
Attendance is free for all professionals in the Galician tourism sector who must register before 19 February

The challenges of digitisation in the Galician tourism sector, financing and entrepreneurship linked to Xacobeo 2021 and European payment regulations will be some of the aspects addressed at the new professional conference organised by the Galician Tourism Cluster in collaboration with ESADE and Caixbank for next Thursday, 20th February in Santiago.

Aimed primarily at tourism professionals from the entire value chain of the sector in Galicia, the conference is entitled “The challenges of adapting to change in the Galician tourism sector” and is free of charge, although registration is required before 19th February.

In addition to several presentations on the topics to be discussed, the conference will feature a final round table and the inauguration by the director of Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro, who will be accompanied by Josep-Francesc Valls, Professor ESADE, Director of the International Classroom for Tourism Innovation and Emilio Barreiro, commercial director of CaixaBank Business Banking in Galicia.

11.00-11.30 Reception of attendees.11.30

11.50 Opening.
Josep- Francesc Valls, Professor ESADE, Director of the International Classroom for Tourism Innovation
Emilio Barreiro, Commercial Director of CaixaBank Business Banking in Galicia.
Cesáreo González Pardal, President CTG.
Mª Nava Castro Domínguez, Director of Tourism Galicia.

11.50- 12.10 The tourist context in Galicia.
Javier Ibáñez de Aldecoa, Economist CaixaBank Research.

12.10- 12.35 Vision of Galician tourism entrepreneurs on the challenges of digitalisation in the tourism sector.
Josep F. Valls, Professor ESADE, Director of the International Classroom for Tourism Innovation.

12.35-12.45 Financing of tourism entrepreneurship projects linked to XACOBEO 2021.
Marcos Cereijo Castro, Head of Caixa Bank Hotels Tourism Galicia

12.45-13.05 European regulations on means of payment
Pancho Pérez Salazar, Comercia Global Payments.

13.05-14.00 Round Table.
Presented and moderated by: Diego Hernández, Director of Hotels Tourism CaixaBank.
Jesús Picallo, Manager, Semáforo Hotel, Fisterra.
César Sánchez Ballesteros, Manager of Bahía de Vigo Hotel.
Richard Huertas, Manager of Ibis Hotel, A Coruña.
Alberto Rodríguez, Owner of Alda Hotels.

13.05-14.00 Galician wine

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