
The profitability data for the Galician hotel sector improved in April, with an annual rate of change in the Hotel Price Index of + 7.4%. Similarly, the average hotel billing for each occupied room (ADR) is 55.2 euros in April, an increase of 11.1% over the same month of 2016, an increase equal to that experienced by the whole of the State.
On the other hand, the average daily income per available room (RevPAR), which is Conditioned by the occupancy registered in hotel establishments, reaches 22 euros, an increase of 41.5%, practically double the state average but still very far from the figures that marks the national RevPAR, set for this month of April At € 53 per habituation available. In the occupation chapter, however, Galicia returned to low occupations in April, with 36% of its hotel occupations occupied, although it still occupies the sixth place in distribution of overnight stays of the Spaniards during this month, ahead of autonomous communities as Asturiass, the Basque Country or the Balearic Islands. Andalusia, Catalonia, Comunitat Valenciana and Comunidad de Madrid are the main destinations of travelers residing in Spain in April, with annual rates of variation in the number of overnight stays of 25.7%, 37.9%, 30.9% and 19 , 4% respectively, while the main destination chosen by non-resident travelers is the Canary Islands, with 30.8% of total overnight stays. In this community, overnight stays for foreigners are up by 8.5% compared to April 2016. The following destinations for non-residents are Catalonia (With 18.4% of total overnight stays and 16.4% growth) and Andalusia (with the 15.8% of the total and an increase of 11.4%).

Wednesday May 24th, 2017

Improvement of profitability but not of occupation in the Galician hotels in the month of April

The profitability data for the Galician hotel sector improved in April, with an annual rate of change in the Hotel Price Index of + 7.4%. Similarly, […]
Tuesday May 23rd, 2017

The player Nikos Galis, protagonist of the 3rd edition of the Way ends in Obradoiro

The initiative will give visibility to the English Way between 21 and 25 May The Rio Natura Monbus Obradoiro  bets on the combination of sport and […]
Saturday May 20th, 2017

Workshop on Galician tourism in Salamanca

With the aim of publicizing the Galician tourist offer in nearby destinations, the Cluster Turismo Galicia is organizing a first day of presentation of the sector […]
Thursday May 18th, 2017

Galician trade mission at IMEX in Frankfurt, the most important MICE sector fair in the world

Representatives of the fair sector, congresses and incentives held professional meetings at this event from May 16 to 18 One more edition, the Galician sector of […]
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