Galician tourists opt for face-to-face travel agencies to book their package holidays.

Galician tourists opt for face-to-face travel agencies to book their package holidays.

Traditional channels are still the most popular among the population over 45 years of age and in general when planning trips abroad.


Face-to-face travel agencies continue to play a key role in the contracting of package holidays. Especially in the case of Galicia, since according to the latest barometer prepared by the consultancy firm Braintrust in collaboration with the Spanish Confederation of Travel Agencies (CEAV), this is the third autonomous community where travel agencies are most in demand by travellers when it comes to contracting this type of service. In Galicia, 72.9% of customers choose this option over online agencies. Only in Extremadura, with 82.9%, and in Castilla y León, with 73.2%, is there an even greater preference for face-to-face establishments, while at the other end of the scale is Catalonia, with just 29.1%.


The barometer also reveals variations in user preferences according to other criteria such as age or gender, and also according to the destination chosen to enjoy their holidays. Thus, for Spain as a whole, it can be seen that the majority (67.9%) opt for in-person travel agencies when booking their package holidays, but this situation is reversed among those under 45 years of age, since in this case almost 60% opt for online agencies. By gender, 55.9 % of women prefer to go to a physical agency, while among men the split between the two business models is equal at 50 %.


In terms of destinations, users prefer the proximity and personalised attention of physical agencies when contracting travel packages for international trips. While in the case of domestic trips, traditional business and online agencies share the market 50/50, for foreign trips the split is 65.7 % and 34.3 %. This means that there are also differences in terms of the average cost of the package, since those contracted in face-to-face agencies stand at 496 euros due to the greater presence of international trips, far exceeding those contracted online, which have an average price of 339 euros.