The Xunta and the MICE sector collaborate to promote Galicia as a congress tourism destination

The Xunta and the MICE sector collaborate to promote Galicia as a congress tourism destination

The Minister of Culture and Tourism and the President of OPC Galicia signed an agreement for 200,000 euros within the framework of the regional reactivation plan

The Association of Professional Congress Organisers of Galicia (OPC Galicia) and the Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism have signed an agreement with 200 thousand euros within the framework of the Reactivation Plan of Culture and Tourism of the Xunta de Galicia. This plan aims to promote our Community as a destination for tourism in congresses, events, fairs or meetings and to favour the reactivation of this sector after the health crisis.

The aim is to support this sector, which has been deeply affected by the pandemic, while at the same time taking action to attract urban tourism with high added value throughout the year, as well as encouraging deseasonalisation. The agreement includes a series of actions among which the reactivation of the Galicia MICE portal stands out, focused on facilitating the location of resources for the promoters of congresses, events or meetings as well as the creation of an online set in the Cidade da Cultura that will favour the realisation of virtual events.

Similarly, a fund for contracting spaces and venues will be set up, which will provide incentives for those companies that reserve this type of service, thus supporting the organisation of events throughout Galicia.

Attraction of MICE events
As a complement to this agreement, the Xunta also informed about the resolution of the line of aids set up by the Xunta to attract MICE events that had been approved at the end of last year. However, in view of the health crisis, it was decided to review the periods for carrying out and executing the projects that could be charged, establishing the longest possible deadlines in order to guarantee their conclusion. 600,000 will be allocated to support the holding of a total of 52 events such as congresses, fairs or meetings, more than twenty of which will take place in the last four months of the year, thus encouraging the deseasonalisation of tourist activity.