The facilities of the Gradiant Center in Vigo host a new day of the program Re-Acciona TIC, “When the numbers speak, Challenges of the Big Data”, promoted by Amtega and Igape. On this occasion, the day is oriented to the challenges and opportunities of the so-called Big Data, that is, the collection and analysis of a large volume of data that allows us to know our client better.

Directed to managers and department heads in companies of any sector, the day will be developed in the morning, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. in order to delve into the potencil of knowing the advantages of the digitization of SMEs.

10.00 Institutional Presentation
Luis Pérez. Director Xeral. Gradiant
Representative. ICT Cluster
Eladio Otero. Xefe of Technological Innovation. Amtega
José Manuel Fernández. Xerente. Igape IP

10.10 Framework Statement
Guillermo López. CEO & Co-founder. Torusware

10.30 Re-activation success case
Reactivity Experience

Santiago Cabaleiro. Responsible for the Value of People. Grupo Visual MS (Winner of the Best Workplaces 2017)
Enrique de Miguel.CEO.2MARES

10.50 Program Re-acciona ICT: services for the promotion of the digital economy in SMEs
Eladio Otero. Xefe of Technological Innovation. Amtega
José Manuel Fernández. Xerente. Igape IP

11.30 Networking

Registration before April 26th through the mail // Tel. 986 419 922 (ext.2030)

Thursday April 20th, 2017

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