
This week the route will be developed on the French Way.

After the break caused by the COVID19, the Association Proturga, Profesionais do Turismo de Galicia resumed at the end of July its project Facendo Camiño, which ends this coming autumn with the aim of increasing the degree of knowledge that professionals of the Galician tourist sector have of the Way of Saint James and its different itineraries. Framed in the line of grants O Teu Xacobeo, the project continues this week, specifically on Saturday 15, with one of the best known itineraries of the Xacobean Route, the French Way.

The participants, who can register free of charge until the day before the day provided there are places, will walk a first section between Sarria and Barbadelo and then go to the Obradoiro square and then walk the section from the Cathedral to San Lazaro in the opposite direction to the pilgrims, analysing the reactions of the pilgrims at the door of their destination and on arrival at the Cathedral. Finally, there will be a section on foot of the Way between Arzúa and Ribadiso, comparing the reactions of the pilgrims and analysing the tourist resources of the territory.

The final objective is that the professionals of the sector become the best prescribers of the Way, in order to improve the experience of the pilgrim and his knowledge of the itinerary they have walked. After this day, the project will continue in September with two days in the itinerary Mar de Arousa and Rio Ulla on September 5th and Camiño de Fisterra, on September 15th.

Thursday August 13th, 2020

Proturga continues in August with its Facendo Camiño project to promote the professionalization of Galician tourism agents

This week the route will be developed on the French Way. After the break caused by the COVID19, the Association Proturga, Profesionais do Turismo de Galicia […]
Friday August 7th, 2020

Congress on Experiential Tourism in Lugo

Fifty experts and professionals from the sector will meet at the event, which will combine face-to-face talks and streaming On 16, 17 and 18 September, Lugo […]
Friday July 31st, 2020

Abanca and Clúster Turismo de Galicia join forces to offer financial solutions adapted to the situation of the Galician tourism sector

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Thursday July 30th, 2020

Termatalia organizes the 1st Congress on Water and Health

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