The Galician community continues to demonstrate its commitment to quality tourism. Last week we received two pieces of good news regarding the Ourense Termal destination and the surroundings of the Costa da Morte.
25 companies and services of the SICTED Ourense Termal Destination already have their Tourism Quality Commitment badge. Last week the ceremony for awarding diplomas and plaques was held for the initiatives that passed the agency’s evaluation.
This action is included in the Ourense Termal Tourism Sustainability Plan. Below, we break down the projects that received the award: the Celme and Cunqueiro wineries and the Club Náutico in Castrelo de Miño; the shelters of A Rola and O Corgo, the campsite, the apartments of Outeiro de Cela and the rectory of San Pedro in Muíños; the municipal shelter, the Aquae Querquennae-Vía Nova interpretation center and the association of Friends of the Camiño Xacobeo de San Rosendo e da Rainha Santa, in Bande; Gazpara and Fuchela House in O Carballiño; Casa Idalia, Cuñas Davia and the Wellness Experience in Cenlle; gastrobar O Birrán in Ribadavia; Os Maios liqueurs in Leiro; the Moncho Borrajo museum in Baños de Molgas; the tourist office of Verín; the Monterrei office and the Hospital de la Trinidad showroom and a tourist guide service in the same municipality; as well as the Caldaria spas in Lobios and Arnoia.
Costa da Morte
The Casa de la Cultura de Vimianzo hosted the first meeting of the Costa da Morte Tourist Association (CMAT), which, together with the Diputación de A Coruña and the Galician Tourism Agency, has already adhered to the Destination Tourism Quality System (SICTED) as managing entity. This project seeks to implement a quality management system with local tourist agents, both public and private.
A total of 46 entities on the Costa da Morte will participate in this 2023 cycle, including rural tourism houses, hotels, pensions, tourist apartments, hostels, active tourism companies, tourist information offices and museums.
The main objective of the CMAT is to raise the quality of tourist services, contribute to creating a destination, encourage work in the network of tourism professionals in the territory, and publicize the tourist offer in the area.