The Chair of Medical Hydrology of the USC in collaboration with Balnearios de Galicia has developed the first Vademecum of the mineral-medicinal waters of Galicia, a work of utility for all health professionals, which includes the history of these establishments, the classification of Its waters, the chemical and organoleptic characteristics and the therapeutic indications, as well as the profile of the patient that comes and the facilities that they offer. This is the first publication of these characteristics in Galicia, which contains all the information relating to the mineral-medicinal waters of the community.

In the presentation of the work, among other authorities, the Minister of Health, Jesus Vázquqez Almuiña, and the Director of Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro, stressed the importance of medical professionals to know the characteristics mineromedicionales of These waters, which represent 20% of the Spanish thermal supply. In this regard, Castro recalled the work carried out by the Autonomous Administration in this field, working on the Thermal Tourism Plan and the Health Tourism Plan, focused on curative, preventive, aesthetic and wellness medicine, “all of them Keys for the creation of a tourist product that generates a high added value in our destination “, indicated.

Almuíña also affected the importance of this type of treatment to avoid a massive consumption of drugs, at a time when the aging of the population increases the chronic pathologies. The book will make it possible to advance the knowledge, study and research of the properties of the waters of our Community and help to consolidate the thermal health sector in Galicia as a “national and international reference”.

Download the book in pdf (spanish)

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