The Institute for Spanish Tourist Quality, together with the Secretariat of State for Tourism, in coordination with the Ministry of Health, has published the latest of the guidelines for the reduction of SARS-COV-2 coronavirus infection, regarding the recommendations made for the prevention of the disease in homes for tourist use. The publication has been validated by the Government and sent to the Autonomous Regions so that they can disseminate it or adapt it to their regulations on this type of accommodation.

According to this publication, those responsible for tourist apartments must provide the State Security Forces with a register of their occupants in order to facilitate their traceability in the event of a possible outbreak of coronavirus, and provide their clients with protective equipment including, at least, a mask and gel, or gloves, in addition to keeping this register for a minimum of 30 days.

With regard to personal protective equipment, if the establishment is located in a residential, multi-family or multi-family building in which common areas are shared by customers and residents (entrance, lobby, stairs …), it must be delivered before entering the building and the customer is obliged to use it

In this process of reception and welcome, the keys or access cards should be provided and disinfected, the minimum security distance from personnel should be maintained, payment by card or other electronic means should be encouraged and the POS should be disinfected if there is contact.

Hygiene measures inside the dwelling
The protocol recommends that homes have information on prevention measures, which should be in at least one foreign language. On a practical level, it suggests reducing decoration, textiles and carpets as much as possible, and having a bin with a bag and a non-hand operated lid. Blankets and pillows in the cabinets should be protected, and hangers, if not sealed, should be disinfected after the client leaves.

The frequency of cleaning and re-cleaning should also be increased, especially in areas of greater contact such as surfaces, knobs, wash basins, handles, telephones, remote controls, etc., and a specific protocol should be in place in the event that a confirmed client or one with symptoms of the disease is accommodated.

This is the latest ICTE protocol, the one that has taken the longest to develop given the administrative complexity of tourist housing as the recognized typologies are very different depending on the autonomous community. Outside the guidelines, both tourist housing that is sold by the room – regardless of whether it is legalized – and housing where there are no hired workers have been left out, and it is not in vain that the protocol includes the prevention of occupational hazards.

The document has had the collaboration of the Spanish Federation of Associations of Housing and Tourist Apartments, Fevitur, and has been agreed with the Spanish Association of Services of Labor Prevention (Aespla), PRLInnovation, and with the unions CCOO and UGT.

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