
Cesáreo Pardal closed the first of the two conferences organised by Amtega and the Galicia Tourism Agency.


He explained that “now it is time to make the most of the potential of the disruptive technologies that mark this new decade, such as Big Data, Artificial Intelligence or 5G”.


The president of the Galicia Tourism Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, is one of the authoritative voices of the tourism sector to whom the Agency for the Technological Modernisation of Galicia (Amtega) and the Galicia Tourism Agency turned to speak at the EDIT Forums and analyse the importance and implementation of Smart Tourism Destinations as tools to ensure the future of the sector in the Galicia-North Portugal Euroregion. During two days, representatives of the administration, business, research and academia, technology centres and other agents related to tourism analysed in the City of Culture on issues such as sustainability, data analysis in tourism planning, collaboration between Galicia and Northern Portugal and technological experiences in the private sector.


To close the first of the two days, on Monday 10th, the organisers of the EDIT Forums called on the director of the Competitiveness Area of Galicia Tourism, Ana Lestido, and the president of the Cluster, who in his speech stressed the importance of sustainability and digitisation to face the new challenges and ensure the future of the Galician tourism sector. Cesáreo Pardal also explained that smart tourism, sustainability and adaptation to the new reality after the pandemic are three of the main axes of the Master Plan Galicia Safe Destination 2021-2023 that the Cluster has developed in collaboration with the Xunta de Galicia, the three Galician universities and the tourism industry.


Likewise, the president of the Cluster pointed out that Galicia has already been taking steps along the path of digitalisation in recent years with initiatives such as the Turespazo and Smart Camiño platforms or the Turislab tourism accelerator, and pointed out that the technological contribution has also been very present in actions undertaken during the pandemic to mitigate its effects on the sector, such as the “we stay in Galicia” tourist vouchers.


“Now it is time to make the most of the potential of the disruptive technologies that mark this new decade, such as Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and 5G. Their application will improve the knowledge of the profiles of travellers and potential customers, the management of experiences and bookings, promotion and communication”, said Cesáreo Pardal in his speech.


Tuesday October 11th, 2022

The president of the Cluster claimed in the EDIT Forums sustainability and digitisation as pillars for the future of the tourism sector.

Cesáreo Pardal closed the first of the two conferences organised by Amtega and the Galicia Tourism Agency.   He explained that “now it is time to […]
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The EDIT Forums analyse Smart Tourist Destinations

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