
The Provincial Association of Hospitality of Coruña joins the campaign of the Xunta de Galicia to make society aware of the need to make responsible use of water through the campaign of the Consellería de Medio Ambiente “Usa a auga con cabeza” . According to the agreement reached, the establishments of the association will stick stickers on the mirrors of the toilets of the associated establishments in order to remind customers and workers of the sector the importance of saving in the consumption of a resource “essential as a source of life , but finite. “

To carry out this action, 25,000 stickers and 10,000 information posters will be distributed among the more than 1,200 companies from A Coruña to transfer the initiative to the other three provinces. The stickers of the province of A Coruña will be printed with a striking design with elephants walking in the vicinity of the Tower of Hercules, thus stressing that Galicia, despite not having characteristics of a dry land, may in future suffer Problems of making an irrational use of water.

Wednesday July 26th, 2017

Responsible use of water by the Coruña hopitality

The Provincial Association of Hospitality of Coruña joins the campaign of the Xunta de Galicia to make society aware of the need to make responsible use […]
Monday July 24th, 2017

Diputación de Ourense and Ruta del Vino del Ribeiro are looking for wine tourism in the province

The Diputación de Ourense and the Ruta del Viño del Ribeiro Association will cooperate to promote wine tourism and activities related to this modality, with the […]
Thursday July 20th, 2017

The new season begins of mini coastal cruises by the rías of Galicia

They expect to improve the results of the first season by offering more number of navigable days and more options Between July and November of this […]
Wednesday July 19th, 2017

Ingavi and Cidade da Cultura renew their commitment to continue offering training in the Gaiás

Instituto Galego do Viño renews its agreement with the City of Culture of Galicia to promote in the next five years training and counseling activities aimed […]