• The program will enable the development of a training plan in digital skills aimed at Galician tourism SMEs and the professionals who work in them.
  • In addition to this, another half million is also allocated to finance tourism social sustainability actions.

The Government delegate in Galicia, Pedro Blanco, reported last Thursday, March 21, about a new central government program through which training in digital skills will be promoted for nearly 900 tourism professionals in Galicia. The Official State Gazette (BOE) has already published the resolution of the Secretary of State of Tourism, materializing the agreement approved at the last meeting of the Tourism Sector Conference.


This is an initiative that must be executed by the Xunta de Galicia with funds transferred by the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, and which has a budget of up to €2.5 million. Thanks to this action, nearly 900 people who work in SMEs in the tourism sector in Galicia will be able to benefit from a training program with up to 150 hours of training.


Pedro Blanco also explained that this program must be concluded before the end of the second quarter of 2026. In addition, the initiative may be extended to youth who wish to train in this type of skills in order to access the tourism labor market.


Social sustainability


The BOE published the distribution of another item of funds, in this case for the line of Tourism Social Sustainability Plans. In our specific case, Galicia is responsible for nearly half a million euros (€462,986) to finance communication and awareness actions.


The beneficiaries of this line of financing are the autonomous communities, although the final recipients are associations, SMEs and workers in the sector.

Tuesday March 26th, 2024

The central government allocates €2.5 million for training in digital skills for nearly 900 tourism professionals in Galicia

The program will enable the development of a training plan in digital skills aimed at Galician tourism SMEs and the professionals who work in them. In […]
Tuesday March 26th, 2024

14 training scholarships announced at tourist information offices

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The Galician tourism sector expects an occupancy of between 70% and 80% for this Holy Week

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Friday March 22nd, 2024


Successful bidder: Viajes Fisterra, S.L.U Amount awarded: 79.941,00 euros
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