The initial deadline was 30 September, but has been extended until 21 October.
The beneficiaries will receive 300,000 euros in grants, which will be awarded in order of application.
Good news for the heads of travel agencies (both wholesalers and retailers), accommodation, restaurants and complementary tourism providers who are interested in benefiting from the sponsorship programme of the Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club promoted by the Galicia Tourism Cluster with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia. September 30 was initially the deadline for applying for the regional government’s aid, but the high level of interest in the initiative over the last few days has led to the deadline being extended to October 21.
In fact, the number of companies that form part of the Club is steadily increasing and at the last meeting of the evaluation committee, 11 new members were approved: Hotel Gran Proa, Hotel Casa Rosalía, Torres de Moreda, Restaurante Curricán (Galetabernas S.L.), Restaurante Pepe Vieira, Hotel Bienestar Moaña, Sailway, Hotel Mogay, Sacra Activa, Prado Tours (Galicia Trips & Esperiences) and Buscando el Norte. Thus, the number of members of the Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club is now close to fifty.
Now, with the extension of the deadline, companies and professionals from the sector will thus have three extra weeks to formalise all the procedures and to be eligible for part of the more than 300,000 euros that the Xunta has earmarked for this sponsorship programme, which will be distributed in strict order of application. Of this total amount, 135,000 euros will be for wholesale travel agencies (which may receive 3,000 euros per product for a maximum of 3 products per applicant), 112,000 euros for retail agencies (2,000 euros per product and a maximum of 2 products per applicant) and 65,000 euros for accommodation, restaurants and complementary tourism offer (1,300 euros per product and a single grant per applicant), although in the event that any of these items is not covered, the remaining funds may be redistributed among the others.
To be part of the Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club and, consequently, to be able to benefit from the sponsorship programme, it is necessary to fulfil the established requirements. Those companies that have any sustainability certification (S of the ICTE, Biosphere, Green Key, EU Ecolabel, Green Globe21, Travellife, Rainforest Alliance Certified, Green Star of the MICHELIN Guide, etc.) or environmental certification (ISO 14000, EMAS, etc.) will be able to join the club directly. Applicants who do not have any of these certifications must comply with 100% of the mandatory requirements and at least 33% of those considered assessable.
For further information, please contact or telephone (+34) 881 50 51 02.