
The Nautical Week Abanca 2019 begins this Saturday, September 7 in Galician waters and does so with more economic support from the Xunta de Galicia than other years, 33% more than in 2018 and 166% more than in 2017. The event, which begins in Vigo, consists of eleven competitive cycles dedicated to navigation, rowing and canoeing and will last until November 9, helping to lengthen the tourist season in Galicia with the realization of the “largest nautical sporting event in Spain,” according to the secretary general for Sport of the Xunta, Jose Ramon Lete Lasa.

The first cycle (September 7) will take place on the Olympic track ETEA and will host the Galician Sea Kayaking Championship – Xunta de Galicia. The second cycle (from 7 to 8 September) will take place in Barra de Miño and will host the Galician Water Ski Championship – Xunta de Galicia.
On 14 and 15 September, the race course of the Ría de Vigo will host the 420-Laser Qualifiers, Campeonato Gallego Vaurien – Xunta de Galicia in what will be the third cycle of the week. The fourth cycle will take place on September 21st in the ETEA to play the Galician Kayak Track Championship. The fifth, on September 22, will be the Cruises, A2, Solitaire and J80 in the racing field of the estuary of Vigo.
On 5 and 6 October, the sixth cycle will take place in the race course of the Bay of A Coruña and will be the Lexus Breogán 420 – Qualifying Regatta, as well as the Galician Championship of Lonely Navigators and A2. From 11 to 13 October, the seventh round, the J80 Lexus Breogán Cup of Spain will be held at the race course in the Bay of A Coruña. On 19 October it will be the turn of cycle 8 – Bateis Cantabrian Cup – at the Viveiro estuary regatta course.
The cruise regatta will be the ninth cycle on 26th and 27th October in the regatta course of the estuaries of Sada, Ares and A Coruña. The tenth round will be on November 8, in which the Remoergometer School Trophy will be played in the Municipal Pavilion of A Raña and, finally, the Galicia Cup of Bateis will be on November 9 in the regatta course of the estuary of Pontevedra and Marín.


Tuesday September 3rd, 2019

The Nautical Week Abanca starts with an increase in funding from the Xunta de Galicia

The Nautical Week Abanca 2019 begins this Saturday, September 7 in Galician waters and does so with more economic support from the Xunta de Galicia than […]
Tuesday September 3rd, 2019
Outono Gastronomico

The Xunta de Galicia promotes the 13th “Outono Gastronómico en Turismo Rural” with the participation of 86 Galician establishments.

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Expourense Termatalia

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