
  • Seven of these festivities were recognized as being of Tourist Interest and two more achieved the distinction of Festival of International Tourist Interest.

In Galicia, Holy Week is an event full of tradition, sacred music and moving processions, attracting visitors with its religious fervor and cultural manifestations. In total Galicia celebrates 9 festivals of interest, divided between seven of Tourist Interest, and two of International Tourist Interest.


Each of the municipalities where the Holy Week processions are held offers the opportunity to rest and immerse yourself in deep-rooted traditions, enjoy exquisite Galician cuisine and explore our natural spaces. Below are the featured celebrations:


Festivals of International Tourist Interest


  • Holy Week in Viveiro. It stands out for its processions, in which elaborate steps of great artistic interest fill the streets with religious fervor.
  • Holy Week in Ferrol. From Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, the city of Ferrol becomes a tourist epicenter thanks to its exciting processions that commemorate the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus.


Festivals of Tourist Interest


  • Festivities of the Holy Christ in Fisterra. The festival attracts crowds of people to participate in the “Dance of Our Lady of the Sands.”
  • Holy Week of Betanzos. Under the premise of understanding why Christ died and was resurrected, and celebrating his dedication to death, Betanzos hosts a week full of processions and religious celebrations.
  • Holy Week in Cangas. The celebration includes events such as the Holy Thursday procession with the representation of the Last Supper, or the Prayer in the Garden and the Flagellation.
  • Holy Week in Lugo. With its roots in the Middle Ages with the Third Order of San Francisco, it stands out for the unique Holy Thursday procession since 1963, unique in Spain.
  • Holy Week in Mondoñedo. Rooted in a history dating back to the 16th century, it is distinguished by its spirituality, highlighting the importance of the Mondoñedo Cathedral as the center of the celebrations.
  • Holy Week Parada. It stands out for its moving representation of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ, started in 1993 by the Holy Week and Easter Brotherhood.
  • Holy Week in Santiago de Compostela. Lasting more than a week, the processions organized by 13 brotherhoods represent the passion of Christ with deep emotion.
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