
Clúster Turismo de Galicia presented both projects at the Galician stand in Fitur

The two brands, launched last year, will continue their development in 2017 to improve the marketing of tourism

Conceived with the aim of improving the commercialization and specialization of Destino Galicia, the Enoturismo Galicia and Galicia, Destino Destino brands had their place in the presentation program of the Galician stand in Fitur. Both projects, promoted within the framework of the annual contest of ideas launched by the Tourism Cluster of Galicia among its associates, have been created with the aim of promoting a greater specialization of the Galician tourist offer, helping to boost among its potential users The offer that Galicia agglutinates as much in enoturística matter as linked to the segment of the familiar tourism.

“At this point no one doubts Galician wine tourism potential,” explained the president of the Cluster Turismo Galicia, Francisco González, “but in conversation with the Galician Wine Routes we have been aware of the importance of creating a strong and unique brand That brings together all this heritage and facilitate the work of marketing. Gonzalez also highlighted the importance of wine tourism as a backbone of a differentiated and quality tourism, working hand in hand to promote its marketing through wine tourism packages.

This is how the Enoturismo Galicia brand is born, in which the resources of the Wine Routes of O Ribeiro, Ribeira Sacra, Rías Baixas, Monterrei and Valdeorras are grouped, following their adhesion to the Clúster Turismo de Galicia. The president of the Rías Baixas Wine Route, Juan Gil, in the name of all the Routes, encouraged those present to know this heritage: “come to know how we elaborate our extraordinary wines, come and see our vineyards, so different Of all the known, from the most beautiful vineyards by the sea of ​​the Rías Baixas to the heroic terraces of the Ribeira Sacra, from the slate slopes of Valdeorras to the highlands of Monterrei, through the beautiful vegas and granitic smallholdings of Ribeiro “, While emphasizing that Galicia has an impressive raw material to be among the first national destinations to enjoy nature and wine tourism.

Galicia, attraction pole for family tourism
Together with Enotourism, the second project presented by the Tourism Cluster was the creation of the Galicia Family Destination label, an initiative is taking its first steps to be implemented this year and in which the Consorcio de Empresarios de Turismo de Turismo Sanxenxo (CETS), Provincial Federation of Businessmen of Hospitality of Pontevedra (FEPROHOS), Spanish Center of New Professions (CENP), Fisterra Travel (Interrías), Provincial Association of Travel Agencies of Pontevedra (AVIPO) and Hotel Bahía de Vigo.

Francisco González highlighted the great potential of our territory as a pole of attraction for family tourism. “Galicia is the second national destination preferred by Spanish families to spend the summer, according to the data collected by the Spanish Federation of Large Families,” said the president of the CTG, who emphasized the need to order and implement a system Of accreditation that allows this segment to identify tourist services and specialized Galician establishments that have facilities and activities designed and adapted for families.

The first step was in 2016 with the launch of the website, approval of requirements and opening of applications to join this program and that can request their registration through the web After a process of evaluation and verification that it fulfills the requirements to be part of the program, each establishment / service will be incorporated to the web and app of Galicia Destino Familiar. This will generate a network of offers around Galicia as an ideal tourist destination for the enjoyment of families, thus promoting the specialization of tourism, cooperation between different companies and entities in this segment.

The implementation of this project also seeks to build on a specific offer for families in which the seal of Galicia Destino Familiar is an endorsement for both customers and the sector, contributing to the loyalty of the target audience this project.

Thursday January 19th, 2017

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Thursday January 19th, 2017

The presentation of Termatalia Fitur supposes the launch of the promotion of the new edition that this year returns to Ourense The International Fair of Thermal Tourism, Health and Welfare returns to Europe and will be held in Ourense (Galicia-Spain) on 20 and 21 September 2017 The presentation of Termatalia FITUR has meant the start of the international promotion of Termatalia 2017 that in this new edition returns to Ourense become the forum and point of convergence of the agents who work in the development of the world-wide thermalism. The good results of the business actions of the 2016 edition of Mexico have contributed to reinforce the main asset of the fair, which is the relational capital generated and in which are integrated the main sectoral associations of countries in Europe and America Latina who collaborate and actively participate in it. In the presentation the organizers of the fair were clothed by representatives of the public and private organizations that have contributed to position it as a global brand of thermalism, among which were not lacking the director of Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro, nor the deputy director Of Turespaña, Rafael Chamorro, who emphasized the work of international diffusion that realizes this fair. Also intervened in this the president of Spas of Spain and ICTE, Miguel Mirones; The Deputy Minister of Tourism of Venezuela, Ali Padrón; The president of Tourism Porto and North, Melchior Moreira; The president of the Spanish Confederation of Travel Agencies (CEAV), Rafael Gallego; The president of the Cluster of Tourism of Galicia, Francisco González; The mayor of Ourense, Jesús Vázquez and the vice president of the Provincial Council of Ourense, Rosendo Fernández. They were also accompanied by the President of FEHGRA Argentina, Graciela Fresno, the President of Spas of Galicia, Antonio Garaloces, the Terriotrial delegate of the Xunta de Galicia, Marisol Díaz, and representatives of Procolombia. The presentation of the next edition was carried out by the director of Termataliam Alejandro Rubín, who highlighted the great values of the fair that position it worldwide: “relational capital, knowledge and business.” Development of the fair The 17th edition of this event will be held on 20 and 21 September and will bring together professionals from more than 25 countries. Having consolidated its role as a thermal bridge between Europe and Latin America, Termatalia goes one step further and broadens its scope of action by incorporating the markets of the Middle East and Asia Pacific. This means a network of 26 branches in 54 countries on 4 continents, which contributes to generate new opportunities among the agents integrated in the strategic network of Termatalia, which is highly specialized in this niche market.

The International Fair of Thermal Tourism, Health and Welfare returns to Europe and will be held in Ourense (Galicia-Spain) on 20 and 21 September 2017 The […]