
Representatives of the Agalber association met in O Pino with the vice-president of the Xunta de Galicia Alfonso Rueda.


The hostel of O Pedrouzo, in the municipality of O Pino, A Coruña, was the setting in recent days for a meeting between representatives of the Galician Association of Private Hostels (Agalber), a member of the Galicia Tourism Cluster, and the First Vice President of the Xunta and Regional Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Tourism, Alfonso Rueda, and the director of Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro, to take stock of the situation of the sector and the plans and prospects for the coming months.


During the meeting, the regional representative thanked the sacrifices that the hostel sector made during the pandemic, having to close their establishments or restrict maximum occupancy, in order to contribute to the policy of promoting Galicia as a safe destination. Now those efforts are being rewarded, as evidenced by the revitalization experienced by the Way of St. James on the occasion of the celebration of the exceptional biannual Holy Year 2021-22. In this regard, Alfonso Rueda explained that during the first weekend of this month 1,600 compostelas were handed out, which is almost 60% more than the little more than a thousand granted during the whole month of April last year.


On the plans for the sector, Rueda stressed that the Xunta will allocate a total of 500,000 euros this year in aid for the modernisation and digitalisation of private hostels. He also recalled the collaboration agreement signed with Agalber for the implementation of a promotional campaign for these accommodations. He also pointed out that the initiatives to improve the various pilgrimage routes to Compostela, to improve the quality of tourism and promotion of the Way will also have a positive impact on the hostels.


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