• International tourism reached a record high in the first six months of the year, reaching 30% of visitors.
  • The Community exceeded the number of travelers staying by 12%, and the number of nights by 9%.


Galicia registered a strong increase in terms of international tourism, obtaining the maximum in the historical series in the first six months of this 2023. According to occupancy data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), during this period the Community registered 2,040,435 travelers staying and 3.6 million nights in all accommodation establishments (hotels, pensions, tourist apartments, campsites, rural tourism and hostels). These figures exceed last year’s data by 12% and 9% respectively.


Studying the data, most of the tourism continues to be national: Spaniards coming from other autonomous communities represent 44% of the total, while Galician residents constitute 26%.


International tourism presents a strong increase, reaching in 2023 a maximum of the historical series of the first six months of the year: 30% of the demand was international, reaching 1.1 million nights in accommodation establishments.


In its study on the hotel tourism market, the INE also provided data by province. In this case, 47% of hotel nights were recorded by A Coruña, followed by Pontevedra with 31%; Lugo with 13% and Ourense with 8% of the total. The Atlantic coast remains a focus of tourist interest, accumulating 79% of the nights between A Coruña and Pontevedra.

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