
  • 717,562 travelers and 1.3 M nights were registered, with an average stay of 1.8 nights in establishments.
  • Hostel occupancy exceeded 140% compared to the previous year.


According to the data collected in the Hotel Tourism Situation Report published by the National Institute of Statistics (INE), Galicia registered up to 22.5% more travelers in the first quarter of 2023 compared to the same period of the previous year.


Good numbers for the Galician community, which registered a total of 717,562 travelers and 1.3 M nights, with an average stay of 1.8 nights. In this way, the data for hotel establishments (counting hotels and pensions) exceed by 19% those of last year, which had registered 624,867 travelers and 1.1 M overnight stays.


In addition, the figures for non-hotel establishments had a greater increase: between tourist apartments, campsites, rural tourism and hostels, occupancy increased by 52% compared to a year earlier. Of particular note is the data recorded by hoteliers, exceeding 140%. In total, non-hotel establishments received 92,695 travelers in 168,355 nights.

Monday May 8th, 2023

Galicia increases 22.5 % occupancy in tourist accommodation during the first quarter of this year

717,562 travelers and 1.3 M nights were registered, with an average stay of 1.8 nights in establishments. Hostel occupancy exceeded 140% compared to the previous year. […]
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The Xunta organizes a training day for professionals in the tourism sector in the National Maritime-Terrestrial Park of the Atlantic Islands

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