• The deseasonalization of the pilgrimage is a reality in the Galician capital, with more pilgrims in September than in July.

The Camino de Santiago is one of the most important tourist attractions in our Community, accumulating a number of visitors that increases year after year. The pilgrims who arrive in the Galician capital already exceed by more than 30% those who sealed their Compostela last year.


The International Pilgrim Reception Center confirmed that this July, in the middle of the high tourism season, there was a small decline compared to 2022. According to the data collected, the month of the Santiago Apóstol festivities registered a decrease that revolves around 11%.


Quite the opposite happened in September, in which an average of 2,212 pilgrims received their Compostela daily; while in July this number fell to 1,968. This is a trend that already began in 2022, with a difference of only 30 people, and is now growing with a more notable difference.


This deseasonalization, which the Galicia Tourism Cluster has been promoting for years, is produced by the pilgrims’ search for comfort. We are looking for a quieter stay, getting away from the crowds of the high season months, and avoiding the heat of the summer season, with increasingly intense temperatures.


A record September


Without incorporating data from the last week of the month, more than 50,800 Compostelas were delivered in September, figures never before recorded in this period. A decade ago, the data revealed a total of 1,029 daily, a figure that is short when compared to the current 2,212. If we look at the data from 2003, twenty years ago, these only reached 334 a day.

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