
The space set up in the City of Culture by virtue of the agreement reached between OPC Galicia and the Xunta is equipped with the means to organize congresses with 1,000 remote-connected attendees

Streaming presentations and remote or mixed congresses and meetings through the technology enabled in the new Galicia MICE center, which has already held its first virtual congresses with the aim of responding to the new needs of business tourism due to the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19. The center is located in the City of Culture in Galicia, Santiago, and has a studio with sets of different capacities that places the Galician capital in the business of congresses, meetings and virtual events. It was created as a result of the agreement reached last July between the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Association of Professional Congress Organizations of Galicia, and is therefore the only one in Spain created through public-private collaboration with professionals in the sector. It is aimed at creating a technical structure that will allow Galicia, and more specifically Santiago, to be able to attract the organization of fairs, congresses and meetings while complying with security and social distance measures derived from the coronavirus pandemic.

The center is therefore a response to develop all kinds of events, such as congresses, presentations or corporate meetings as imposed by the new normality derived from the situation generated by the coronavirus, offering an alternative space to the rooms, auditoriums or traditional venues to host meetings, being able to hold MICE events completely online, mixed or face to face.

Equipment and technical space

The studio has two stations or sets that simulate television studios, equipped with HD cameras, LED screens and all kinds of professional material to be able to hold virtual or hybrid events, but also those strictly on site, as the sets also have a large area to accommodate the public that attends. The difference between the two sets that MICE has in Galicia lies, basically, in the size and the virtual media. Set number one has as a backdrop a large curved LED screen (9 by 3 meters), as well as lighting columns. In the second set, the curved screen is replaced by two large format monitors that allow maintaining animated backgrounds or videos during a presentation. Both stations have a streaming channel for 1,000 attendees, and the possibility of video conferences with capacity for 500 connections.

Friday September 4th, 2020

The Galicia MICE center is up and running, seeking to place Galicia in the virtual events business

El espacio habilitado en la Ciudad de la Cultura en virtud del acuerdo alcanzado entre OPC Galicia y la Xunta está dotado con medios para organizar congresos con 1.000 asistentes conectados a distancia
Thursday September 3rd, 2020

CEHAT asks the Government to create an inter-ministerial commission and a shock plan for the reactivation of tourism in Spain

La patronal hotelera ha trasmitido a la ministra de Turismo, Reyes Maroto la urgente necesidad de crear una comisión interministerial con los responsables de las diferentes comunidades autónomas para abordar la recuperación del sector a través de la puesta en marcha de un plan de choque que haga posible la reactivación del turismo español con medidas como la ampliación y replanteamiento de los ERTE, los test a los viajeros o la exención de algunos impuestos como el IBI.
Wednesday September 2nd, 2020

Sanidade establishes restrictive measures affecting the hotel industry in Ourense, Santiago, Santa Comba, Carballo and A Laracha

La Consellería de Sanidade ha decidido establecer medidas y restricciones en los ayuntamientos de Ourense, Santiago, Santa Comba, Carballo y A Laracha, medidas que suponen la limitación de los aforos al 50% en los establecimientos comerciales, de restauración y hostelería -donde además estará prohibido el consumo en barra-, la limitación del número máximo de personas en las reuniones tanto privadas como en la vía pública fijado en un máximo de 10 personas; así como la reducción de los aforos en celebraciones, velatorios y lugares de culto, además del cierre de los centros de día y residencias, sin olvidar la reducción de aforos en bibliotecas, academias, autoescuelas y centros privados de enseñanza no reglada entre otros. Dichas medidas, que entrarán en vigor a las 0 horas del jueves serán revisadas dentro de una semana.
Tuesday September 1st, 2020

Galician extrahotel accommodations hold up better in July than the rest of the country

Las pernoctaciones en alojamientos extrahoteleros (apartamentos turísticos, cámpings, alojamientos de turismo rural y albergues turísticos) se situaron en 391.718 en el mes de julio en Galicia, lo que supone un descenso del 21,7% respecto a las registradas en el mismo mes de 2019, según los datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE). En lo que se refiere a la distribución de las pernoctaciones a nivel nacional, Galicia concentró el 2,5% de las registradas en julio, frente al 1,1% del año anterior.
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