The annual report of the Spanish Association of Wine Cities (ACEVIN) ratified a new record number of visitors to Wine Route Rias Baixas, the only one of the five routes of Galician wine that belongs to the club of the product of the Wine Routes of Spain .
According to the report, Wine Route Rias Baixas figures increased its visits by 14.14% over the previous year, from 77,690 visitors in 2014 to 88,679 registered in 2015. These data, provided by a total of 51 wineries and 3 wine museums, again placing this oenological itinerary among the top ten wine routes of Spain with greater influx of people.
“These data show that wine tourism has established itself as a tourism product, being an important complement to the tourism and follows a significant growth rate represents an interesting alternative to travel to the various wine regions of our country, planning a travel throughout the year, although this can be a trip of shorter duration”, explains the manager’s Route, Lorena Varela. A positive figure that consolidates the good results Route path that has increased the number of visitors over the past four years.

Tuesday May 10th, 2016

Record number of visitors to the Wine Route Rias Baixas

The annual report of the Spanish Association of Wine Cities (ACEVIN) ratified a new record number of visitors to Wine Route Rias Baixas, the only one […]
Thursday May 5th, 2016

New edition of the Open Days of Wine Routes of Galicia

The weekend of 21 and 22 May and 28 and May 29 Wine Routes of Galicia celebrate a new edition of its Open Days with tastings, […]
Tuesday May 3rd, 2016

Tourism Galicia presents to the sector the new regulations Housing Tourism Use

The Axencia Tourism Galicia is carrying out a task of the sector information regarding the rules that will regulate the Housing Tourism Use and expected to […]
Monday May 2nd, 2016

Cluster Turismo of Galicia assumes the Strategic Tourism Plan of Galicia 2017-2020

Cluster Turismo de Galicia will assume the task of preparing the next Strategic Plan of Tourism of Galicia, in which the fundamental lines of action will […]
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