The attraction of the local market and the intervention of tour operators who know the territory, conclusions of the conference promoted by the GDR County Paradanta

The attraction of the local market and the intervention of tour operators who know the territory, conclusions of the conference promoted by the GDR County Paradanta

During three sessions, 17 experts and professionals in marketing, marketing and tourism development have addressed the challenges of revitalization of rural areas in Galicia

The need to have the collaboration of tour operators who know the territory and its resources and who are able to develop tourism products that add value or promote marketing actions aimed at the local market were some of the conclusions that closed the II Days of Dynamization of the Territory organized by the Rural Development Group Condado Paradanta. These meetings took place over three days in Salvaterra de Miño, As Neves and Ponteareas, bringing together seventeen experts and professionals from different parts of Galicia, Asturias and Portugal.

Throughout the different presentations and round tables, the role of the GDRs as agents of dynamization of the territory was addressed and the need to promote the work of these Development Groups as agents of development of the territory, with a transversal character, and not as mere processors of subsidies was pointed out. The difference in financing between the Galician and Asturian GDRs was highlighted, as they triple the funds available to our GDRs and have greater operational capacity.

In the same way, the importance of having tourist operators who know the territory and its resources well and who work on the creation of tourist products that add value to them, directing efforts to the nearest markets, such as the Galician market itself, Norte de Portugal, Asturias, etc. before thinking of attracting foreign customers, something much more complex and costly, for which it is necessary to be very prepared. For developing tourist destinations, it is essential to know the target client and clearly identify the values that make tourist products different. As an example and case of success, the experience of the Ribeira Sacra was treated and some of its most successful products and campaigns were known at the retail level.

The director of Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro; the president of the Cluster Tourism of Galicia, Cesáreo Pardal; and the mayor of Covelo and president of the GDR Condado Paradanta, Juan Pablo Castillo participated in the closing day of this forum, which had the participation of more than a hundred professionals, the vast majority professionals, entrepreneurs or students related to tourism, the world of wine, administration … both O Condado Paradanta and Baixo Miño, Ourense, Celanova, Bande, or even O Courel.