Renfe has started the sale of the tickets for the four exits that next August will carry out the Train of the Pilgrim, the tourist train that, for the third consecutive year is offered as an alternative to make the Camino with the hotel in tow. The trip between Madrid and Santiago de Compostela consists of four days – five nights – and departures are scheduled for 3, 10, and 17 August 24. On the way you will cross towns like Tui, O Porriño, Mos, Redondela, Arcade, San Amaro, Vilagarcía de Arousa, Cambados, O Grove, Caldas de Rei, Valga, Padrón or Teo that belong to the known as the Portuguese Way that for the first time Time he joins the Pilgrim’s Train route.
Travelers will get the Compostela
This year, in addition to the novelties in the itinerary, those who wish can travel through the stages whose combined length allows to obtain the Compostela at the end of the trip. To achieve this, pilgrims must prove that they have done at least 100 kilometers on foot, which can be achieved in the three stages contemplated by the Pilgrim’s Train program. Renfe’s offer for pilgrims and tourists includes accommodation in a Grand Class cabin with a full bathroom, breakfast and two dinners served on board the train (the first and last night of the trip), as well as activities that are made.
The initiative is part of the Galicia a todo Tren program, developed by Renfe, Turismo de Galicia and the Instituto Ourensán de Desarrolloemento Económico (Inorde), for the promotion of tourism in the Autonomous Community which includes a series of routes by the Community in tourist trains which are put in place throughout the summer.