Xunta de Galicia and Clúster Turismo de Galicia create the Galicia Tourism awards that will recognize successful initiatives in the sector


Xunta de Galicia and Clúster Turismo de Galicia create the Galicia Tourism awards that will recognize successful initiatives in the sector

The initiative, which emerges with a vocation of continuity, will award nine prizes to individuals, companies and projects for their contribution to improving the development of the tourism sector of the Community.

Those interested may submit their candidatures until 10 November and the award ceremony will take place at the end of the year at a gala in the city of A Coruña.

Under the slogan of showing the potential of Galician tourism “beyond our borders”, Xunta and the Galician Tourism Cluster jointly promote the first edition of the Galician Tourism Awards, awards that will recognize successful initiatives of individuals, entities or companies in order to develop and improve the Galician tourism sector to be delivered at the end of the year in a gala to be held in Coruña. The Minister of Culture and Tourism, Román Rodríguez, and the president of the Galician Tourism Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, presented this initiative at a ceremony at the Galician Centre for Contemporary Art (CGAC) in which Nava Castro, director of the Galician Tourism Agency, was also present.

In its first edition, the awards will have nine categories: three of them, National Ambassador, International Ambassador and Pioneer, will have honorary character and will be awarded to people who contributed throughout their lives to the consolidation and prestige of Galicia as a tourist destination. Another five prizes will be awarded by a jury made up of representatives of the Xunta, the sector and the university world and will recognise avant-garde initiatives related to sustainable tourism, projects aimed at enhancing Galicia’s historical, artistic or cultural heritage, marketing or communication actions to boost the image of our Community as a tourist destination or tourism promotion events. The awards will be Vanguard, Sustainability, Heritage, Promotion and Event. The presentation of candidatures to these five categories will be open until November 10 to any person or entity through a form that will be available on the website of the Awards.

Finally, the best Scenario of Galicia will also be awarded through an online vote open to the public among 24 photographs of different Galician tourist destinations highlighted for their beauty, care or conservation.

Vocation of continuity
Both the president of the Galician Tourism Cluster, who thanked the Consellería’s support to this initiative, and the conselleiro himself, coincided in highlighting the vocation of continuity with which these awards are born. “We want these awards to become the great festival of Galician tourism,” summarized Roman Rodriguez, who stressed that he hopes that these awards will serve to make visible the work of professionals and companies in the sector while continuing to develop under the slogans of sustainability, innovation, quality, and the commitment to improving professionalism and competitiveness in order to promote the de-seasonalization and decentralization of tourism flows.

For his part, the president of the Galician Tourism Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, stressed that this initiative is part of the public collaboration between the Xunta and the sector with the aim of promoting Galicia as a tourist destination promoting the sustainable development “of a modern and competitive tourism industry.