
The fourth edition of Fairway will be held on 7, 8 and 9 November in Compostela.


More than 70 exhibitors from all over the peninsula related to the Way of St. James will take part on 7, 8 and 9 November in Compostela in the fourth edition of Fairway, the forum on tourism around the pilgrimage routes to the tomb of the Apostle. Among the participants will be again the Galician Tourism Cluster, which will have its own stand to publicize the work that the entity performs as a great voice of Galician tourism grouping more than 70 companies and groups in the sector.


The Cluster’s presence will not be limited to the dissemination work it will carry out from its exhibition space. The president of the entity, Cesáreo Pardal, is one of the experts invited to take part in the round table discussion to be held on Tuesday 9 under the title “Safe Way in Xacobeo 2022 after Covid-19”. He will be joined by Ildefonso de la Campa, director of the S. A. of management of the Xacobeo; Antonio Leira, deputy of the Diputación de A Coruña; Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Aira, president of the Galician Association of Private Hostels (Agalber); representatives of the Hotel Management School of Galicia (CSHG), of the associations of Way of Saint James Friends and of other autonomous regions, and the emeritus professor of Preventive Medicine Juan Gestal, who will be in charge of the presentation.


The programme of this new edition of Fairway will combine the trade fair section, which will bring together companies, institutions and tourist destinations; with workshops, which will allow to meet leading international operators; a congress in which current issues, trends, training aspects and other issues of interest to the sector will be addressed, and a training space (Fairway Academy) with workshops and round tables with the participation of experts. All of this will take place in a hybrid face-to-face/online format to allow for remote participation thanks to streaming transmissions. The activities will take place at the Convention Centre in Santiago de Compostela.


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