The Axencia de Modernización Tecnolóxica de Galicia (AMTEGA) reports the opening of the first call for aid of the Xunta de Galicia aimed at providing broadband with the rural Galician. Directed to companies and self-employed located in isolated places, the subsidy program is part of the Broadband Plan 2020 which has an economic endowment of 500,000 euors expandable to 1 million euros, depending on demand.

In order to provide quality internet to companies located at these points, the aid has a subsidy of up to 100% of all installation costs, with a maximum of € 20,000 per beneficiary, with the exception of VAT that is not eligible . The deadline is open until April 20 and to access the program it is necessary that the beneficiaries have an internet coverage of less than 30 Mbps and maintain the hiring in the service initially contracted for at least one year. For more information about the aids you can consult this link or contact the Office of Broadband in the email address or on the phone 981 95 78 68, during the hours of 9 am to 9 : 00 to 15: 00h.

Thursday March 23rd, 2017

Open call for the provision of broadband in isolated areas in Galicia

The Axencia de Modernización Tecnolóxica de Galicia (AMTEGA) reports the opening of the first call for aid of the Xunta de Galicia aimed at providing broadband […]
Thursday March 23rd, 2017

In April the CSHG concludes the formative sessions of the Do Mar à plato program

Until next April 18, the Superior Center of Hospitality of Galicia (CSHG) hosts a series of training sessions within the program ‘Do Mar ao prato’, organized […]
Wednesday March 22nd, 2017

Growth, uncertainty and sustainability, the keys to tourism in 2017 according to Hosteltur

The specialized publication points out in its last issue those that consider innovations that will mark the evolution of the sector In its latest issue, the […]
Tuesday March 21st, 2017

The 1st Forum Invents Your Communication will bring together 500 professionals in Compostela

Under the slogan “If you can communicate it, you can do it”, Santiago de Compostela will host on 31 March and 1 April the 1st Forum […]
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