
Meetings will be held with the various Galician port authorities to study a roadmap that allows the value of the various equipment

The Xunta and Puertos del Estado agreed to develop together with the different Galician port authorities a strategy to plan cultural and tourist endowments in the lighthouses of the Community that currently do not have a housing use. As detailed, the future uses of each of the equipments will be evaluated according to their characteristics, taking into account the needs of the local environment. To this end, a planning meeting will be convened with representatives of the Xunta, Puertos de él Estado and the different Galician port authorities to serve as a roadmap to facilitate the provision to society of equipment of great heritage and landscape interest in a planned manner, facilitating the management of administrative procedures in spaces as sensitive as the locations of the lighthouses.

Specifically, the Minister of Culture and Tourism stressed that this strategy will generate different tourist and cultural products specialized in different coastal locations of the Galician geography, favoring a high quality tourism. In fact, advanced that this initiative will provide a comprehensive vision that will take into account existing projects such as the Route of the Lighthouses or the Path of the Lighthouses and will design an itinerary of great scenic interest to promote the discovery of the coast and the value of territorial resources.

For his part, the president of Ports of the State was very receptive to the proposal of the Xunta, assuring that the project Lighthouses of Spain would experience a notable advance, trying to speed up the obligatory procedures for this type of projects.

Tourist offer of coastal areas
Román Rodríguez pointed out that, at present, marine tourism stands out for promoting the development of the different territories in a sustainable way, respecting the values of each zone. Precisely, it advanced that the Galician Government is already working on the implementation of a coastal itinerary that allows coastal areas to generate a tourist offer based on their heritage and cultural wealth.

In this sense, the Minister of Culture and Tourism recalled that Galicia is the Community with the most kilometres of coastline and also has a wide diversity of landscapes and heritage linked to the maritime fishing world and a wide range of cuisine based on seafood. In this strategy, which is called to play a very important role in the post Jacobeo 21, we seek to create a tourist and cultural offer that enables the knowledge of some of the most emblematic areas of the Galician coast.

Wednesday October 9th, 2019

Xunta and Puertos del Estado agree on a strategy to plan cultural and tourist endowments in lighthouses

Meetings will be held with the various Galician port authorities to study a roadmap that allows the value of the various equipment The Xunta and Puertos […]
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Tui, among the candidates for the 7 Rural Wonders of Spain 2019

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Xunta de Galicia and Clúster Turismo de Galicia create the Galicia Tourism awards that will recognize successful initiatives in the sector

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