
More than fifty professionals from the Galician tourist sector had commercial meetings with almost fifty tour operators from Porto.

Around 200 people participated in the III Workshop of Destination Proximity of the Galician Tourism Cluster that was held in Porto with the aim of bringing the Galician tourism offer to the tour companies of Porto and its area of influence. A total of 52 companies from the Galician tourism sector took part and maintained contacts with more than 70 professionals from the Portuguese tourism sector, belonging to 45 companies from Porto and its area of influence. “The call for Porto has been a success,” explains the president of the Cluster Tourism of Galicia, “the response of Galician companies has been enormously positive and I’m sure it has been a productive day of work for all and very soon we will see its fruits,” said Cesáreo Pardal, who stressed the importance for the tourism sector to carry out this type of actions that serve not only to strengthen economic ties but also to generate synergies between Galician and Spanish companies, as well as expand knowledge on strategy, marketing and internationalization of the Portuguese tourism sector.

This is the third time this year that this marketing initiative is launched through which B2B meetings are facilitated to bring the Destination Galicia to the tourist sector of Porto and its area of influence. The workshop was attended by the Minister of Culture and Tourism, Román Rodríguez and the director of Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro, while on the Portuguese side came Rui Pedro Gonçalvez, director of ATP – Porto Tourism Association; Sousa Martíns, secretary of the Hotel, Restaurant and Similar Association of Portugal; Manuel Pinheiro, of the Viticulture Commission of the Green Wine Region, Manel de Novas Cabal, president of the Douro and Porto Wines, as well as the councillors of Maia, Viana do Castelo and Vila do Conde, among others. All of them participated in the dinner offered after the workshop, in charge of the chefs Pablo Gallego, Moncho Bargo and Javier Freijeiro from A Coruña, which was enlivened by the musical group Son de Seu.

From the Cluster Tourism of Galicia its president, Cesáreo Pardal, emphasized the excellent reception of this new workshop, that practically doubled the participation of the previous ones, that had carried out in Salamanca, Oviedo and Valladolid.

Thursday November 22nd, 2018

Nearly 200 professionals from the tourism sector participated in the Porto workshop of the Galician Tourism Cluster

More than fifty professionals from the Galician tourist sector had commercial meetings with almost fifty tour operators from Porto. Around 200 people participated in the III […]
Wednesday November 21st, 2018

Culture, nature and enogastronomy, the main themes of Intur, which is celebrated until Sunday in Valladolid.

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Monday November 19th, 2018

The Galician Tourism Cluster closes its Proximity Destination Workshop with a working day in Porto

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