The Xunta advances its objective of turning 2021 into the best holy year in history with a unique offer in landscapes, heritage and leisure.

The president of the Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijóo advanced in the International Fair of Tourism Fitur the keys in which he will work sector and administration in the horizon of 2021, following the guidelines established in the Strategic Plan of Tourism of Galicia, which is committed to a respectful tourism and of quality, that allows to preserve the patrimony and to offer the best attention to the visitor scaring away the ghost of the tourism phobia; a tourism that

In addition to recalling the multiple fortresses with which the destination counts (gastronomy, festivals of tourist interest, cultural heritage and nature), Feijóo highlighted the work being carried out to expand this list of properties recognized by Unesco, with two first-level nominations: the Ribeira Sacra, an area that combines a vertigo nature with the highest concentration of Romanesque churches and monasteries in Europe; and Cies-Atlantic Islands. And those who are passionate about culture and history have a golden opportunity to visit Galicia in 2018: the European Year of Cultural Heritage; and the 25th anniversary of the declaration of the French Way as a World Heritage Site,”he said.

Throughout his speech, Feijóo has stressed that this commitment to a calm and quality tourism aims to make Galicia an open home for everyone who wants to know it, that makes tourists feel at home in the 273 establishments that have the Q for Quality Tourism, a distinction in which Galicia is the leader nationally.

Galicia stand award
And is that Galicia has concluded its passage through Fitur with the satisfaction of announcing not only positive data but also with the collection of several awards. Thus, the Xunta received two of the prizes awarded at the 38th edition of this international tourism fair held in Madrid: the Best Stand in the category of institutions and autonomous communities and the Best Product of Active Tourism for its Experiences in natural parks, a new offer recently promoted by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Galicia.

Nava Castro, director of Tourism in Galicia, was responsible for collecting both awards on behalf of the regional government. These awards are an incentive that encourages us to continue working and confirms that our tourism model is valued and appreciated,”he said. Galicia offers a quality tourism and committed to the environment in which it is developed. A tourism that takes advantage of and revalorizes its best resources,”said Nava Castro.

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