
The Professional Congress Organisers presented the celebration of this event at FITUR

Sustainability, safety, technology, territory and emotion are some of the points that will be dealt with at the 32nd National Congress of PCOs Spain, which will be held from the 20th to the 22nd of February in Santiago de Compostela and whose celebration was presented within the framework of Fitur, as an outstanding action of the Galicia MICE brand, promoted by the Galician Tourism Cluster in collaboration with Galician companies linked to incentives and the organization of congresses and events.
Representatives of the Galician and national tourism and events sector met at the presentation ceremony, where it was announced that “world-class speakers who will raise awareness” will participate, as a formula for the advancement of the MICE sector. “The National Congress is the congress of congresses”, explained the president of Galicia MICE, Ana Trevisani, who highlighted that its celebration “is possible thanks to the joint work of different administrations and the synergy between many Galician companies”. She highlighted the great union of the sector in the Community, under the umbrella of the Galicia MICE brand: “Our land offers serious, loyal, efficient and hard-working professionals, but it also offers that extra something that every organiser wants: sensations and experiences”.

For her part, the president of OPC Spain, Matilde Almandoz, pointed out that the Congress will be attended by representatives of all sections of the MICE sector: PCOs, DMCs, conference centres, hotels, unique venues, audiovisual and complementary offer companies and destinations. The President of OPC Spain highlighted the quality of the programme designed, with “some of the best experts in the sector. We will have the doctor and motivator Mario Alonso Puig; the European presidents of the AC Forum federation and the association of branding companies 27 names, CEOs of reference companies; experts in destination management; and professionals who will give practical workshops”.

Meanwhile, the director of Tourism of Galicia spoke about congress tourism as “a great opportunity for the Community’, since ‘it has a high added value, allows seasonally adjusted and offers the opportunity to build customer loyalty”. Nava Castro announced that
After the Congress of PCOs Spain, the Xunta will present a “specific study on the sector, to to know the real impact of congress tourism in Galicia”. To the professionals he pointed out: “In Galicia has a place to celebrate your congresses, with all the possible equipment and in which you will always find our hospitality.

Pioneering event
The Galician Congress Centre in Santiago de Compostela will host the bulk of the Congress, with presentations focusing on the sustainability of events, adaptation to new developments technology, meeting security or destination consolidation. The call
Galician will be a pioneer on several fronts. For the first time in the 32 editions of the PCO Congress Spain, the carbon footprint of the event will be measured. This is an initiative which is intended to serve as an example for future calls, given that sustainability is one of the most important challenges for the MICE sector in the immediate future. In parallel with the The meeting will include visits to various tourist attractions such as the Camino of Santiago, the old city of A Coruña or the Cidade da Cultura, and the creativity of the new Galician cooks.

Wednesday January 29th, 2020

Sustainability and technology, the focus of the PCO Spain Congress, held in Galicia in February

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