Sportur Galicia, to be held at Expouresnse in November, held its first meeting of the Advisory Committee

The secretary general for Sport of the Xunta de Galicia, Marta Míguez; The Director of Promotion of the Galician Tourism Agency, Carmen Pita, and the Managing Director of Expourense, Alejandro Rubín, were in charge of presenting Sportur Galicia to the Advisory Committee that will collaborate in the launching of this I Salón do Deporte y Turismo Activo , To be held at the Ourense exhibition center on 17, 18 and 19 November, coinciding with the celebration of the San Martiño People’s Race. Confirmed by fifteen representatives related to tourism and sports of public and private entities, companies and sports federations of all Galicia linked to tourist products, the advisory committee was able to know the project of this new event, to know the exhibition space and To discuss the activities that will be developed during the celebration of the hall.

Sportur Galicia was born with the aim of making Galicia known as an active and healthy destination and promoting the multitude of options that this community offers for fans of sports and outdoor activities, while encouraging the Galicians themselves to practice them. In the fair will have space from local or international destinations or other entities that want to promote their resources linked to this sector to sports equipment and adventure companies or specialized in the sale of tourist packages that include activities of this type. There will also be a space dedicated to the different associations and sports federations of Galicia so that they can promote the activities they organize. They are part of

Entities involved

The advisory committee is made up of the Galician federations of sports such as underwater activities, winter sports, hunting and fishing, golf, canoeing, rowing, surfing, caving, sailing or mountaineering and is completed with the representation of the Department of Sports of Ourense, INORDE, the University of Vigo-Campus of Ourense, the Tourism Cluster of Galicia, the Manzaneda Winter Station, the Caldaria Group, the Marinas de Galicia Marinas Concessionary Association, Galician Federation of Rural Tourism “FEGATUR”.

Thursday June 22nd, 2017

Local and international destinations, in addition to companies and entities of the sector, will have room in the I Salon of Sport and Active Tourism

Sportur Galicia, to be held at Expouresnse in November, held its first meeting of the Advisory Committee The secretary general for Sport of the Xunta de […]
Wednesday June 21st, 2017

Approved the Plan of Tourist Accessibility and the Way of Santiago to advance in the inclusive tourism in Galicia in the horizon 2019

It includes four strategic lines for actions in the Galicia destination and another seven for the actions on the Camino de Santiago in particular The Xunta […]
Tuesday June 20th, 2017

Specification that will govern the contracting of a service of “Technical Assistance for the implementation of the strategy of Marketing and promotion of the brand Enoturismo de Galicia” with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia -Axencia Turismo de Galicia.

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Tuesday June 20th, 2017

Xunta approves the expansion of IFEVI to consolidate reference events such as Conxemar or Navalia

IFEVI, the Exhibition Center of Vigo, will have an extension of 5000 square meters that will allow you to count a new pavilion and a greater […]
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