The Xunta launches the #DiscoverGaliciaenOutono tourist voucher with the aim of promoting deseasonalization

The Xunta launches the #DiscoverGaliciaenOutono tourist voucher with the aim of promoting deseasonalization

  • The voucher will have digital format and will allow discounts on contracted tourist activities up to a maximum of €100.
  • Tourism companies that wish to join the program, and those interested in requesting the voucher, may do so the day following its publication in the Official Gazette of Galicia.


The Xunta de Galicia announced the launch of the #DiscoverGaliciaenOutono tourist voucher, an initiative that was born with the aim of encouraging domestic tourism and deseasonalization among the Galician population. This initiative has a budget of 1 million euros, with 10,000 tourist vouchers available.


This voucher works similar to the previous ones, but without a co-payment card. The discount will be 40% up to a maximum of €100, and will be done by downloading the tourist voucher on the enabled website, which will have a QR code. According to the president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, the discount can begin to be used in mid-October and until December 25, 2023.


Accession process


Tourist accommodation establishments and travel agencies that wish to join the program must register on the website. The deadline for establishments to adhere will be from the day following the publication of the resolution in the Official Gazette of Galicia, and until December 1, 2023.




Individuals of legal age and residents of Galicia may be beneficiaries of this initiative. They may request a discount voucher per person for a value of €100 for accommodation expenses made in the tourist accommodation establishments and participating travel agencies, as well as for the services offered by the accommodations or agencies.


Each bonus can be used until it is exhausted, or if applicable, until the credit available in the program is exhausted.