The Cluster celebrates World Tourism Day by reaffirming its commitment to quality, sustainability and digital transformation

The Cluster celebrates World Tourism Day by reaffirming its commitment to quality, sustainability and digital transformation

The entity has issued a statement on the occasion of the event promoted by the World Tourism Organization.


27 September is a day marked in red in the tourism sector calendar. It was on that day, in 1970, that the statutes of the World Tourism Organisation were approved, and that is why 27 September is the date on which World Tourism Day has been celebrated since 1980. On this occasion, the events promoted by the UNWTO have the slogan “Rethinking tourism” to address the challenges facing the sector in these times of post-pandemic and new demands in terms of development and sustainability.


The Galicia Tourism Cluster also commemorates this celebration with a statement thanking all the actors in the tourism sector for the work they are doing and reflecting on the steps to be taken to ensure a future of development and sustainability.


“Behind quality tourism is the effort, work and commitment of all the entrepreneurs and professionals who make up the Galician tourism sector to offer the best experiences to all those who visit us. It is no coincidence that Galicia occupies second place in the national ranking with the most Q quality certificates; it is no coincidence that our community became one of the main destinations in the first summer of the pandemic and that this last year has fulfilled the expectations foreseen as the year of recovery.


On this World Tourism Day and after the complicated years we have experienced and the geopolitical and economic uncertainties that threaten the immediate future of the economy, we at the Galicia Tourism Cluster would like to take advantage of this event to recognise the efforts of the companies and people who make up a sector that is vital for Galicia to reinforce the quality of their services and their determination to improve every day.


The commitment to quality, sustainability and digital transformation are the pillars of the roadmap on which we are working together with the regional administration so that the sector, which already accounts for nearly 11% of Galician GDP and employs more than 70,000 workers, grows and adapts to the demand of new tourist profiles. The recently created Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club fits into this line, which, in less than two months, has had a great response from the sector with the adhesion of more than thirty establishments including travel agencies, restaurants, accommodation and complementary tourism offer. An initiative in which the companies assume a firm commitment to Galicia in its broadest sense: commitment to nature, to the environment and to the biodiversity of the region, to renewable energies, to the circular economy, to the conservation of our culture and to the promotion of our local commerce. This is the tourism sector that we want and that Galicia deserves”.