In Galicia there is an increasing awareness of companies in the tourism sector in the field of sustainability, as manifested in the success of the initiative of the Galicia Sustainable Destination Product Club. For this reason, the CTG has agreed to contract a consultancy service to the Galician tourism business fabric, so that they can face the preliminary audit to obtain new certifications, follow-ups and renewals of the S Tourism Sustainability certifications. A Management System like this facilitates the transition of tourism organizations towards a management model that is more respectful of the environment and of societies.
There are currently 14 companies in Galicia that have this certification, which will be able to benefit from the consulting service in the monitoring and renewal process. On the other hand, those who may be interested in this service or need more information can contact the CTG by phone 881 247 436 or email
The ICTE Tourism Sustainability S mark aims to certify those organizations whose operation is geared towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (hereinafter SDGs). Tourism organizations can obtain the S mark for Sustainability when they have a Technical Specification for Compliance with the SDGs or if they have implemented the UNE-ISO 21401_2019 Standard for Sustainability Management System for accommodation.
On March 2, 2023, the Galician Tourism Cluster (hereinafter CTG) and the Xunta de Galicia – Galician Tourism Agency formalized a collaboration agreement for the creation and consolidation of a sustainable tourism product. With a view to improving the tourist offer in Galicia, as well as facilitating the processes of accreditation of the commitment of Galician companies in the field of sustainability, the aforementioned agreement includes in its Axis 5: Support for certification processes in the field of sustainability the necessary services to address the certification process of tour operators.
It is not the first time that the CTG in collaboration with the Galician Tourism Agency has offered aid to obtain a certification. They have been collaborating since their constitution to facilitate the companies the pre-audit process for the certification of the Q for Tourist Quality. The goal is for Galicia to continue to be a quality and sustainable tourist destination. This type of certification values the work, effort and professionalism of Galician establishments in the tourism sector.