
Galicia has just participated in a new meeting of the España Verde brand – a tourism alliance that brings together the autonomous communities of Asturias, Cantabria, the Basque Country and Galicia – to give an account of the activities carried out during 2018 and to delve into future lines that will strengthen the brand in 2019 through common links such as the Pilgrim’s Way to Santiago, enogastronomy or its potential in active tourism. It will also seek to implement its role in the target markets with a more uniform presence in the main fairs held this year.

The representatives of these four communities in the north of Spain, including the director of the Promotion area of the Galician Tourism Agency, Carmen Pita, took stock of this year in which a major boost was given to the renewal of the brand. Thus, was launched the website www.ingreenspain.es which is available in six languages. Profiles in social networks in Green Spain were also put into operation and off-line strategies were carried out such as blogtrips in the four communities for the Italian and United Kingdom markets; famtrips for the German market and a joint presence was established in fairs such as Frene in Germany, the ITB in Berlin or the World Travel Market in London.

These experiences are intended to be repeated with the intention of reinforcing the differentiated brand of the north of Spain before international markets and intensify its role as an attractive destination out of high season. During the meeting also laid the groundwork for the transfer of the coordination of Green Spain.

Innovation in the destination
Asturias, the coordinating community during 2018, will transfer its competences to the Basque Country at the end of this month, during the celebration of the Fitur International Tourism Fair. In addition, the need to delve deeper into the innovation of the destination and tourist data was also addressed, in collaboration with the Spanish state-owned company Segittur.

This working meeting gives continuity to the meetings held in recent months to continue defining a joint strategy to promote the four territories that are demonstrating their attractiveness especially outside of high season. In fact, in November Green Spain as a whole received 19.16% more travelers and 23.50% more overnight stays, an increase that occurred in all communities this month.

With joint initiatives that enhance the value of common resources, will take advantage of all its natural potential, coastal and inland, with a model of slow and sustainable tourism, in line with the Tourism Strategy Galicia 2020. In this way, the 14 UNESCO Biosphere Reserves, the three National Parks, the 25 natural parks, where active tourism activities can be practised, or even the Way of Saint James that crosses the four communities, will be valued. In addition to all this, there is an enogastronomic offer recognised with more than fifty Michelin Stars or 19 Paradors and 2800 rural tourism accommodation throughout the territory.

Friday January 18th, 2019

Galicia advances with the communities of Green Spain to strengthen during 2019 the tourist brand of the north peninsula

Galicia has just participated in a new meeting of the España Verde brand – a tourism alliance that brings together the autonomous communities of Asturias, Cantabria, […]
Wednesday January 16th, 2019

Exceltur reveals the growing contribution of tourism to the Galician economy by generating 6,341 million euros, with a rise of 9.6%.

The Consellería de Cultura y Turismo and Exceltur, Alianza para la Excelencia Turística, presented today in Santiago de Compostela the Impactur Study for Galicia, which analyses […]
Wednesday January 16th, 2019

The Xunta will allocate 3 million euros in aid to local authorities for improvements in rural tourism infrastructure

The Consellería de Cultura e Turismo, through the Axencia Turismo de Galicia, comes to open the call for grants for 2019 to help local entities to […]
Tuesday January 15th, 2019

alicia’s music and tourism disembark in Glasgow as a guest territory at the Celtic Connections festival

The conselleiro of Culture and Tourism, Román Rodríguez, underlined today in Vigo the protagonist role that Galicia will have in the 26th edition of the festival […]
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