The commercial mission of the Galician Tourism Cluster ends in the World Travel Market in London with good sensations and doubling the number of professional meetings held.

Concludes the fifth trade mission of the Galician Tourism Cluster to the World Travel Market with a good taste, after noting the increased interest of the British tour operator in the Destination Galicia. Throughout the three days of professional days the thirty professionals of the Galician tourism sector have held more than fifty meetings, practically double that in 2017, with 25 British tour operators of varied profile.

And what is even more important: most of the contacts have been developed with British tour operators who are benchmarks in their market segment, from cultural tourism with companies such as Martin Randall and ACE Cultural Tours to the luxury market with A&K, Kirker; companies with a lot of weight in the segment of touring and cruises such as Albatross Grouo or Saga Holidays; religious: Tangney Tours and, of course, adventure with emphasis on sustainability, through commercial meetings with leading companies not only in the British market but also in the international panorama: World Expeditions, National Geographic Expeditions, Ramblers Worlwide Holidays…

Active tourism, gastronomy, urban and cultural tourism and, of course, the Pilgrim’s Way to Santiago, were the main interests expressed by many of the professional contacts who visited the Galician space at the Turespaña stand, in which some contacts and synergies established in previous meetings continued to be strengthened, both in previous editions of this fair and in initiatives such as Spain Reloaded, held in La Toja in October last year.

There was also no lack of tour operators seeking to expand consolidated programs with guaranteed departures for the whole of 2019 looking for new itineraries and proposals for 2020 and 2021. Much has been said about Camino, but also about sea tourism in connection with gastronomy, megaliths or camellias. Other very interesting niche that have been included in the agenda are Slow travel or tour operators specializing in motorcycle tours, who have shown their interest in the Galician tourist offer, where they are increasingly looking for personalized experiences and higher quality, many of which wanted to expand experiences, locate areas of interest in Galicia or expand accommodation.

Institutional Agenda
In addition, during these days have also developed institutional meetings with both the Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, as with the Secretary of State for Tourism, Isabel Maria Oliver, the Director General of Trade and Tourism of Asturias, Julio Gonzalez Zapico, or the director of the network of Paradors, Oscar Lopez, among others.

“We are very satisfied with the level of work carried out during these days at the fair, it continues to be one of the most important events for the tourism sector at an international level and also a very interesting event for the Galician sector, not only because of the professional encounters with the British tour operator, if not also by knowing future trends or synergies that develop between us,” explained the president of the Galician Tourism Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, who stressed the importance of continuing to work on the internationalization of the Galician tourism sector through the segmentation and specialization of the tourism offer.

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