“Coruña Like” is the title of the new audiovisual promotional campaign with which the Tourism Department of the County Council of A Coruña wants to encourage visitors to visit its six geodestinations. Through a general video and one for each of the different destinations make up the campaign, which is disseminated on the networks, the public body wants to promote the different experiences and landscapes by encouraging them to be shared on social networks.

“The initiative is part of the promotional strategy of the tourism area of the County Council of A Coruña and aims to offer subtle information on what characterises this territory that can function as a call, that is to say, heritage, landscape, roads and entertainment”, explains Xosé Regueira, deputy of the Tourism area.

Landscape, heritage and gastronomy are some of the resources that feature in the new promotional offer of the Tourism area of the County Council of A Coruña, which disseminates the tourist offer through a general video in which a visitor is given “like” in the social networks of different natural and heritage sites in the province, an exercise that is one of the objectives of the new campaign: to get people to echo and disseminate the beauty and quality offer of the different destinations in A Coruña.

In addition to the general video, the campaign includes six private shorts dedicated to Ferrolterra, A Coruña and As Mariñas, Costa da Morte, Terras de Santiago, Ría de Muros and Noia and Ría de Arousa Norte, in which samples of this heritage of great tourist value appear: the tower of Hercules and the port of A Coruña, the Ezaro waterfall and the Fisterra cape on the Costa da Morte, the Louro mountain and the Baroña castro on the Muros and Noia estuary, the Obradoiro square in the Lands of Santiago, and the Ortegal cape or the Caaveiro monastery at Ferrolterra.

The videos can be viewed on the social networks of the Diputación de Coruña as well as on its website (https://turismo.dacoruna.gal) and on those of the management bodies of the different geodestinations.

Wednesday August 8th, 2018

The Provincial Council of A Coruña promotes its six tourist geodestinations through an online campaign

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Programa de formación del Cluster de Turismo de Galicia. Edición 2018

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