
In order for Xacobeo 2021 to be for everyone and with everyone, Xacobeo Cities and Xacobeo en Camino will be developed, while sustainability will be transversal throughout the development of the programme that is beginning to be drafted and which will be developed throughout Galicia over the next two years. Dialogue forums with world leaders; international congresses and academic meetings and visits of outstanding references to Galicia, due to three major exhibitions will draw the Holy Year: the exhibition ‘Galicia, a story no world’, which is already underway; ‘Galicia de Nós a Nós’, which will celebrate the centenary of the conformation of the Xeración Nós; and ‘Galicia Futuro’. Finally, progress was also made on the project ‘3Camiños’, a fiction series that will be filmed in 3 continents and 5 countries, and that will be distributed internationally.

The President of the Galician Government, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, advanced some of the actions in which they are working for the celebration of the next Holy Year. In this sense, Feijóo advanced that Galicians and visitors will enjoy 10 activities a day and 313 stages to celebrate the Xacobeo of the best Galicia during the next two years. “Throughout 2020 and 2021, Galicia will live the first 700 days of the 5,000 we have ahead of the Xacobean decade,” he said, stressing that the advance of the Programming of Xacobeo 2021.

With more than 7 million people expected to attend all the events, Feijóo said that although the main scenario will be Santiago, there will be another 312 throughout the Community, with the implementation of more than 180 projects in which more than 7,000 activities are included. To make a Xacobeo 2021 for all, with everything and in all Galicia, the person in charge of the autonomic Executive asserted that the objective is “that it includes all Galicia, that there are acts in all Galicia and that the acts are numerous in contents”.

Music festivals, programmes and exhibitions
In this connection, he referred to the implementation of numerous initiatives that demonstrate the commitment of the Xunta to this end such as: the program O teu Xacobeo, thanks to which Galicians are making hundreds of artistic, cultural, social or innovative projects throughout the Community, with a support of 8 million euros, or the Son do Camiño, “which is among the four most important festivals in Spain and has only two editions,” he said, in the Monte del Gozo. An event already consolidated and well surrounded during the summer by the other events that make up Fest Galicia, which confirms our land as a musical destination.

In the literary edition section, two publications are already underway under the title La Catedral de Santiago: una visión integral (The Cathedral of Santiago: an integral vision). The restoration and conservation of the Cathedral 2011-2027, which will make the fascinating history of the Cathedral accessible to the non-specialized public, from the beginning of its construction to the present day, with the story of prominent specialists.

Likewise, so that the Xacobeo 2021 is for everyone and with everyone, the Xacobeo Cities will be developed, with music, scenic arts or exhibitions organised in collaboration with the city councils of A Coruña, Ferrol, Lugo, Ourense, Vigo and Pontevedra; and with a programme in which 120 activities are contemplated and to which more than 300,000 people are expected to attend.

With the same spirit, the Xacobeo en Camino will also be organised, with which the main towns and villages of the region, some 76 town councils, will be reached through 1,400 activities. “They will be Son do Camiño in miniature, with performances that will last two or three days in each municipality, in this case with artists exclusively Galician,” he explained, with the goal of reaching 400,000 people.

A sustainable and environmentally friendly Pilgrim’s Way to Santiago
After recalling other initiatives such as the Plan to improve tourist accommodation or the program Choose Galicia, as a commitment to domestic tourism, the president of the Xunta said that the Way of St. James and Xacobeo will be linked to sustainability, ecology and respect for the environment.

Thus, with a view to a zero impact Way, the principle of sustainability will be taken into account throughout the cultural programme and measures such as the reuse and recycling of plastics will be applied, the use of renewable energies will be increased, spaces will be reforested with autochthonous species and different initiatives will be developed to beautify the landscape and the environment.

“In addition, accessibility will be improved to make a diverse Way, the work of volunteers will be promoted in multiple facets and specific rehabilitation projects of goods of cultural and ethnographic interest will be promoted”, he announced

Monday December 16th, 2019

Advance of the programming of Xacobeo 2021: 10 activities per day and 313 stages for a decentralized celebration

In order for Xacobeo 2021 to be for everyone and with everyone, Xacobeo Cities and Xacobeo en Camino will be developed, while sustainability will be transversal […]
Wednesday December 11th, 2019

The association of Galician Yacht Clubs (ASNAUGA), present at the Paris International Boat Show

ASNAUGA represented Galician nautical sports at the International Paris Boat Show, which was held in the French capital from 7 to 11 December, where representatives of […]
Tuesday December 10th, 2019

The deadline to apply for the 15 training exchanges in the Galician Tourist Offices and in the area of statistical studies is now open

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Monday December 9th, 2019

Balance of the hotel industry in Galicia: the sector employed more than 66 thousand people and had a turnover of more than 4,700 million euros, 4.5% of the regional wealth.

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