
The Cluster and five companies from the sector are taking part in the presentations and workshops that the Xunta is holding on Tuesday and Thursday in Germany.


The promotional activities of Galicia abroad promoted by the Xunta de Galicia through the Galicia Tourism Agency with the collaboration of the Galicia Tourism Cluster and companies in the sector are resuming this week with two new visits to a country with great potential for Galician tourism. Hamburg, tomorrow Tuesday, and Frankfurt, on Thursday 23rd, are the two new stops on a programme of presentations that visits Germany after having already visited countries such as Switzerland, Italy, Portugal and France in recent months.


The programme planned for these two days includes workshops in which representatives of several Galician companies will be able to show their products and proposals to a group of local professionals. On this occasion, ArtNatura, Circuitos Galicia, Simply Galicia, Easy Galicia and Viajes Interrías will be responsible for acting as great showcases for Galician tourism in Germany, with the support of the Cluster, which will be represented by Jesús Picallo, vice-president of the organisation.


In both days, which will serve to publicise the celebration of the double Holy Year Xacobeo 21-22 in which Galicia is immersed, there will also be time to enjoy Galician gastronomy and culture. The chef Daniel López, head of the Ferrol restaurant O Camiño do Inglés and member of the Nove Group, will add flavours to an institutional event that will be accompanied by music by Xisco Feijoó. The Curio-Haus in Hamburg and the Marriott Hotel in Frankfurt are two of the venues chosen for these presentations.

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