Five Galician companies participate in the conferences to support tourism in California, organized by Turespaña

Five Galician companies participate in the conferences to support tourism in California, organized by Turespaña

  • The sessions, focused on the United States and Canadian markets, take place from April 15 to 18 in Monterrey, California.

Galicia is present at the Spain Tourism Summit 2024. Galiwonders, Pilgrim, Tee Travel, Pambre Tours and Viajes Interrías are the five Galician companies that participate this week, from April 15 to 18, in the tourism support days in Monterrey, organized by Turespaña. These meetings are part of Turespaña’s strategic action with the aim of reactivating, increasing and promoting the commercialization of the Spanish tourism sector in these important source markets, enhancing the offer with high quality innovative products, referring to gastronomy, activities, experiences and new attractions.


The event offers a unique platform for industry professionals to network, learn and collaborate. These conferences have a double objective: to continue the work to support the marketing of Spanish tourism that was carried out in the 2022 direct conferences in Miami and, in addition, to promote knowledge of Spanish tourist destinations, to make the most of their promotional impact and make Spanish products, services and tourist experiences available in the profitable North American market.


Spain Tourism Summit 2024 seeks to position Spain as one of the main tourist destinations in Europe in the United States and Canadian markets, highlighting its quality, safety and commitment to sustainability.