Following the progress made by the President of the Government this Saturday in approving a new package of economic measures to tackle the coronavirus, including the easing of the Temporary Employment Regulation Schemes (ERTES), from HOSTELERÍA DE ESPAÑA we welcome this announcement positively, as a necessary measure to safeguard the continuity of companies and hotel businesses once the crisis is over.

Bearing in mind that the Government has announced that in the next Council of Ministers, in addition to this one, several measures will be approved regarding the adoption of policies in support of workers, the self-employed and companies, and in support of the activity of the companies with supports for their liquidity, from the business organization that represents the restaurants, bars, cafeterias and pubs of Spain, we demand from the Government that these measures be accompanied by the following concrete measures, all of them absolutely necessary to ensure the viability of the hotel and catering businesses in our country.

On the one hand, we ask for the suspension of any obligation of payment of the hotel and catering establishments to the administrations, of taxes and social contributions, as well as of fees, among which are the fees of self-employed persons, all this with the purpose of minimizing the impact on the almost 300,000 hotel and catering establishments that make up our sector.

On the other hand, we urge the Government to order the cessation of the economic obligations of hotel and catering establishments to the owners of their businesses, so that they are not overtaken by the payment of these rents while their businesses are not in normal operation.

Similarly, we urge the Executive to abolish all fees and taxes on all energy supplies, as well as the paralysis of obligations of hotel and restaurant businesses with loan banks, mortgages and credits, among others.

From HOSTELERÍA DE ESPAÑA we continue to appeal to the sensitivity of the Spanish government and ask that it take into account the delicate situation facing Spanish hotel businesses.

Tuesday March 17th, 2020

HOSTELERÍA DE ESPAÑA considers that the relaxation of the ERTES is a positive measure but it must be accompanied by other fiscal and administrative measures to guarantee the survival of hotel establishments

Following the progress made by the President of the Government this Saturday in approving a new package of economic measures to tackle the coronavirus, including the […]
Tuesday March 17th, 2020

CEHAT asks the State for an orderly and staggered closure by decree of tourist accommodations while they are empty of clients

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Monday March 16th, 2020

Galicia activates the Emergency Health Plan to stop the coronavirus

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Saturday March 14th, 2020

The Government approves a 400 million euro ICO line for tourism companies

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