The largest ecotourism corridor in Europe in the north of the peninsula will pass through Galicia

The largest ecotourism corridor in Europe in the north of the peninsula will pass through Galicia

  • Galicia is part of this initiative financed with Next Generation funds and carried out with Asturias, Cantabria and the Basque Country.


The Director of Tourism of Galicia, Xosé Merelles, presented to the sector the Ecotourism Corridor of Green Spain project, the initiative in which Galicia participates together with the rest of the Communities of the northern peninsula, which aims to create the largest ecotourism corridor in Europe.


Merelles highlighted the opportunity of this project for Galicia to advance in a sustainable tourism model from a social and environmental point of view. This initiative will offer tourist experiences within the protected natural spaces of Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria and the Basque Country.


The four communities promoting this project, integrated into the ‘Green Spain’ brand, designed an action plan that will allow establishing a network of collaborating agents in the territory, providing training to tourism companies, as well as designing and creating experiences and products in models green and sustainable.


Protected natural spaces that wish to collaborate may participate in the project, as well as companies located in rural and natural environments linked to the observation of fauna, accommodation, active tourism companies, and companies that have certification in sustainability that want to create packages and products. of ecotourism. The initiative is open to local and environmental agents, receptive agencies and nature specialist operators, among others.