Another year Galicia closes exercise having increased the number of establishments and tourist services certified with Q of Quality. With a total of 281 Q of Quality, 7 more than in 2015, Galicia is the first community in number of hotels, tourist apartments and rural tourism houses with this distinctive quality awarded by the Institute of Tourism Quality of Spain (ICTE ). Galicia also leads the segments of spas, nautical sports facilities, active tourism, and industrial tourism. In addition it is the second with more certified travel agencies, so that Galicia is the second territory with more certified establishments, after Andalusia.

This growth has been possible thanks to public-private collaboration and through the support to the sector through the line of aid for the implementation of tourism quality Q in Galicia through the agreement signed with the Clúster Turismo de Galicia. Said agreement, for which the Xunta has allocated 150,000 euros, aims to offer a consultancy service for integrated companies and business associations. In addition, the public tourism management and promotion agency of Galicia developed in 2016 a line of aid amounting to 90,000 euros to support the financing of certification costs or the renewal of the Q mark of the establishments concerned, measures that have been Fundamental to continue the year-over-year growth in the number of certifications.

Friday December 23rd, 2016

Galicia closes 2016 as the first community in number of hotels, tourist apartments and establishments of rural tourism with Quality Q

Another year Galicia closes exercise having increased the number of establishments and tourist services certified with Q of Quality. With a total of 281 Q of Quality, […]
Thursday December 22nd, 2016

Ecodestin will imply a new impulse to capture new flows of nautical tourism to Galicia

In order to continue working on the differentiation of the destination Galicia-North of Portugal and capture new flows of nautical tourism for Galician ports with autonomous […]
Wednesday December 21st, 2016

Draft Decree / 2016 which establishes the management of Tourist Apartments, Tourist Homes and housing for Tourist Use in the Autonomous Community of Galicia

Draft of the decree that will have as its object the management of apartments and tourist houses as well as tourist accommodation and tourist accommodation establishments […]
Wednesday December 21st, 2016

Astroturism, together with sustainable tourism and adventure, keys to the next edition of the ITB Berlin

Astronomy as a tourist attraction will be one of the thematic axes around which will be the next edition of the international tourism fair ITB Berlin, […]
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