
This is a promotional action framed in the agreement signed between the Mancomunidad de ayuntamientos de la comarca de Ferrol and Xunta de Galicia.

Representatives of the federations of Holland, Belgium, Austria and Germany, and also the European surf federation, participate until Sunday in a fam trip in Ferrolterra, Eume and Ortegal with the aim of publicizing this territory, its services and resources, as a unique destination to host training and competitions of these federations. For three days the participants in this initiative are shown the unique characteristics of this territory grouped under the brand Costa das Ondas, mainly those lesser known beaches that make the area a unique destination for their competitions and training, seeking the relocation of surf tourism and contributing, at the same time, to combat seasonality.

During three days the participants in this initiative have been shown the unique characteristics of this territory grouped under the brand Costa das Ondas, mainly those lesser known beaches that make the area a unique destination for their competitions and training, seeking the delocalization of surf tourism and contributing, at the same time, to combat seasonality.
This promotional action to promote the brand Costa de las Ondas as an umbrella brand of this destination that covers both natural resources and all professional surfing services in this territory, has been made possible thanks to the collaboration agreement between the Mancomunidad de Ayuntamientos de la Comarca de Ferrol with the Xunta de Galicia, through the Galician Tourism Agency for the promotion of the geodestino Ferrolterra – Rías Altas.

Through these actions we seek to value both the unique natural resources of the coast of Ferrolterra and Ortegal for surfing, as well as the human and business capital installed in the territory that can ensure the provision of all services required by these federations for the celebration of their activities. In this sense it should be noted that there is currently a broad professional sector of surfing in Ferrolterra that covers the entire chain of surfing services that may require a national federation: monitors and surfers experts, shops selling technical equipment, repair and manufacture of surfboards, specific accommodation for surfers and also surf friendly high quality, experts in event organization, companies generating multimedia content and social network management, travel agencies receptive, and car rental, among others.

Friday December 7th, 2018

European national surfing federations know the Costa de las Ondas as a destination for high level training.

This is a promotional action framed in the agreement signed between the Mancomunidad de ayuntamientos de la comarca de Ferrol and Xunta de Galicia. Representatives of […]
Wednesday November 28th, 2018

Excellent reception of the first workshop of the Diputación de Pontevedra in Barcelona

Provincial Council and companies held various meetings with companies and entities for the promotion of their companies and the presentation of the destination Rías Baixas The […]
Monday November 26th, 2018

The customer’s experience is a key and future element for the tourism sector

Two presentations and a round table around the client centered the official closing day of the Training Plan of the Galician Tourism Cluster The headquarters of […]
Friday November 23rd, 2018

The Provincial Council of Pontevedra will organize in Barcelona a workshop aimed at opening new business channels for the tourism sector of the province

The event, which will take place on 27 November and is part of the lines of the Strategic Plan for Tourism, already has the participation of […]