Thursday June 2nd, 2016

DECREE 57/2016, of 12 May, on the regulation set hotel establishments

Wednesday June 1st, 2016

Terras de Pontevedra will have an online sales platform combined travel and stays

Tourism Galicia and the Commonwealth signed an agreement to invest more than 100,000 euros in promoting this territory With archaeological tourism as the main attraction of […]
Wednesday June 1st, 2016

Galicia improvement in tourism competitiveness but lost positions in the Spanish ranking

According to the latest report Monitur 2014 Tourism Competitiveness Monitor on in the regions, prepared by Exceltur and on the quadrennium 2010-2014 Galicia ranked 10th with […]
Monday May 30th, 2016

Cistercian monasteries Galicians work for building their own European cultural route

With the goal of creating an European Cultural Itinerary that includes the various galician Cistercian monasteries -there are 15 in Galicia-, the Association of Cistercian Monasteries […]
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