
The City of Culture hosted the first workshop exhibition conclusions of the three universities

The meeting, which involved more than one hundred professionals, served to present the web to gather up the progress of Galician Tourism Strategy 2020 and open participation survey

Under the premise of having for the first time with the whole Galician tourism sector in creating a future strategy for the sector and, especially, with the aim of rejoining the scientific strength of the three Galician universities working coordinated, the Tourism Cluster of Galicia was held this morning in the City of Culture in Santiago de Compostela a technical conference which has served to make the diagnosis of the three Galician universities on the situation of Galician tourism and participatory mechanisms that CTG is launching in the process of drafting the Galician Tourism Strategy 2020, a document that will determine the roadmap of this sector for the next four years and must be drawn up before the end of the year.

“It’s the first time they are working on joint form the three Galician universities for the creation of a strategic plan,” said the president of the Tourism Cluster of Galicia, Francisco Gonzalez, who highlighted the great interest of the Tourism Cluster of Galicia in profitable the enormous scientific capital that has to translate the community in creating a roadmap participate in the entire tourism sector.

Sustainability and increased spending
The day is structured in three exhibitions, in charge of the managers at the University of Vigo, A Coruña and Santiago de Compostela that have carried out tests and have been responsible for putting on the table its analysis regarding sector demand, the current tourism in the community and its tourism environment. These findings highlight the need to implement a model of sustainable and efficient business that involves improving accessibility fate, combat seasonality of supply and increase tourism revenues destination betting on generating a flexible offer higher quality – both in terms of infrastructure as a qualification for the workforce, versatile and innovative to meet the needs of the new traveler who booked less advance and search experiences.

Competitive differentiation
Improving profitability or greater range of complementary activities and entertainment are some of the future challenges that the sector faces, experts said, so the Galician sector should direct their efforts towards creating proposals contemplating differentiators such as spas or the Camino de Santiago, gastronomy and wine tourism destination permir differentiation against major competitors, increasing the value added of tourism. The day concluded with a lively roundtable discussion that has served to make a first approach to the future challenges to be addressed by the Galician tourism sector.

All these reports, to be published online so they can be viewed publicly, serve as a starting point or SWOT analysis (Weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities) to begin work on creating a tourism agenda, which will also be involved the whole sector and that will materialize in the creation of working groups that will address the creation of this strategic plan from all sides.

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