• For three days, travel agency representatives enjoyed some of the sustainable tourism experiences offered by the platform.
  • ‘Galicia Sustainable Destination’ now includes 117 companies that offer 151 sustainable tourism experiences.

For three days, ten representatives of national and international travel agencies participated in a familiarization trip organized by the Galician Tourism Cluster. The objective was to present first-hand the sustainable tourism offer of the tourism brand ‘Galicia Destino Sostible’, an initiative promoted in collaboration with the Xunta de Galicia. Currently, the platform brings together 117 companies that offer 151 experiences aimed at tourism that is respectful of the environment and local communities.


Tour of A Coruña and Lugo


On the first day, participants delved into the fishing tradition of Fisterra, experiencing activities such as living the day-to-day life of the barnacles or attending an auction at the fish market. In addition, they enjoyed the Lighthouse Trail and the Starlight tours, which promote accessible and environmentally friendly tourism.


The second day, in Lugo, the trip continued with the exploration of the eco-industrial heritage, local gastronomy and natural landscape, key elements for those seeking authentic and quality experiences. The representatives of the agencies discovered the ethnographic wealth and traditions that are part of the essence of Galicia, reinforcing the promotion of tourism based on the singularities of the territory.


Networking and collaboration


The last day focused on a workshop and networking workshop between travel agencies and agents linked to the Galician Tourism Cluster and the tourism brand ‘Galicia Sustainable Destination’. This session allowed local companies to present their products and establish collaborations with participating agencies, promoting the creation of sustainable tourism connected to the territory.



‘Galicia Sustainable Destination’: responsible tourism for a sustainable future


The ‘Galicia Sustainable Destination’ initiative aims to integrate local communities, their natural and cultural heritage into the tourism offer, promoting sustainability and respect for the environment. The companies participating in the club implement good practices and offer unique experiences that can be consulted through the galiciadestinosostible.com portal.


Options range from routes by bicycle, boat or on foot, to packages that combine gastronomy, wine culture, accommodation and adventure. Unique getaways such as astrotourism and introduction to activities such as nautical or climbing also stand out.


‘Galicia Sustainable Destination’ connects travelers committed to local development, the good use of natural resources and support for Galician culture and traditions. The platform is an example of how tourism can evolve towards a more respectful model, ensuring a positive impact for both visitors and local communities.

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