With the aim of further promoting the implementation of CSR in the Galician business fabric, the Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry has launched the Responsabilízate program, which will offer a full service protection for companies wishing to increase competitivdad and efficiency through the implementation of CSR in their companies. Until September 30 it is open the deadline for companies who so wish to apply for inclusion in the program.

Take responsibility is a real accompaniment of an expert tutor in CSR and has the following basic services: potential of CSR in the SME diagnosis of the state and training in the field and support in the definition of an action plan and implementation of first steps to carry out.

To be eligible candidates must meet the following requirements:
-Have At least a hardworking person employed.
– Not exceed 50 million euros of annual turnover or annual balance sheet less than 43 million euros.
-Not be non-profit entities.
-Not to have been sanctioned, for any reason, in the last three years.

The complete rules can be found on this link and applications can be made in person or through electronic thirst.

Wednesday September 14th, 2016

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