first Beer Museum in Spain.

Continuing with the decision to boost wine tourism, Galicia takes a step forward with the opening of two new museum infrastructures linked to wine and beer […]

The “slow travel” or conscious tourism, more and more in rise in Galicia

“Our attraction is the landscape, the gastronomy, the tranquility, the water sports activities. Time is our potential! People come from all over Spain. They want to […]

The new route of the Tourist Trains of Galicia dedicated to the Roads of Santiago made its first departure with 100% occupation.

The seventh edition of the Tourist Trains of Galicia is having a great reception among passengers. This year the main novelty is the Route of the […]

A sustainable model, positioned on the basis of its brand values, excellent and intelligent, there are the challenges that Carmela Silva faces in this tourism mandate.

Three weeks after taking office, the president of the Provincial Council of Pontevedra, Carmela Silva, summoned the mayors of the 59 municipalities of less than 50,000 […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster present at the Lorient Interceltic Festival to promote its quality as a destination.

The 49th edition of the “Festival Interceltique de Lorient” (France), which started last August 2 to celebrate the tradition of Celtic nations, has this year Galicia […]

The Consortium of Tourist Businessmen of Sanxenxo publishes its July data: it manages to maintain the occupation and the consumption index grows.

The figures obtained from occupancy data in Sanxenxo in July 2019 show similar results to those of 2018, hovering around 75%. A ratio that is maintained […]

The BNG and Hostelería Compostela present an initiative for the promotion of Galician wines with denomination of origin in Santiago.

With the aim of contributing to the promotion of wines with Galician denomination of origin, the municipal group of the BNG in Santiago and the Hospitality Association […]

Xunta and the ICTE will work on a joint project to improve spaces on the Camino de Santiago that can obtain the ‘Q’ for quality

The project will be implemented in the Portuguese Way and the Sea Route of Arousa and Ulla, while reinforcing the wine routes Within the route map […]

The expected occupancy of Galician rural tourism improves in August, standing at around 50%. places Galician territory as the sixth autonomous community with the highest occupancy in the country, five points above the 2018 figures. According to data from […]

A Coruña obtains financing for its first Greenway and plans new network of trails in Mazaricos

The first greenway in the province of A Coruña, which will connect the municipalities of Santiago and Cerceda with a 36.5-kilometre path on the old railway […]

Good numbers of travellers and overnight stays at the beginning of the summer in Galicia, which already exceed the data of 2018, according to the survey of hotel occupancy of the INE

Galician hotels received during the month of June nearly 460,000 travelers, 7.88% more than in the same period last year. As for the number of overnight […]

Asturias took the last qualifying round of the VIII Circuit of senior golf Tourism of Galicia

After two years without celebrating a test of the Circuit of senior Golf Turismo of Galicia in the Principality, the Real club of Golf of Castiello was […]

“Destino Frontera”, the tourism strategy for Galicia and northern Portugal that is a reference at European level

The European Commission (EC) is closely following the tourism strategy for Galicia and northern Portugal promoted by the Eixo Atlántico, an idea that explores the concept […]

Galicia, along with five other Atlantic regions, are involved in a project for the enhancement of intangible cultural heritage common to these territories

The AtlanticCultureScape project will initially focus on the identification of these common links in order to end up generating cultural experiences that contribute to the increase […]

The Xunta quantifies the objectives of Xacobeo 2021: GDP growth, number of visitors and full-time employment

The president of the Xunta highlights the coming Holy Year as an opportunity to show our potential in the religious, cultural and tourism, but also in […]

The Xunta signs the contract of sponsorship of the festival O Marisquiño for value of 121.000 euros, supporting its continuity in Vigo

The general secretary for Sport, José Ramón Lete Lasa, accompanied by the director of Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro and by the territorial delegate of the […]

The Xunta reinforces its bet for the thermal tourism with the Chair of Medical Hydrology of the USC

The Department of Culture and Tourism supports training in the field of thermal health through an agreement of 40,000 euros per year signed until 2021 with […]

The Xacobeo2021 Strategic Plan will have a minimum budget of 247.7 million euros.

The president of the Xunta advanced the general lines of the plan that is presented this Friday in the City of Culture of Galicia As part […]

Follow the musical proposals of all kinds to enjoy the festivals in Galicia

FestGalicia collects on its website balance reports of the impact generated last year 5 of the 12 festivals that are adhered to the brand After the […]

The hotel associations that make up La Fuerza del Norte denounce the proliferation of illegal motorhome parking areas

The Galician Association of Motorhomes (AGA), for its part, accuses hoteliers of trying to confine them to campsites and restrict their right to park on an […]

Galicia, Asturias and Catalonia, the coastal destinations with the highest demand for this summer

According to Exceltur’s latest report on the evolution of the quarter and prospects for the summer season in Spain, the process of consolidating the divergent scenarios […]

The Department of Culture and Tourism signed agreements with the 11 geodestinos for the promotion of tourism activities in a hundred municipalities

The commitment of the Xunta will mean an investment of more than half a million euros With the goal of disseminating the tourism potential of the […]

The attraction of the local market and the intervention of tour operators who know the territory, conclusions of the conference promoted by the GDR County Paradanta

During three sessions, 17 experts and professionals in marketing, marketing and tourism development have addressed the challenges of revitalization of rural areas in Galicia The need […]

Open deadline to participate in the new edition of the Lugo Tapas Competition

The Provincial Association of Hotel and Tourism Businessmen of Lugo (Apehl) is already organizing the fifteenth edition of the Lugo Tapas Contest, sponsored by the City […]

Hospitality Compostela predicts an average occupancy close to 70% in the Apostle Festivals

The association took stock of the occupation in June and advances cautious perspectives for the month of July The association Hostelería de Compostela estimated the occupation […]

The Galician marinas surpassed for the first time the 10 thousand annual transits, with an interannual increase of 5%

Portos de Galicia and Consellería do Mar made annual balance of nautical tourism in Galicia, which increased more than twice in Galician marinas over the past […]

Costa das Ondas opens the adhesion process to incorporate new companies

The adhered entities, which must be located in one of the 21 municipalities of the geodestino Ferrol-Rías Altas, will benefit from the actions of the program. […]

Xunta will assume the rehabilitation of the tower-house of A Tinería, in Lugo, to turn it into a space linked to the enogastronomic tourism

Casa- Torre de A Tinería, in Lugo, also known as the old San Miguel hospital and property of the Xunta, will become a centre for the […]

The Galician tourist offer will be present at the Lorient Interceltic Festival

As part of the celebration of the Année de la Galice (Year of Galicia) at the 49th edition of the Lorient Interceltic Festival, which will take […]

Open deadline to register for the TTG Tourism Fair in Rimini scheduled for October

The Chamber of Commerce of Santiago de Compostela and IGAPE, in collaboration with the Galician Tourism Cluster, organize a commercial action at the TTG Tourism Fair […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster will promote with its associates 5 projects of promotion of destination for a value of more than 130 thousand euros.

The entity is already in the phase of bidding and implementation of proposals, which were approved at the last General Assembly Within the framework of the […]

82% of homes for tourist use in Galicia are owned by a single owner who sells only one property

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism took stock of the evolution of this type of accommodation in Galicia since its regulation. The Xunta notes that this […]

The Galician tourism sector advances good forecasts for the summer season that could be around 60% average occupancy

Professionals in the sector are cautious to anticipate occupancy figures, as a result of the change in the paradigms of hiring travelers but await a summer […]

The Galician Tourism Cluster approves for the first time membership fees and an annual budget of almost 950 thousand euros

In addition to reporting on last year’s actions, the CTG’s highest body ratified the incorporation of eight new members. The Cluster Tourism of Galicia celebrated with […]

Galicia improves competitiveness and growth with good results accumulated in the first five months of the year in travelers and hotel overnight stays

With Murcia, it was the territory with the best results in the month of May, with growth above the average for Spain as a whole. For […]

The brand Fest Galicia adds this year twelve festivals under the slogan “Festivais que fan Camiño”.

Cantos na Maré and Caudal Fest join PortAmérica, Resurrection Fest, 17º Ribeira Sacra, Vive Nigrán, Sinsal, Atlantic Fest, SonRías Baixas, Revenidas, Festival de la Luz and […]

Basozabal hosts the 5th and penultimate round of the VIII Circuit of Golf Senior Tourism of Galicia

A total of 76 players met at the RNCGSS course in Basozabal, in the Basque Country, designed by Chema Olazabal, which received participants in perfect condition […]

Tour operators from six countries complete the Southern Route of the Xacobean Nautical Traverse

Three days of sailing, 92 nautical miles and a route of 7.45 km on foot served to complete the Nautical Crossing Xacobea promoted by Asnauga, in […]

More than 350 initiatives distributed throughout the Galician territory will receive funding through the O Teu Xacobeo program.

The Xunta extended aid for this program after the success of applications O teu Xacobeo will make it possible to promote 352 dynamisation initiatives in more […]

The Xunta foresees an investment of 1.3 million euros in the Portuguese Way and its variant along the coast, which will have its own maintenance contract

The Xunta de Galicia has tendered a biannual maintenance contract for 1.3 million euros for the Portuguese Way and the Portuguese Way for the Thing, which […]

English, French and Portuguese journalists visit the facilities of Galician sailing clubs

A group of foreign journalists got to know first hand the quality and nautical sports activities of the Galician nautical clubs and the services they offer […]

Collaboration agreement to advance innovation, quality and sustainability of tourism in Galicia

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism signed an agreement with the Secretary of State for Tourism to standardize the criteria of excellence and quality of the […]

CaixaBank and Xunta sign an agreement that makes available to the Galician tourism sector a line of financing of 1000 million euros

With the aim of continuing to provide resources to the sector and the territory for the next Xacobeo2021, the Minister of Culture and Tourism, Román Rodríguez, […]

Open the period to apply for a place in the Social Thermalism program of the Imserso

Balnearios de Galicia clarifies that this program, which offers 27 thousand places, is not affected by precautionary suspension of the program Imserso The Association of Spas […]
